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of March 15, 2024 No. 11

About approval of the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of goods turnover of public catering of the microorganizations without departmental subordination

Based on subitem 8.10 of Item 8 of the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445, National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of goods turnover of public catering of the microorganizations without departmental subordination it (is applied).

2. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 25, 2014 No. 204 "About approval of the Instruction on the organization of selective state statistical observation of goods turnover of public catering of the microorganizations without departmental subordination";

the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of January 25, 2016 No. 5 "About modification of the Instruction on the organization of selective state statistical observation of goods turnover of public catering of the organizations without departmental subordination";

the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of October 28, 2016 No. 162 "About modification and amendments in the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 25, 2014 No. 204".

3. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.


I. V. Medvedev

Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of March 15, 2024 No. 11

The instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of goods turnover of public catering of the microorganizations without departmental subordination

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Instruction establishes procedure for the organization and carrying out by bodies the state statistics of selective state statistical observation of goods turnover of public catering of the microorganizations without departmental subordination (further - selective observation) for the purpose of forming of official statistical information on goods turnover of public catering on the Republic of Belarus, areas and the city of Minsk.

2. In this Instruction the following main terms and their determinations are used:

sample of respondents - subset of the respondents selected by certain rules from population of respondents for the purpose of carrying out selective observation;

population of respondents - all set of respondents whose signs shall be studied;

selection share - the relation of amount of sample of respondents to amount of population of respondents;

admissible error of selection - the maximum set border of the actual error of selection;

cluster analysis - set of the mathematical methods intended for forming of groups of "uniform" objects on information on distances or communications (proximity measures) rather "remote" from each other between them;

coefficient of distribution (weight) - multiplier of distribution by means of which values of statistics of sample of respondents to population of respondents doschityvatsya;

multidimensional selection - selection of groups of the respondents uniform in set of signs (attributive and quantitative statistics);

one-dimensional selection - selection of groups of the respondents uniform in one studied sign (statistics);

optimum stratification - selection of respondents when which implementing degree of variation (koleblemost) of sign in various groups of population of respondents is considered;

pro rata stratification - selection of respondents is made in proportion to the number of groups in population of respondents;

simple stratification - selection of respondents which is made from each group of population of respondents as if the group was all population of respondents;

representative selection - selection which elements most precisely reflect structure and characteristics of population of respondents and have equal probability to be selected in selection;

rotation of sample of respondents - replacement of part of sample of respondents;

random check - the selection of respondents made by method of draw or by means of tables of random numbers;

the actual error of selection - discrepancy between extrapolated values of the statistics received on sample of respondents and the corresponding values of statistics of population of respondents;

extrapolation - assessment of characteristics of population of respondents on the basis of characteristics of sample of respondents by means of coefficients of distribution (scales).

3. Respondents of selective observation are the microorganizations without departmental subordination performing public catering, their separate divisions.

4. The organization and carrying out selective observation consists of the following stages:

forming and rotation of sample of respondents;

carrying out selective observation.

Chapter 2. Forming and rotation of sample of respondents

5. Forming of sample of respondents is performed by National Statistical Committee (further - Belstat) annually till March 25 of accounting year.

6. Population of respondents is constituted by the microorganizations without departmental subordination which provided primary statistical data in form of the state statistical reporting 1 bidding (public catering) "The report on public catering" in the year previous reporting, except for liquidated or stopped activities.

7. Forming of sample of respondents is performed with use of methods of one-dimensional and multidimensional selection. As multidimensional selection the sampling model based on cluster analysis as one-dimensional selection - simple, pro rata and optimum stratification is used.

8. The sample of respondents is created of two sets of respondents:

performing public catering in reporting and last years;

performing public catering only in reporting year.

9. For the purpose of achievement of representativeness of sample of respondents population of respondents is distributed on groups on each area and the city of Minsk on amount of goods turnover of public catering. The algorithm of selection of respondents includes the following stages in sample:

9.1. establishment of parameters in which selection of respondents will be made:

initial method of selection - simple stratification;

initial share of selection - 5%;

the most admissible error of selection - 5%;


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