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of March 14, 2024 No. PP-126

About measures for further increase in role of associations of entrepreneurs in development of foreign trade and the regional industry

(as amended on 27-12-2024)

For the purpose of expansion of industrial and foreign trade opportunities of industries and regions, increase in role of associations of entrepreneurs by reducing intervention of the state in the field of, the effective and transparent organization of mechanisms of export and preexport financing for the subjects of entrepreneurship who are engaged in export activities:

1. Approve offers of the Cabinet of Ministers, Agency on management of the state assets and Chamber of Commerce and Industry on:

to creation of "The Company on Trade Development" Joint-stock company (further - the Company) in case of establishment of the Agency on management of the state assets based on the Agency of promotion of export and Fund of support of export and management function transfer by the state share in its authorized capital to Chamber of Commerce and Industry based on the power of attorney;

to the direction of the funds of the Government budget allocated for rendering assistance to participants of foreign economic activity (except for financings preexport and connected with export of trading activities), in the Fund of assistance to trade created under the Ministry of investments, industry and trade without formation of legal entity (further - Fund), and also transfer to the Company of the right to management of fund;

to transfer to the Agency on management of the state assets of the state share and the shares belonging to the companies with the state participation according to appendix No. 1 in the authorized capital of JSC Uzbekekspertiza with assignment on Chamber of Commerce and Industry of management function by the state share based on the power of attorney;

to determination as one of tasks of Chamber of Commerce and Industry of attracting investors in special economic, small industrial, youth industrial and entrepreneurial zones, rendering assistance to their participants.

2. Agree with the offer of Chamber of Commerce and Industry on continuation of works on transformation of the Company and JSC Uzbekekspertiza on the basis of the international experience and the direction them activities on:

a) on activities of the Company:

increase in efficiency and effectiveness of measures of the state financial support of participants of foreign economic activity on the basis of the Rating of stability of subjects of entrepreneurship, and also ensuring bringing the public funds to the companies performing export of products with high value added and mastering the new markets;

information and advisory support of subjects of entrepreneurship concerning transport logistics, certification, standardization and quality control, tax and customs administration, and also to other questions connected with export activities;

program implementation of "Made in Uzbekistan" on promotion of national brands and products abroad, including participation in carrying out and financing of national, industry and regional showings, and also fairs of goods;

b) on activities of JSC Uzbekekspertiza:

expansion of advisory services to the manufacturing companies and the export companies by digitalization of the services and business processes rendered by society, improvement of material and technical resources, increase in capacity of laboratories;

provision to subjects of entrepreneurship of information on the mandatory and additional requirements imposed to products in the foreign states;

establishing activities of the project offices giving practical help to subjects of entrepreneurship in development of business plans and the offer to them ready business projects, business and implementation of corporate management.

3. In a month to provide to agency on management of the state assets together with the Ministry of investments, industry and trade:

forming of the original authorized capital of the Company at book value assets of the Agency of promotion of export and Fund of export support, and also assignment on Chamber of Commerce and Industry of management function by the state share based on the power of attorney for a period of three years with condition of the subsequent prolongation for this term;

transfer to the Agency on management of the state assets according to this resolution of shares in the authorized capital of JSC Uzbekekspertiza, and also assignment on Chamber of Commerce and Industry of management function of shares based on the power of attorney for a period of three years with condition of the subsequent prolongation for this term.

4. Approve the support measures provided by the Company to participants of foreign economic activity according to appendix No. 2.

5. Determine that:

the financial support, stipulated in Item 1 appendices No. 2 to this resolution, is provided at the expense of Fund;

the means provided to allocation to the Agency of promotion of export in parameters of the Government budget for 2024 are financed by means of Fund;

since May 1, 2024 measures of support are provided by the Company based on the Rating of stability of subjects of entrepreneurship;

within the carried-out works on acceleration of process of the entry of the Republic of Uzbekistan into the World Trade Organization of subsidy and preference, provided by the state for the purpose of support of export are brought into accord with the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the Agreement on subsidies and measures of compensation (ASCM).

6. Determine that:

a) conditions of support by the Company of subjects of entrepreneurship and procedure for use of fund are determined by Government commission concerning investment attraction, development of the industry and regulation of trade (further - Government commission) by the offer of Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

b) The company is allowed to take measures for development of trade at the expense of own income;

c) Powers are conferred to the supervisory board of the Company on:

to implementation of the additional instruments of the help directed to support of subjects of entrepreneurship for the income account of the Company proceeding from their needs and requirements;

to entering of offers into Government commission on suspension of financial aid in case of low performance indicators;

d) The company based on the provision approved by the Supervisory board by means of the tender committee consisting of qualified specialists is allocated with the right of independent:

involvement of the international legal, auditor, investment consultants, consulting companies, skilled domestic and foreign experts and consultants;

the conclusions of direct agreements with the companies delivering devices and services of informatization, and also the software.

7. To Chamber of Commerce and Industry to exercise temporary control of Fund of support of textile industry for the Agency of promotion of export, in a month to make offers on effective management of this Fund in the Cabinet of Ministers.


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