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of April 12, 2022 No. 438
Some questions of financial provision of support of entrepreneurship, in particular, agricultural producers, in the conditions of warlike situation
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Direct the remaining balance of means of special fund of the government budget formed as of January 1, 2022 for acquisition account according to the Agreement on loan "the "Acceleration of Private Investments into Agricultural Industry" Program between Ukraine and the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development of August 27, 2019 No. 8973-UA and are considered on the accounts opened in "National Export-import Bank of Ukraine" joint-stock company behind the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food (the office of the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food and Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory) and the Ministry of Economics (Public service on safety issues of foodstuff and consumer protections), on programs:
2801010 "Management and management in the sphere of agro-industrial complex" - in the amount 28384, 4 thousand hryvnias (development expenses);
2803620 "Carrying out inventory count of lands and updating of cartographical basis of the State land cadastre" - in the amount 354795, 9 thousand hryvnias (including consumption expenses - 80600, 4 thousand hryvnias, development expenses - 274195, 5 thousand hryvnias);
1209610 of "Action for construction of boundary inspection posts and improvement of access of agricultural MSP to the export markets" - in the amount 157719, 1 thousand hryvnias (including consumption expenses - 509, 7 thousand hryvnias, development expenses - 157209, 4 thousand hryvnias).
2. According to the paragraph to the second the subitem 2 of Item 22 of the Section VI "Final and transitional provisions" of the Budget code of Ukraine:
1) to cut down the expenses of special fund of the government budget (which source of forming are the receipts determined by Item 1 of this resolution) provided:
To the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food according to the program 2801010 "Management and management in the sphere of agro-industrial complex" - on the amount 28384, 4 thousand hryvnias (development expenses);
To the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food (To Public service concerning geodesy, cartography and the inventory) according to the program 2803620 "Carrying out inventory count of lands and updating of cartographical basis of the State land cadastre" - on the amount 354795, 9 thousand hryvnias (including consumption expenses - 80600, 4 thousand hryvnias, development expenses - 274195, 5 thousand hryvnias);
To the Ministry of Economics (To Public service on safety issues of foodstuff and consumer protections) according to the program 1209610 "Action for construction of boundary inspection posts and improvement of access of agricultural MSP to the export markets" - on the amount 157719, 1 thousand hryvnias (including consumption expenses - 509, 7 thousand hryvnias, development expenses - 157209, 4 thousand hryvnias);
2) to increase amount of expenses of special fund for the Reserve fund program 3511030 on the amount 540899, of 4 thousand hryvnias.
3. For the purpose of ensuring functioning of economy, support of entrepreneurship, including financing of agricultural producers for carrying out agricultural activities in the conditions of martial law imposed by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of February 24, 2022 No. 64 "About introduction of warlike situation in Ukraine" to allocate to the Ministry of Finance 2326382, 22 thousand hryvnias (including 1785482, 8 thousand hryvnias - from the general fund of the government budget, 540899, of 4 thousand hryvnias - from special fund of the government budget which source of forming are the receipts determined by Item 1 of this resolution) for the program 3501540 "Ensuring functioning of Business Development Fund for providing financial support according to the Procedure for provision of financial state support to subjects of entrepreneurship approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 24, 2020 No. 28 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2020, No. 12, Art. 489).
To the Ministry of Finance to perform the specified expenses at the expense of means of reserve fund of the government budget.
4. To the Ministry of Finance:
provide modification of list of the government budget according to Item 1 of this resolution according to proposals of the corresponding main managers of means of the government budget;
provide coordination of expense reduction of special fund of the government budget and their direction in reserve fund of the government budget, the stipulated in Item 2 presents of the resolution, with the Supreme Commander of Armed Forces;
after the specified coordination to make changes to list of the government budget taking into account the offers provided by the corresponding main managers of means of the government budget.
5. To the Ministry of Agricultural Policy and Food and the Ministry of Economics and to submit to the Ministry of Finance proposals on entering into list of the government budget of the changes connected with the direction and expense reduction, provided by Items 1 and 2 of this resolution.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
D. Shmygal
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