Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of May 4, 2007 No. 67

About procedure for consideration of addresses of citizens

(as amended on 27-07-2016)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on March 23, 2007

Article 1. The main terms used in this Law

The main terms used in this Law mean the following:

1) the address of the citizen (further - the address) - the offer stated in written, electronic or oral form, the statement, the claim;

the electronic address - the address of the applicant which arrived on the official e-mail address of state bodies, local government bodies and officials, considered according to the procedure, the stipulated in Clause 6-1 this Law;

2) the offer - the address containing the recommendation of the citizen about enhancement of the laws and other regulatory legal acts, improvement of activities of public authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic and local government bodies, the solution of questions economic, political, welfare and other fields of activity of the state and society;

3) the statement - the address containing the citizen's request for assistance in realization of its constitutional rights and freedoms or constitutional rights and freedoms of other persons, or the message on violation of the laws and other regulatory legal acts, and also shortcomings of activities of the specified bodies and officials;

4) the claim - the address containing the citizen's request for recovery of its violated rights and freedoms or legitimate interests or rights, freedoms or legitimate interests of other persons;

5) the individual address - the address of one citizen;

6) the collective address - the address of two and more citizens, the appeal of the organizations on behalf of citizens, and also resolutions of meetings and meetings;

7) the official - person, is permanent, temporary or on special power performing functions of the public agent or performing organizational and administrative, administrative functions in state body or local government body.

Article 2. Basic principles of work with addresses of citizens

The basic principles of work of public authorities, local government bodies and their officials on consideration of addresses of citizens are:

1) protection of rights and freedoms of man and citizen;

2) legality, democratic character, availability;

3) obligation of consideration of addresses;

4) timeliness, objectivity and completeness of consideration of addresses;

5) equality of citizens by consideration of addresses;

6) the personal responsibility for execution of service duties;

7) submission to control and accountability in consideration of addresses.

Article 3. Legislation on addresses of citizens

The legislation on procedure for consideration of addresses of citizens consists of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, this Law, legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic and regulatory legal acts of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 4. Right of citizens to the address

1. In the Kyrgyz Republic each citizen has the right to address personally or through the representative to public authorities, local government bodies and to their officials who shall submit the reasonable answer within the term established by the law.

2. The bodies specified regarding 1 this Article their officials have no right to deprive of citizens of the right to the address with offers, statements and claims or to limit them in such right.

3. Statements and claims for the benefit of minor or incapacitated persons their legal representatives, and also guardianship and custody bodies have the right to submit.

4. Foreign citizens and stateless persons have the right to the address according to this Law if other is not provided by the current legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic or international treaties.

5. The addresses of citizens which arrived in accordance with the established procedure from the editorial offices of newspapers, magazines, television, radio and other mass media through direct telephone communication, are considered according to the procedure and terms, stipulated by the legislation the Kyrgyz Republic and this Law.

6. Citizens exercise the right to the address freely and voluntarily. Implementation by citizens of the right to the address shall not violate the rights and freedoms of other persons.

7. Consideration of addresses of citizens is performed free of charge.

Article 5. Limits of operation of this Law

Operation of this Law extends to all addresses of citizens, except for:

1) the addresses connected with inventions, opening, improvement suggestions which procedure is regulated by the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic;

2) addresses which are considered according to the procedure of criminal and civil trial, production on cases on administrative offenses, productions on cases on involvement of judges to disciplinary responsibility;

3) the addresses following from the relations developing in staff of the commercial organizations and public associations regulated by regulations of the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic, their charters and provisions;

4) addresses for which other procedure for consideration established by the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic is provided;

5) the addresses connected with implementation of ministerial procedures which procedure for consideration is regulated by the legislation on administrative activities and ministerial procedures.

Article 6. Requirements imposed to the written address

1. The citizen in the written address without fail specifies the name of state body or local government body to which sends the written appeal, or surname, name, middle name of the corresponding official, or position of the corresponding person, and also the surname, name, middle name (the last in the presence), the postal address to which the answer shall be directed, states essence of the offer, statement or claim, appends the personal signature and date.

2. The statement, the claim of the citizen shall be reasonable. In case of need the documents confirming the citizen's arguments are attached to them.

Article 6-1. Procedure for consideration of the electronic addresses which arrived by e-mail

1. For acceptance of electronic addresses of citizens the public authority or local government body registers the official address of the e-mail on the Internet. The e-mail address of state body or local government body shall be posted on the official site of state body or local government body, and in case of its absence - on the official site of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. The citizen in the electronic address without fail specifies the name of state body or local government body to which sends the electronic appeal, or surname, name, middle name of the corresponding official, or position of the corresponding person, and also the surname, name, middle name (in the presence), contact telephone number (house, mobile or working), the residence address, states address essence.


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