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Ministry of Justice

Republic of Uzbekistan

On July 2, 2018 No. 3030


of April 28, 2018 No. 16/18

About approval of the Regulations on the minimum requirements to activities of commercial banks when implementing relations with consumers of banking services

(as amended on 04-01-2023)

According to the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan "About the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan" and the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of March 23, 2018 "About additional measures for increase in availability of banking services" the Board of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan DECIDES: No. PP-3620

1. Approve Regulations on the minimum requirements to activities of commercial banks when implementing relations with consumers of banking services according to appendix.

2. This resolution becomes effective after three months from the date of its official publication.

Chairman of the Central bank

M. Nurmuratov



to the Resolution of Board of the Central bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 28, 2018 No. 16/18

Regulations on the minimum requirements to activities of commercial banks when implementing relations with consumers of banking services

This Provision for the purpose of protection of the rights and consumer interests of banking services determines the minimum requirements imposed to activities of commercial banks (further - banks), when implementing the relations with consumers of banking services (further - consumers).

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. In this Provision the following basic concepts are used:

consumers - the physical persons or legal entities which addressed to bank with intention to use banking services, using or earlier used these services;

personal office - the information resource posted on the official website of bank, in system of Internet banking and/or in mobile application, giving to the consumer the chance of receipt of information on accomplishment of the agreement obligations of rendering banking services, and also implementation of interaction with bank by exchange of information by means of the Internet;

the address - the statement, the claim or the proposal of the consumer (or his representative) sent to bank in oral, written or electronic form, concerning rendering banking services.

2. Consumers have the right to the free choice of bank and banking services.

Rendering service by bank to the consumer on condition of use of additional service is forbidden.

3. Banking services are rendered based on the agreement, including in the form of the public offer, concluded between bank and the consumer.

The text of the agreement is stated in form, accurate and simple for perception by the consumer, and when listing the Times New Roman font at least 12th size or font, similar to it, with use of text editor of Microsoft Word is used.

The text of the agreement is constituted in official language. The text of the agreement can be constituted also in other language by mutual consent between bank and the consumer.

Chapter 2. Minimum requirements of provision of information to the consumer

§1. General minimum requirements of provision of data

4. Data on all services rendered by bank shall be open for the consumer.

Data on services shall not contain trade or bank secrecy.

5. Data on conditions of provision of banking services, change of these conditions shall be published on the official website of bank and take place constantly at information stands of bank.

At the same time data on change of conditions of provision of banking services shall be published at least in ten days prior to entry into force, and data on change of the currency exchange rates - without delay.

6. The information on banking services shall be free of charge provided to consumers to the conclusion of agreements for acquaintance.

6-1. The consumer of the rendering banking services having the right before agreement signature (on the credit, the deposit, servicing of the bank account, leasing, bank cards, etc.) to take away it with himself for acquaintance.

The bank shall inform the consumer on availability at it this right.

When rendering banking services by means of systems of remote servicing the bank to the conclusion of the agreement shall give to the consumer access to terms of the contract and receipts of its copy by means of this system.

7. Data on financial services are led up bank to consumers in official language. Data on financial services of bank can be also in addition provided in other languages.

Data on banking services shall be stated briefly, simple and available language.

8. The services rendered by bank shall be explained to consumers completely and authentically.

By provision of data on banking services in paper form the Times New Roman font at least 12th size or font, similar to it, with use of text editor of Microsoft Word shall be used.

9. During rendering by bank services in crediting to the consumer once a month within one working day from the date of obtaining its oral or the written request on free basis the following information is in writing provided:

crediting limit;

cash amount, paid on the credit;

debt remaining balance on the main amount;

size, structure and terms of the next payments (payment schedule);

the sizes of the amounts which are subject to payment in case of early partial or complete loan repayment;

size and structure of overdue debt;

information on the direction of the arriving money on debt repayment on the credit.


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