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of August 16, 2014 No. 107-V

About scientific and technological parks

(as amended of the Law of Turkmenistan of 02.03.2019 No. 130-VI)

This Law governs the legal, economic and organizational relations connected with creation and functioning of scientific and technological parks.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Concept of the scientific and technological park

The scientific and technological park is understood as subject of innovative infrastructure which creates the innovative potential answering to the modern level of development of science and technology in the world involves in innovative activities the scientific organizations, educational institutions, the physical persons and legal entities interacting as among themselves, and with public authorities, for implementation and (or) forming of sales terms of innovative process.

Object of activity of the scientific and technological park is the complex solution of tasks of the accelerated transfer of results of scientific research and project developments in production and finishing them to the consumer on commercial basis.

The status of the scientific and technological park can be given to the subject of managing if it corresponds to the following main criteria:

1) availability of the status of the legal entity;

2) real estate holding or availability in management of the real estate answering to conditions for implementation of innovative activities;

3) availability of the service structures which are meeting the demand on services of innovative infrastructure and providing support and servicing of the innovative companies both beginning, and operating.

The scientific and technological center, the technological center, business incubator, the innovative center, the innovative center of collective use, the center of transfer of technologies and other legal entities who received the status of the scientific and technological park according to the procedure, established by relevant provisions of this Law can act as the scientific and technological park according to the Law of Turkmenistan "About innovative activities". The specified organizations can have the status of the scientific and technological park both as the independent legal entity, and as a result of their consolidation under single management.

Other concepts used in this Law are applied in those values in which they are determined in the legislation of Turkmenistan.

Article 2. Legislation of Turkmenistan on scientific and technological parks

The legislation of Turkmenistan on scientific and technological parks is based on the Constitution of Turkmenistan and consists of this Law and other regulatory legal acts of Turkmenistan governing the relations in scientific and innovative activities.

If the international treaty of Turkmenistan establishes other rules than provided by this Law, then rules of the international treaty are applied.

Chapter II. Creation and activities of scientific and technological parks

Article 3. Purposes and tasks of creation and activities of scientific and technological parks

1. The purposes of creation and activities of scientific and technological parks are:

1) implementation of the innovative activities directed to achievement of priorities and ensuring sustainable social and economic development of Turkmenistan;

2) promotion of the innovative ideas and products on the domestic and international market;

3) development of the scientific research and project developments oriented to implementation in production of innovative products;

4) strengthening of ties between science, education and production;

5) development of small and medium entrepreneurship of innovative orientation.

2. Tasks of creation and activities of scientific and technological parks are:

1) creation new both development of the existing high technologies and production organization of innovative products;

2) development of innovative projects;

3) rational use of scientific potential and material and technical resources for commercialization of results of scientific research;

4) rendering services to residents of the scientific and technological park;

5) conducting examination of innovative projects;

6) preparation, retraining and advanced training of personnel for ensuring innovative activities;

7) identification of foreign innovative technologies and other innovations and their binding to local conditions;

8) development of international backgrounds in the innovative sphere.

Article 4. Main functions of the scientific and technological park

1. The main functions of the scientific and technological park are:

1) creation new or considerably advanced type of innovative product (goods or service), implementation of measures for its commercialization, organization and ensuring production of the knowledge-intensive innovative products, competitive in the domestic and foreign markets;

2) creation of databank about the scientific results and offers of innovative nature having practical value for application in economy industries;

3) participation in development and implementation of the state and international scientific and technical and innovative programs (projects);

4) attraction and use in the activities of the risk (venture) capital;

5) examination and selection of innovative projects, assessment of commercial risk of innovative offers, marketing of the corresponding products, search of partners and sources of financing, assistance in insurance of innovative projects;

6) participation in carrying out innovative and technological monitoring;

7) information and methodical, legal and consulting support of residents of the scientific and technological park, provision of the patent and licensed help;

8) assistance to creation of the innovative companies, rendering scientific and technical, consulting, engineering, leasing and other services to them;

9) provision on contractual basis to the innovative companies which are part of the scientific and technological park, laboratory and experimental floor spaces, the equipment for accomplishment of scientific research and developmental works, office rooms, demonstration and conference rooms;

10) involvement of scientific and scientific and pedagogical employees of the scientific organizations and higher educational institutions to development and accomplishment of innovative projects;

11) organization of target preparation, retraining and advanced training of the personnel necessary for development and implementation of innovative projects;

12) development of international cooperation in the field of scientific and innovative activities, matching of foreign partners, assistance to attraction of foreign investments;

13) organization of the international conferences and exhibitions and participation in them;

14) other functions which are not prohibited by the legislation of Turkmenistan.

2. Within activities of the scientific and technological park implementation of such types of activity as trade and intermediary activities, rendering household services, production and conversion of the excise goods and other types which are not answering the purpose of the scientific and technological park is not allowed.


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