Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 6, 2000 No. 1644-III

About transportation of dangerous goods

(as amended on 18-11-2021)

This Law determines legal, organizational, social and economic basis of the activities connected with transportation of dangerous goods railway, sea, internal water, automobile and by air.

Section I. General provisions

Article 1. Determination of terms

In this Law the stated below terms are used in the following value:

dangerous goods - substances, materials, products, waste of productive and other activity which owing to properties inherent in them in the presence of certain factors can cause in transit explosion, the fire, damage of technical means, devices, constructions and other objects, to do loss of property and harm to the environment, and also to entail death, injuring, poisoning of people, animals and which according to international treaties which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine or by results of testing in accordance with the established procedure depending on degree of their environmental effect or the person are carried to one of classes of dangerous substances;

dangerous substances - the substances carried to the following classes: class 1 - explosive substances and products; class 2 - gases; class 3 flammable fluids; class 4.1 - flammable solid substances; class 4.2 - the substances inclined to spontaneous ignition; class 4.3 - the substances emitting flammable gases in case of contact with water; class 5.1 - the oxidizing substances; class 5.2organicheskiye peroxides; class 6.1 - toxic substances; substance class 6.2infektsionnye; class 7 - radioactive materials; class 8 corrosion substances; class 9 - other dangerous substances and products;

competent authority on transportation of dangerous goods - the body recognized by that in accordance with the established procedure for the purpose of accomplishment of international treaties of Ukraine in the field of transportations of dangerous goods;

the subject of transportation of dangerous goods - the company, organization, the organization or physical person which send transport or receive dangerous goods (senders, carriers and receivers);

the sender of dangerous goods - specified in carriage documents legal (the resident and the nonresident) or physical person (the citizen of Ukraine, the foreigner, the stateless person) which prepares also gives this load for transportation;

carrier of dangerous goods - legal (the resident and the nonresident) or physical person (the citizen of Ukraine, the foreigner, the person without citizenship) transporting dangerous goods;

the receiver of dangerous goods - specified in carriage documents legal (the resident and the nonresident) or physical person (the citizen of Ukraine, the foreigner, the person without citizenship) receiving dangerous goods from carrier;

transportation of dangerous goods - the activities connected with movement of dangerous goods from the place of their production or storage to the destination with preparation of load, container, vehicles and crew, acceptance of load, implementation of cargo operations and short-term storage of loads at all stages of movement;

storage locations of dangerous goods - specially equipped places, platforms, storage facilities and constructions where the dangerous goods accepted to/after transportation is stored;

routes of transportation of dangerous goods - railway tracks, highways, inland waterways, sea and airspace where movement of vehicles which transport dangerous goods is authorized;

international delivery of dangerous goods - transportation of dangerous goods from the territory of Ukraine on the territory of foreign state; from the territory of foreign state on the territory of Ukraine; en route through the territory of Ukraine.

Article 2. The legislation concerning transportation of dangerous goods

The legislation concerning transportation of dangerous goods consists of this Law, other laws of Ukraine, international treaties which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, and also other regulatory legal acts determining condition of carriages of dangerous goods, requirements to types and the equipment of vehicles, procedure for preparation, retraining, training, increase and confirmation of qualification of the workers occupied with transportation of dangerous goods, to procedure for receipt of permissions to implementation of the specified transportations.

Article 3. Law coverage

Operation of this Law extends to the following types of activity:

public administration and state regulation of safety in the field of transportation of dangerous goods;

performance of works and rendering the services connected with transportation of dangerous goods;

providing the international obligations in the field of transportation of dangerous goods.

Operation of this Law does not extend to transportation of dangerous goods in the territories of the companies, organizations and organizations where these loads are made or formed, are used or buried, and other cases provided by the law.

Article 4. Legislation tasks concerning transportation of dangerous goods

The main objectives of the legislation concerning transportation of dangerous goods are:

determination of the basic principles and the directions of state policy in the field of transportation of dangerous goods;

determination of legal principles of public administration and state regulation of safety in the field of transportation of dangerous goods;

establishment of the rights, obligations and responsibility of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods.

Article 5. Main routes of state policy in the field of transportation of dangerous goods

Main routes of state policy in the field of transportation of dangerous goods are:

fulfillment of requirements of ecological, radiation and flammability control, physical protection, protection of human health, labor protection, sanitary and epidemic wellbeing of the population and traffic security;

determination of features of regulation of business activity on transportation of dangerous goods, establishment of criteria, regulations, rules, requirements to works and services in transportation of dangerous goods, control of observance of condition of carriages, and also creation of system of liability insurance for damage which can be caused in transit dangerous goods;

ensuring social protection of the workers occupied with transportation of dangerous goods, and persons which were affected by accidents in transit of dangerous goods.

Article 6. Certification in the field of transportation of dangerous goods

Certification is performed according to the legislation of Ukraine

Section II. Rights and obligations of subjects of transportation of dangerous goods

Article 7. The rights and the sender's obligations in the field of transportation of dangerous goods

The sender of dangerous goods has the right on:

receipt in accordance with the established procedure of reliable information about products or waste which belong to dangerous goods and move it to transportation;

transfer of dangerous goods to carrier for its transportation according to established procedure;


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