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It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Uzbekistan
On January 31, 2019 No. 3134
of January 31, 2019 No. 54-mkh
About approval of the Program of preparation of mediators
According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About mediation" and the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 13, 2018 "About organizational measures for further enhancement of activities of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan" I ORDER to No. PP-3666:
1. Approve the Program of preparation of mediators according to appendix.
2. Make state registration of this order and to Management of legal examination of government legal decisions and departmental regulations to enter the corresponding record in the State register of departmental regulatory legal acts.
3. To management on coordination of legal education and judicial and expert activities and Management of the analysis and systematization of the legislation to provide bringing this departmental regulatory legal act to data of all interested persons, publication in "Ўзбекистон to Respublikasi? онун? t¸plama uzhzhatlar" - "Collection of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan", and also in the National database of the legislation of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
5. To impose control of execution of this order on the first deputy minister M. Istamov.
R. Davletov
Approved by the Order of the Minister of Justice of January 31, 2019 No. 54-mkh registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan on January 31, 2019 No. 3134
Main objective of this Program developed according to article 12 of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About mediation" is preparation of mediators for application of mediation to the disputes arising from civil legal relationship in connection with implementation of business activity, individual employment disputes and family legal relationship, forming at them practical skills of management of technology of conducting discussions, stressful situations and disagreements, provision of basic knowledge by it about procedures of mediation, according to the dispute resolution.
1. Special training courses according to the program of preparation of mediators will be organized by the Center of mediation based on combining of professional mediators, the Center of the dispute resolution by alternative methods based on combining of professional mediators, reference tribunals and international arbitrations and also Training center of lawyers under the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan and the Center of professional training of legal personnel for international standards under the Tashkent state legal university (further - the Centers).
2. Training at special training courses is performed based on the agreement in day form on the training courses which are not exceeding 72 hours.
3. For training at special training courses citizens file petition in the Centers directly personally or in electronic form.
4. To the listeners who successfully ended special training courses the certificate on sample and the description according to appendix to this Program is issued.
5. Educational process on special training courses will be organized, as a rule, in the academic groups created in quantity at most to 15 listeners.
6. The program of preparation of mediators consists of training programs "Mediation. Basic rate" and "Mediation. Features of application of mediation".
7. The training program of mediators shall cover the following subjects:
essence and principles of mediation, and also legal basis;
professional skills, ethics and responsibility of mediator;
negotiations as mediation basis;
mediation stages, and also role and functions of mediator in it;
participation of agents of the parties in mediation and their status;
mediation process;
registration of results of process of mediation and related documents;
features of mediation in case of the dispute resolution, arising from family, employment, economic and other relationships.
8. Listeners shall master completely the training program "Mediation. Basic rate" and at least one of three modules for choice according to the training program "Mediation. Features of application of mediation".
At the same time in the certificate on the termination of special training course of preparation of mediators the module mastered by listeners according to the training program "Mediation shall be specified. Features of application of mediation", and specialization.
9. In training process studies will be organized in the form of lectures, practical training and trainings.
Studies are directed to forming at listeners of skills on the organization of process of mediation at the high level.
In training process clinical formation, imitation of disputable processes and exit occupations can be applied.
10. In educational process modern forms of the organization of practical studies - permission of problem situations (case-stadi), work in collective (using interactive method of "brainstorming", etc.), commenting of precepts of law, tasks on development of skills of designing of law-enforcement documents and others are applied.
11. Listeners during training are provided with educational and methodical materials electronically.
12. In the presence of the relevant information and methodical and organizational and technical base special training courses can be organized using methods of distance training.
13. Listeners are discharged of special training courses in the following cases:
at own will;
in connection with death;
in case of the omission of studies without the reasons more than 10 class periods;
in case of not assimilation of subjects of the curriculum;
in case of gross violation of internal regulations of the Centers.
In case of assignment from among listeners in connection with the omission of studies without the reasons, not assimilation of subjects of the training program or violation of internal regulations of the Centers, the payment made for this listener does not return.
14. The final exam includes assessment of knowledge and skills of listeners in two directions:
theoretical knowledge - by acceptance of examination in oral or written form;
practical skills - by results of imitation of processes of mediation in matters of argument.
15. For the organization and evaluating listeners of special training courses in the Centers the commission as a part of three people is created.
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