According to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About regulatory legal acts" all laws, the international contracts which participant is the Republic of Kazakhstan, are published. Official publication of the regulatory legal acts concerning the rights, freedoms and duties of citizens, is an indispensable condition of their application. Official publications are Sheets of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Collection of acts of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Collection of acts of the central executive and other central state authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Official publication of regulatory legal acts is carried out by also periodic printing editions which have acquired such right on a competitive basis. According to the Letter of the Vice-chairman of Committee of information and archives of the Ministry of culture and information of the Republic of Kazakhstan from November 10, 2008 of No. 05/10/72 the right of official publication of regulatory legal acts at republican level is provided to the following printing periodicals:
According to Law article 31 «About regulatory legal acts» acts, the Republic of Kazakhstan are officially published in «Sheets of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
In official publications of Parliament, on representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs the come into force international contracts of the Republic of Kazakhstan ratified by Parliament (according to the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan «About international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan» ) are subject to publication.
The magazine «Sheet of Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan» is an information publication of Parliament of Kazakhstan. All acts in the magazine are published in the Kazakh and Russian languages, and are issued periodicity of 24 numbers in a year.
According to Law article 33 «About regulatory legal acts» regulatory legal acts of the central executive and other central state authorities are officially published in Collection of acts of the central executive and other central state authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and also in other periodic printing editions. Official publication of regulatory legal acts of the central executive and other central state authorities is carried out only in the periodic printing editions extended in all territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Control of publication of regulatory legal acts of the central and local state authorities according to Law article 35-1 «About regulatory legal acts» is carried out by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan and its territorial bodies.
All documents in the collection are printed in the Kazakh and Russian languages, the collection is issued periodicity on the average 50 numbers in a year.
In «Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan» are published important decrees and orders of the Head of state, and also the resolution, the program and the plans of measures of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan on implementation of decrees of the President.
To «Collection of acts of the President and the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan» as the appendix there is «A governmental bulletin» in the Kazakh and Russian languages where it is also possible to familiarise with full texts of state programs, the plans of measures, speeches of the President of the country and the Prime minister of the republic, comments to regulations and other official documents.
According to Law article 33 «About regulatory legal acts» regulatory legal acts of the central executive and other central state authorities are officially published in the Bulletin of regulatory legal acts of the central executive and other state authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, published by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan (unfortunately, regulatory legal acts of executive authorities are published in this edition with big delay and not all). Control of publication of regulatory legal acts of the central and local state authorities according to Law article 35-1 «About regulatory legal acts» is carried out by the Ministry of Justice and its territorial bodies.
At existence at these state authorities of the official publications, their regulatory legal acts can be officially published in these editions (for example: Messenger of National bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan). In all cases when the legislation has provided the state registration of regulatory legal acts, they can be published after the state registration.
The mentioning rights, freedoms and duties of citizens of the decision маслихатов and акимов are published in newspapers and other periodicals defined маслихатами and акимами for official publications. Official publication of regulatory legal acts in an incomplete statement, except for the regulatory legal acts containing the state secrets and other secret protected by the law is not allowed. In law-enforcement practice official publications of regulatory legal acts should be used.
"Egemen Kazakhstan's" political newspaper is one of the oldest and popular printing editions of the country, differs restraint and objectivity. The first issue of the newspaper was published on December 17, 1919 in Orenburg. Since then the newspaper name - "Ushkyn", "Enbek Tuy", «Enbeksha the Cossack», "Sotsialistik Kazakhstan" and, at last, "Egemen Kazakhstan" more than once changed. The newspaper shines official information on activity of state authorities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, publishes regulatory legal acts, and also information of authorised state authorities concerning domestic and foreign policy. It is published daily in the Kazakh language.
The newspaper «Kazakhstan truth» is the national newspaper which publishes normative legal acts of Kazakhstan and shines political, economic, cultural, sports and public news of the country. The newspaper is issued since 1920. Extends across all Kazakhstan and Russia. Today the newspaper has celebrated the 87 anniversary and is one of large editions of Kazakhstan. Five times a week in Russian are published.
«The official newspaper» is the weekly republican edition which is intended for heads of the enterprises, lawyers, chief accountants. On pages of the newspaper new laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan, decrees, the resolutions adopted by the President and the Government, and also explanations and official comments to them are published. The newspaper leaves weekly and extends across all Kazakhstan and CIS countries. «Resmi of newspapers» is similar to "The official newspaper», is published in the Kazakh language and leaves weekly.
According to Law article 4 «About National bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan» from March 30, 1995 regulatory legal acts of National Bank of Kazakhstan are published in official publications - «By Kazakstan Habarshysynd's Yлттык Bankinin», «the Messenger of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan». The bulletin is issued since 1995 in the Kazakh and Russian languages. Official publications of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan are statistical bulletins, economic reviews, inflation reviews, press releases etc. The purpose of publication of regulatory legal acts – providing official information on activity and politicians of National bank to commercial banks.
Founder: National Bank of Kazakhstan.
The edition is registered in National agency for the press and mass information of the Republic of Kazakhstan at No. 432 from February 24, 1997.
According to Law article 24 «About international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan» the come into force international contracts of the Republic of Kazakhstan are published on representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the collection «Bulletin of international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan».
Information on the international relations, which volume constantly extends, is presented in "The bulletin of international treaties of the Republic of Kazakhstan". This governmental edition is of interest not only for the staff of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and diplomatic missions, but also for civil servants, businessmen and in general for the majority of citizens. The come into force contracts, agreements and other international documents signed by representatives of contracting parties and ratified by their supreme legislative bodies are published in the bulletin.
Flag | |
Capital | Astana |
Currency | Tenge (KZT) |
Time zone | West/East (UTC+5/6) |
Population | 17,693,500 (2016) |
Languages | Kazakh, Russian |
Calling code | +7-6xx, +7-7xx |
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