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The document ceased to be valid since  August 9, 2017 according to the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of July 18, 2017 No. 85


of November 16, 2015 No. 189

About approval of the Method of calculation of average prices on goods in shops of retail trade

(as amended on 28-03-2016)

Based on the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445 "About some questions of bodies of the state statistics" the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Method of calculation of average prices on goods in shops of retail trade and enact it since calculation of average prices on goods in shops of retail trade for January, 2016.

2. This resolution becomes effective since January 1, 2016.


I. V. Medvedev


Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 16, 2015 No. 189

Method of calculation of average prices on goods in shops of retail trade

1. This Technique establishes procedure of payments of average prices on food and nonfoods in shops of retail trade in the Republic of Belarus.

2. For the purposes of this Technique the following main terms and their determinations are used:

the basic organization - representatively selected object (shop of retail trade) in which registration of the prices according to the created inventory for selective state statistical observation of goods prices in shops of retail trade is performed (further - selective observation);

type of goods - set of the goods of certain group united by the general name and appointment (for example, suit, dress, the refrigerator and other);

group of goods - set of the goods having similar functional purpose and having similar structure of consumer properties and indicators (for example, outerwear, linen, footwear and other);

registration of the prices - collection of primary statistical data about goods prices, entered the created inventory, in the basic organizations;

average price - average geometrical size from the price levels of goods representative registered during certain period in the basic organizations;

goods representative - set of certain type of goods which in limits of set can differ in insignificant features (details) which are not influencing quality and the main consumer properties.

3. Calculation of average prices on goods in shops of retail trade is perfromed by territorial authorities of the state statistics and National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus monthly on fruit and vegetable products and 4 times a year (for March, June, September, December) - on food and to nonfoods.

The calculation of average prices on goods in shops of retail trade perfromed by territorial authorities of the state statistics includes:

calculation of average prices on goods representatives on the basic organizations in the cities selected for selective observation;

calculation of average prices on goods on the city and the area.

The National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus perfroms calculation of average prices on goods in shops of retail trade across the Republic of Belarus.

4. Information basis for implementation of calculation of average prices on goods in shops of retail trade are the primary statistical data obtained as a result of carrying out selective observation in the following forms of the state statistical observations:

6 prices (RT-goods) «Data on goods prices (except fruit and vegetable products) in shops of retail trade»;

12 prices (RT-fruit and vegetable products) of «Data on sales amounts and prices of fruit and vegetable products in shops of retail trade».

5. Calculation of average prices on goods in shops of retail trade includes determination of average price of goods:

on the basic organizations;

on certain territory (the city, the area, the republic).

If in the basic organization in the accounting period owing to the limited range of goods one price, then average price of goods is registered (except fruit and vegetable products) will correspond to the registered goods representative price.

If in the basic organization the goods are provided by wide assortment that allows to select several goods representatives for selective observation, then calculation of average price of goods (except plodovooshchny products) on the basic organization is perfromed on formula

Формула 1 к Пост. НС от 16.11.15 г. №189

where Формула 2 к Пост. НС от 16.11.15 г. №189- average price of goods of "j" on the basic organization;

Формула 3 к Пост. НС от 16.11.15 г. №189- the prices of the goods representatives registered in the basic organization of the city;

n - number of units of population of goods of "j".

Calculation of average price of goods (except plodovooshchny products) on the city is perfromed on formula

Формула 4 к Пост. НС от 16.11.15 г. №189

where Формула 5 к Пост. НС от 16.11.15 г. №189- average price of goods of "j" on the city;

Формула 6 к Пост. НС от 16.11.15 г. №189- average prices of goods in the basic organizations of the city;

n - number of units of population of goods of "j".

6. Average prices on fruit and vegetable products are calculated based on primary statistical data about sales amounts (in quantitative and value term) potatoes, vegetables and fruit in the basic organizations.

Average price of goods on the basic organization and the city is determined by formula

Формула 7 к Пост. НС от 16.11.15 г. №189

where Формула 8 к Пост. НС от 16.11.15 г. №189- average price of goods of "j";

Формула 9 к Пост. НС от 16.11.15 г. №189- the cost of the goods representatives realized in the basic organization of the city;


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