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of April 26, 2022 No. 156

About bonds

(as amended of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of 10.07.2024 No. 279)


For the purpose of increase in overall performance of the organizations and financing of separate expenses of the consolidated budget of the Mogilev region I decide:

1. To the Mogilev regional executive committee:

1.1. till June 20, 2022 to submit documents for state registration of the bond issues nominated in Belarusian rubles on the amount:

to the 120th 387, 4 thousand rubles with circulation period on December 23, 2036 with monthly payment of interest income in the amount of the refunding rate of National Bank (taking into account its change) increased by 1,5 of percent point;

18 016, 7 thousand rubles for financing of the objects included in the Investing program of the Mogilev region for 2022-2024 with circulation period on December 27, 2029 with monthly payment of interest income in the amount of the refunding rate of National Bank (taking into account its change) increased by 1,5 of percent point;

1.1-1. till September 1, 2024 to submit documents for state registration of bond issue, nominated in Belarusian rubles, on the amount to 36 000 thousand rubles with circulation period on December 23, 2036 with monthly payment of interest income in the amount of refunding rate of National Bank (taking into account its change);

1.2. perform placement of the bonds specified by the closed sale of JSC Belagroprombank:

in the paragraph the second subitem 1.1 of this Item, step by step in terms and the amounts which are not exceeding the corresponding terms and amounts of repayment (early repayment) of bonds of the fifteenth or seventeenth of releases of the Mogilev regional executive committee according to the schedules established by prospectuses of bond emissions of the corresponding releases. In case of recalculation of foreign currency in Belarusian rubles the official rate of Belarusian ruble to US dollar and euro established by National Bank for completion date of obligations is applied;

in paragraph three of subitem 1.1 of this Item, - till October 1, 2022;

in subitem 1.1-1 of this Item, during 2024 in coordination with JSC Belagroprombank in terms and the amounts which are not exceeding the corresponding terms and amounts of the early redemption (early repayment) of the bonds of the seventeenth release of the Mogilev regional executive committee nominated in euro. In case of recalculation of foreign currency in Belarusian rubles the official rate of Belarusian ruble to euro established by National Bank for completion date of obligations is applied;

1.3. within 10 days from start date of placement of the bonds specified in the paragraph the second subitem 1.1 of this Item to approve payment schedules in the income of the regional budget of the Mogilev region of money on account of debt repayment of the organizations for the assets acquired according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 2017 No. 147 "About the organizations of agro-industrial complex of the Mogilev region", interest payments for use of these assets according to subitem 2.4 of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 2017 No. 147.

2. Determine that:

2.1. early repayment of the bonds called in paragraphs second and third subitem 1.1 and subitem 1.1-1 of Item 1 of this Decree is performed by the Mogilev regional executive committee monthly equal shares since January, 2025.

The Mogilev regional executive committee of the bonds having the right for the purpose of early repayment called in paragraphs second and third subitem 1.1 and subitem 1.1-1 of Item 1 of this Decree to acquire them before start date of repayment in amount and the terms coordinated with owners of these bonds;

2.2. payment of interest income on the bonds called in the paragraph the second subitem 1.1 and subitem 1.1-1 of Item 1 of this Decree is performed monthly in the amount of 50 percent from the interest income established in the paragraph the second subitem 1.1 and subitem 1.1-1 of Item 1 of this Decree:

increased by 1,5 of percent point, - at the expense of means of the regional budget of the Mogilev region;

reduced by 1,5 of percent point, - at the expense of the means of the republican budget transferred in the form of subventions to the consolidated budget of the Mogilev region;

2.3. payment of interest income on the bonds called in paragraph three of subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this Decree is performed monthly in the amount of the interest income established in paragraph three of subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this Decree at the expense of means of the regional budget of the Mogilev region;

2.4. in 2022 financing of expenses on payment of interest income on the bonds called in the paragraph the second subitem 1.1 of Item 1 of this Decree according to the paragraph third subitem 2.2 of Item 2 of this Decree is performed at the expense of the subventions transferred from the republican budget to the consolidated budget of the Mogilev region to financing of expenses on payment of interest income on the bonds emitted by the Mogilev regional executive committee according to presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 2017 No. 147 and of October 2, 2018 No. 396 "About converting of bonds of the Mogilev regional executive committee";

2.4-1. in 2024 financing of expenses on payment of interest income on the bonds called in subitem 1.1-1 of Item 1 of this Decree according to the paragraph third subitem 2.2 of this Item is performed at the expense of the subventions transferred from the republican budget to the consolidated budget of the Mogilev region to financing of expenses on payment of interest income on the bonds emitted by the Mogilev regional executive committee according to presidential decrees of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 2017 No. 147, of October 2, 2018 No. 396 and this Decree.

3. Provide to Department of Energy provision of JSC Babruysk Meat-processing Plant of the payment by installments for 36 months from the 1st following after month of entry into force of this Decree, debt repayment for electrical energy and natural gas formed for December 1, 2021.

Debt repayment, specified in part one of this Item and not extinguished on the 1st, the entry into force of this Decree following after month (further - debt), is performed by monthly equal shares without recalculation in connection with change of the official rate of Belarusian ruble established by National Bank to US dollar in the following procedure:

the debt for natural gas formed till January 1, 2016 is settled taking into account the official rate of Belarusian ruble established by National Bank for January 1, 2016 to US dollar;

the debt for natural gas formed from January 1 to December 31, 2016 is settled taking into account the official rate of Belarusian ruble established by National Bank for December 31, 2019 to US dollar;

the debt for electrical energy and natural gas formed from January 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021 is fixed in Belarusian rubles taking into account the official rate of Belarusian ruble established by National Bank for November 30, 2021 to US dollar and settled taking into account this rate.

Conditions of action of payment by installments according to parts one and the second this Item are:

payment in full the current consumption of electrical energy, natural gas since December 1, 2021;


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