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The document ceased to be valid since  November 26, 2018 according to Item 3 of the Joint Order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 30, 2018 No. 758, on October 30, 2018 No. 31


of May 2, 2017 No. 307, on June 20, 2017 No. 246

About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking sheets in the field of fire safety and civil defense

According to Items 2 and 3 of Article 141 and Item 1 of article 143 of the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2015 PRIKAZYVAYEM:

1. Approve enclosed:

1) the criteria for evaluation of risk degree applied to special procedure for conducting checks in the field of fire safety according to appendix 1 to this joint order;

2) criteria for evaluation of risk degree for selective checks in the field of civil defense according to appendix 2 to this joint order;

3) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning objects irrespective of category, purpose and type of activity according to appendix 3 to this joint order;

4) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning industrial enterprises according to appendix 4 to this joint order;

5) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning the autocompanies, objects of servicing of transport, car parks (parkings) according to appendix 5 to this joint order;

6) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning office buildings (multipurpose complexes), apartment (individual) apartment houses and hostels according to appendix 6 to this joint order;

7) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning automobile fuel and gas-filling stations (stationary and portable) according to appendix 7 to this joint order;

8) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning baths and saunas according to appendix 8 to this joint order;

9) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning the subways according to appendix 9 to this joint order;

10) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning hotels, motels, campings according to appendix 10 to this joint order;

11) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning houses and rest areas, summer recreation camps and tourist bases according to appendix 11 to this joint order;

12) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning cultural and spectacular, entertaining and sports facilities according to appendix 12 to this joint order;

13) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning cult objects according to appendix 13 to this joint order;

14) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning objects of the oil-and-gas industry according to appendix 14 to this joint order;

15) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning health care facilities according to appendix 15 to this joint order;

16) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning objects of education according to appendix 16 to this joint order;

17) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning objects of the social sphere (retirement home and disabled people, orphanages, houses nursing homes, the psychoneurological centers for children and disabled people) according to appendix 17 to this joint order;

18) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning objects of trade according to appendix 18 to this joint order;

19) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning objects of storage according to appendix 19 to this joint order;

20) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning agricultural objects according to appendix 20 to this joint order;

21) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning the energy objects (which are power making and power transferring) according to appendix 21 to this joint order;

22) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning objects of bodies of homeland security, defense, Service of the state protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 22 to this joint order;

23) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning objects of non-state fire service according to appendix 23 to this joint order.

24) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning the organizations according to appendix 24 to this joint order;

25) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning local executive bodies of the Republic of Kazakhstan according to appendix 25 to this joint order;

26) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning the central executive bodies and their territorial subdivisions according to appendix 26 to this joint order;

27) checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of civil defense concerning the organizations to which places of mass rest on natural and artificial reservoirs according to appendix 27 to this joint order are assigned.

2. (Becker V. R.) in the procedure established by the legislation to provide to committee on emergency situations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for placement in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) placement of this joint order on Internet resource of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

4) within ten calendar days after state registration of this joint order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Legal department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 1), 2) and 3) of this Item.

3. Recognize invalid the joint order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 12, 2016 No. 8 and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of December 25, 2015 as No. 1060 "About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and forms of checking sheets in the field of fire safety and civil defense" (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts for No. 13143, published in information system of law of Ad_let on March 2, 2016).

4. To impose control of execution of this joint order on the deputy minister of internal affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan Ilyin Yu. V.

5. This joint order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

____________ T. Suleymenov

Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan

_________________ K. Kasymov

It is approved

Chairman of Committee on legal statistics and special accounting of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan

"____" ___________ 201 __ year


_____________________ B. Musin

Appendix 1

to the joint Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 20, 2017 No. 246, on May 2, 2017 No. 307

The criteria for evaluation of degree of risks applied to special procedure for conducting checks in the field of fire safety

1. General provisions

1. These Criteria for evaluation of degree of risks applied to special procedure for conducting checks in the field of fire safety (further - Criteria) systems of risk assessment, forms of the obligatory departmental reporting and checking sheets approved by the order of the acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 25, 2015 No. 722 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 12389) are developed according to the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 11, 2014 "About civil protection" and the Technique of forming by state bodies (except for National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

2. Criteria are created by means of objective and subjective criteria.

2. Objective criteria for evaluation of degree of risks

3. Objective criteria are developed for the purpose of distribution of the checked subjects (objects) on risk degrees (high and not carried to high (insignificant).

4. The following objects belong to high risk:

1) objects of Administration of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) objects of the central state bodies, local executive and representative bodies of areas, cities of republican value and capital, areas (cities of regional value);

3) objects of central office of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan, areas, cities of republican value and capital, areas (cities of regional value);

4) building of the Supreme Court of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5) objects of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

6) objects of bodies of homeland security, defense, Service of the state protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan, service of foreign intelligence of the Republic of Kazakhstan Syrbar;

7) industrial enterprises - with productions of categories "A", "B" and "B1" - "B4" on fire and explosion and fire risk;

8) hydroelectric power stations - capacity 250 and more than A Megawatts;

9) thermal power plants;

10) gas turbine power plants;

11) electric substations;

12) boiler rooms;

13) petroleum storage depots and warehouses of oil products;

14) gas storages and gas-holder stations;

15) objects of storage, liquidation (destruction, utilization, burial) and conversions of ammunition, explosives;

16) objects of storage with category of buildings and rooms "And", "B", both "B1" - "B4" on fire and explosion and fire risk, with a total area of structures more than 2500 square meters, open type warehouses for storage of gas cylinders, forest materials, coal, rough forages, other combustible materials and products more than 2500 square meters;

17) elevators (hlebopriyemny and procurement, production, basic, transshipment and port);

18) agricultural objects, livestock objects and poultry farms - with total area of structures more than 1500 square meters;

19) objects of education;

20) cultural and spectacular, cult religious objects - simultaneous stay of 200 and more people;

21) sports and sports and improving complexes - simultaneous stay of 200 and more people;

22) objects of the social sphere (retirement home and disabled people, orphanages, houses nursing homes, psychoneurological centers and so on);

23) houses and rest areas, tourist bases where simultaneous stay of 100 and more people is provided, nurseries summer improving the camp (except for tent towns) - irrespective of the area;

24) the health care facilities giving stationary help - irrespective of the area, giving out-patient and polyclinic help - with a total area of structures 1000 and more square meters;

25) the organizations performing pharmaceutical activities - with a total area of structures 1500 and more square meters;

26) archives;

27) objects of trade and entertainment complexes - with a total area of structures 1500 and more square meters;

28) airports, railway and automobile stations (stations), seaports, subways;

29) the autocompanies, car parks (parkings) - with the number of automotive vehicles 100 and more units;

30) objects of servicing of transport (stations and posts of maintenance of cars) - with a total area of structures 1500 and more square meters;

31) automobile fuel and gas-filling stations;

32) hostels and hotels - with a capacity of 100 and more people;

33) the organizations of consumer services - with a total area of structures 1500 and more square meters;

34) the organizations of public catering - with a total area of structures 1500 and more square meters (without the area of temporary summer platforms);

35) apartment apartment houses more than 28 meters high;

36) office buildings and multipurpose complexes - with a total area of 1500 and more square meters, and also irrespective of the area more than 28 meters high;

37) the organizations performing activities for operation and maintenance of systems of economic and drinking and fire-water supply;

38) non-state fire service of object;

39) forestry and landscape organizations;

5. To not carried to high risk (insignificant) the following objects belong:

1) industrial enterprises - with productions of categories "G" and "D";

2) hydroelectric power stations - capacity less than 250 Megawatts;

3) wind power stations;

4) objects of storage with category of buildings and rooms "And", "B", both "B1" - "B4" on fire and explosion and fire risk, with a total area of structures less than 2500 square meters, open type warehouses for storage of gas cylinders, forest materials, coal, rough forages, other combustible materials and products less than 2500 square meters;

5) agricultural objects, livestock objects and poultry farms - with total area of structures less than 1500 square meters;

6) cultural and spectacular, cult religious institutions - simultaneous stay less than 200 people;

7) the health care facilities giving out-patient and polyclinic help - with a total area of structures less than 1000 square meters;

8) houses and rest areas, tourist bases where simultaneous stay less than 100 people is provided;

9) sports and sports and improving complexes - simultaneous stay less than 200 people;

10) the organizations of consumer services - with a total area of structures less than 1500 square meters;

11) the organizations of public catering - with a total area of structures less than 1500 square meters (without the area of temporary summer platforms);

12) hostels and hotels - with a capacity less than 100 people;

13) apartment apartment houses less than 28 meters high;

14) telecommunications agencies;

15) the organizations performing pharmaceutical activities - with a total area of structures less than 1500 square meters;

16) objects of trade and entertainment complexes - with a total area of structures less than 1500 square meters;

17) office buildings and multipurpose complexes - with a total area less than 1500 square meters;

18) objects of servicing of transport (stations and posts of maintenance of cars) - with a total area of structures less than 1500 square meters;

19) relaying and teleradio towers;

20) river ports;

21) the autocompanies, car parks (parkings) - with the number of the equipment less than 100 units.

22) children's and teenage clubs at the place of residence;

23) country and gardening societies - irrespective of the area and the number of sites;

24) airfields;

6. The special procedure for conducting checks based on semi-annual schedules is applied to the checked subjects (objects) carried to high risk.

7. Frequency of conducting the inspections which are carried out on special procedure concerning the checked subjects (objects) of high risk makes not more often than once in calendar year, that is any period from January to December of the planned year.

8. In special procedure for conducting checks the objects specified in the subitem 6) of item 4 of these Criteria are checked during the period from August to September, in the subitem 19) of item 4 of these Criteria during the period from February to May, in subitems 23) and 39) of item 4 of these Criteria during the period from April to May, in the subitem 22) of item 4 of these Criteria during the period from July to August, in subitems 8), 9), 10), 12) of item 4 of these Criteria during the period from July to August, in the subitem 24) of item 4 of these Criteria during the period from October to November of the planned year.

3. Subjective criteria for evaluation of degree of risks

9. Subjective criteria are developed for the purpose of realization of the principle of encouragement of the fair checked subjects, in the form of release from special procedure for conducting checks.

10. Subjective criteria are developed based on the requirements of fire safety listed in checking sheets which are subdivided into three degrees: rough, considerable, insignificant.

Gross violations - requirements of fire safety the regulating questions of activities of non-state fire service, safe operation of power networks and electric equipment, availability and condition of ways of evacuation directed to exception of conditions of emergence of the fire, its distribution, impact on people of dangerous factors of the fire, and also the requirement.

Considerable violations - the requirements of fire safety directed to prevention and the prevention of emergence of the fire and creation of conditions for its successful suppression.

Insignificant violations - the requirements of fire safety regulating organizational matters of ensuring fire safety.

Distribution of violations of requirements of fire safety on rough, considerable, insignificant, is given to appendix to these Criteria.

11. In case of measure calculation of risk degree the specific weight of not fulfilled requirements of fire safety is determined.

12. One outstanding requirement of fire safety of rough degree is equated to indicator 100.

If gross violations of requirements of fire safety are not revealed, for measure definition of risk degree the total indicator on violations of requirements of fire safety of considerable and insignificant degree is calculated.

13. In case of measure definition of considerable violations of requirements of fire safety the coefficient of 0,7 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:

СуммаRz = (СуммаСуммаP2 x 100/P1) x 0,7


СуммаRz - indicator of considerable violations of requirements of fire safety;

СуммаP1 - total quantity of the considerable requirements of fire safety imposed to check on the checked subject (object);

СуммаP2 - the number of the violated considerable requirements of fire safety.

14. In case of measure definition of insignificant violations of requirements of fire safety the coefficient of 0,3 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:

СуммаRn = (СуммаСуммаP2 x 100/P1) x 0,3


СуммаRn - indicator of insignificant violations of requirements of fire safety;

СуммаP1 - total quantity of the insignificant requirements of fire safety imposed to check on the checked subject (object);

СуммаP2 - the number of the violated insignificant requirements of fire safety.

15. The general exponent of risk (SP) is calculated on scale from 0 to 100 and is determined by summing of indicators by the following formula:

СуммаР = СуммаRz + СуммаRn


СуммаР - general exponent of risk;

СуммаRz - indicator of considerable violations of requirements of fire safety;

СуммаRn - indicator of insignificant violations of requirements of fire safety;

16. On general exponent of risk the checked subject (object) of high risk:

1) it is exempted from the following special procedure for the conducting checks planned according to the stipulated in Item 7 presents Criterion frequency - in case of exponent of risk from 0 to 60;

2) it is not exempted from special procedure for conducting checks - in case of exponent of risk from 60 to 100.

17. The subject (object) is performed according to checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan given in appendix 3 to the joint order of June 20, 2017 No. 246 and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of May 2, 2017 No. 307 "About approval of criteria for evaluation of risk degree and checking sheets in the field of fire safety and civil defense" (further - the joint order) and according to the checking sheets corresponding depending on category, purpose and type of activity of object brought with 4 after 23 appendices to the joint order.

If the checked subject (object) is checked according to two and more checking sheets, it is exempted from special procedure for conducting checks in case of exponent of risk from 0 to 60 according to each checking leaf applied in check.

18. The checked subject (object) exempted from the following special procedure for conducting checks with violations of requirements of fire safety the received risk exponent to 60 points, after terms of elimination of violations is checked in unplanned procedure for the purpose of control of execution of the instruction about elimination of the revealed violations. If the revealed violations of requirements of fire safety are not eliminated the checked subject (object) is not exempted from following by the review frequency planned according to the stipulated in Item 7 presents Criterion in special procedure.


to Criteria for evaluation of degree of risks, the conducting checks applied to special procedure in the field of fire safety

See Appendix (0.16Mb In original language)

Appendix 2

to the joint Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 20, 2017 No. 246, on May 2, 2017 No. 307

Criteria for evaluation of risk degree for selective checks in the field of civil defense

1. General provisions

1. These Criteria for evaluation of degree of risks applied to selective checks in the field of civil defense (further - Criteria) systems of risk assessment, forms of the obligatory departmental reporting and checking sheets approved by the order of the acting minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of November 25, 2015 No. 722 (registered in the Register of state registration of regulatory legal acts No. 12389) are developed according to the Entrepreneurial code of the Republic of Kazakhstan of October 29, 2015, the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan of April 11, 2014 "About civil protection" and the Technique of forming by state bodies (except for National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan).

2. Criteria are created by means of objective and subjective criteria.

2. Objective criteria

3. Primary reference of the checked subjects (objects) on degrees of risks is performed by means of objective Criteria.

4. By objective Criteria treat high risk:

central executive bodies, their subordinated organizations;

local executive bodies of areas, cities of Astana and Almaty, urban and rural districts, cities;

the organizations referred to categories on civil defense;

the organizations based on which services of civil protection are created;

the organizations to which places of mass rest on natural and artificial reservoirs are assigned.

5. Concerning the checked subjects (objects) carried to high risk selective, unscheduled inspections and other forms of control are carried out.

6. Concerning the checked subjects (objects), not belonging to high risk unscheduled inspections and other forms of control are carried out.

3. Subjective criteria

7. Determination of subjective criteria is performed on the basis of the following sources of information:

1) reports on accomplishment of the actions of civil defense provided according to the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 6, 2015 to No. 190 "About approval of Rules of the organization and conducting actions of civil defense" (registered in the Register of registration of regulatory legal acts No. 10716 of April 14, 2015);

2) appeals of physical persons and legal entities for last year;

3) results of the previous checks before elimination of the revealed violations of requirements of civil defense. At the same time, severity of violations (rough, considerable, insignificant) is established in case of non-compliance with the requirements of the legislation reflected in checking sheets;

4) adverse incidents on reservoirs.

8. Subjective criteria are developed based on the requirements of civil defense listed in checking sheets which are subdivided into three degrees: rough, considerable, insignificant.

Requirements of civil defense are carried to rough degree not accomplishment of which will lead to lowering of defense capability of the country.

The requirements of civil defense carried to considerable and insignificant degree have organizational character.

Distribution of violations of requirements of civil defense on rough, considerable, insignificant, is given in appendix to these Criteria.

9. In case of measure calculation of risk degree the specific weight of not fulfilled requirements of civil defense is determined.

10. One outstanding requirement in the field of civil defense of rough degree is equated to indicator 100.

If gross violations of requirements in the field of civil defense are not revealed, for measure definition of risk degree the total indicator on violations of requirements in the field of civil defense of considerable and insignificant degree is calculated.

11. In case of measure definition of considerable violations of requirements in the field of civil defense the coefficient of 0,7 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:

СуммаRz = (СуммаСуммаP2 x 100/P1) x 0,7


СуммаRz - indicator of considerable violations of requirements in the field of civil defense;

СуммаP1 - total quantity of considerable violations of requirements in the field of civil defense imposed to check on the checked subject (object);

СуммаP2 - the number of the violated considerable requirements in the field of civil defense.

12. In case of measure definition of insignificant violations of requirements in the field of civil defense the coefficient of 0,3 is applied and this indicator is calculated by the following formula:

СуммаRn = (СуммаСуммаP2 x 100/P1) x 0,3


СуммаRn - indicator of insignificant violations of requirements in the field of civil defense;

СуммаP1 - total quantity of insignificant violations of requirements in the field of civil defense imposed to check on the checked subject (object);

СуммаP2 - the number of the violated insignificant requirements in the field of civil defense.

13. The general exponent of risk (SP) is calculated on scale from 0 to 100 and is determined by summing of indicators by the following formula:

СуммаР = СуммаRz + СуммаRn


СуммаР - general exponent of risk;

СуммаRz - indicator of considerable violations of requirements in the field of civil defense;

СуммаRn - indicator of insignificant violations of requirements in the field of civil defense.

In the analysis and assessment of degree of risks data of the subjective criteria which are earlier considered and used concerning the specific checked subject (object) are not applied.

14. On risk exponents the checked subject (object) belongs:

1) to high risk - in case of exponent of risk from 60 to 100 and concerning it selective check is carried out;

2) not carried to high risk - in case of exponent of risk from 0 to 60 and concerning it selective check is not carried out.

15. Frequency rate of carrying out selective check cannot be more often than once a year.

16. Selective checks are carried out based on semi-annual lists of the selective checks created by results of the carried-out analysis and assessment which go to authorized body on legal statistics and special accounting not later than fifteen calendar days prior to the beginning of the corresponding accounting period in time.

17. Lists of selective checks are constituted taking into account:

1) priority of the checked subjects (objects) with the greatest exponent of risk by subjective criteria;

2) loads of the officials performing checks, state body.


to Criteria for evaluation of degree of risks for selective checks in the field of civil defense

Subjective criteria for evaluation of risk degree

1. Results of monitoring of the reporting and data

1.1 Not submission of the annual report on the executed actions of civil defense according to the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 6, 2015 No. 190 "About approval of Rules of the organization and conducting actions of civil defense" (No. registered in the State register of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan 88742)

Gross violations

1.2 Lack of the plan of civil defense approved by the corresponding chief of civil defense and compliance to its structure and content

1.3 Lack of the action plan on liquidation of emergency situations approved as the corresponding chief of civil defense and compliance to its structure and content

1.4 Absence of structural division (worker), specially authorized on the solution of tasks on the organization and conducting civil defense

1.5 Lack of communication system, notification and information support

1.6 Absence or discrepancy of content in peace time reserve (city, country), auxiliary and mobile control centers

1.7 Not observance of procedure for stock holding of property of civil defense

1.8 Lack of material logistics in forming of civil protection

1.9 Lack of remedies of respiratory organs on each member of forming of civil protection

1.10 Discrepancy of protective construction to procedure for content in peace time

1.11 Not carrying out adjustment of the plan of civil defense for January 1 of the planned year

Considerable violations

1.12 Not readiness of the subordinated organizations which are part of network of observation and laboratory control

1.13 Lack of the order on the organization of activities of service of civil protection

1.14 Lack of regulations on services of civil protection

1.15 Lack of the order on statement of structure and provision of the evacuation (evacuation receiving) commission

1.16 Lack of the order on creation of territorial (object) forming of civil protection

1.17 Unavailability of forming of civil protection for carrying out rescue and urgent works in peace and wartime

1.18 Not training of administrative board and specialists (workers) in the field of civil protection in the terms established by the legislation

1.19 Not holding trainings the stipulated in Article 46 Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection"

1.20 Not carrying out promotion of knowledge in the field of civil protection

Not considerable violations

1.21 Absence of the organization of informing the population on the taken measures in the field of civil protection

2. Results of the previous checks (severity is established in case of non-compliance with following requirements)

2.1 Availability of the annual report on the executed actions of civil defense according to the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of March 6, 2015 No. 190 "About approval of Rules of the organization and conducting actions of civil defense" (No. registered in the State register of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan 88742)

Gross violations

2.2 Availability of the plan of civil defense approved by the corresponding chief of civil defense and compliance to its structure and content

2.3 Action plan availability on liquidation of emergency situations of the object nature and their effects approved by the corresponding chief of civil defense and compliance to its structure and content

2.4 Availability of structural division (worker), specially authorized on the solution of tasks on the organization and conducting civil defense

2.5 Availability of systems, notifications and communications and their maintenance in readiness for use

2.6 Availability and compliance of content in peace time reserve (city, country), auxiliary and mobile control centers

2.7 Availability and maintenance in readiness of inventories of property of civil defense, and also observance of procedure for storage

2.8 Ensuring civil protection with material means of forming

2.9 Availability of remedies of respiratory organs
on each member of forming of civil protection

2.10 Compliance of protective construction to procedure for content in peace time

2.11 Availability at the owner of the vacation spot on reservoir of regular list of rescuers (the head of post rescuer, the combatant-rescuer)

2.12 Availability on rescue post of boats oar or motor (with text on boards "rescue") in number of two units

2.13 Availability on rescue post of rescue means "lifebuoys" in number of two units

2.14 Availability on rescue post of rescue means "End Alexandrov" in number of two units

2.15 Availability on rescue post of loud-speaking devices MegaFon in number of two units

2.16 Availability on rescue post of rescue means "First-aid kit with medicines (first-aid kit)" in number of one unit

2.17 Availability on rescue post of rescue means "Trawl with cats" in number of one unit

2.18 Availability on rescue post of rescue boards of 5-6 meters (for the winter period) in number of two units

2.19 Availability on rescue post of bibs rescue in number of two units

2.20 Availability on rescue post of rescue means "Poles, rescue hooks" in number of two units

2.21 Availability on site rest on site reservoir for bathing of children with depth of no more 1,2 of the meters and the floats designated by the line fixed on cables according to requirements of Safety rules on the reservoirs approved by the order of the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of January 19, 2015 No. 34 (registered in the Register of registration of regulatory legal acts No. 10335)

2.22 Adjustment of the plan of civil defense for January 1 of the planned year

Considerable violations

2.23 Readiness of the subordinated organizations which are part of network of observation and laboratory control

2.24 Availability of the order on the organization of activities of service of civil protection

2.25 Availability of regulations on services of civil protection

2.26 Order on statement of structure and provision of the evacuation (evacuation receiving) commission

2.27 Order availability on creation of territorial (object) forming of civil protection

2.28 Readiness of forming of civil protection for carrying out rescue and urgent works in peace and wartime

2.29 Training of administrative board and specialists (workers) in the field of civil protection in the terms established by the legislation

2.30 Holding trainings the stipulated in Article 46 Laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About civil protection"

2.31 Carrying out promotion of knowledge in the field of civil protection

Not considerable violations

2.32 The organization of informing the population on the taken measures in the field of civil protection

3. Availability of adverse incidents in places of mass rest on natural and artificial reservoirs

3.1 Death one and more person on reservoirs

Gross violation

4. Availability of the confirmed claims and addresses

4.1 Availability of two and more confirmed claims concerning civil defense

Considerable violations

4.2 Not carrying out promotion of knowledge in the field of civil protection

Not considerable violations

4.3 Not the organization of informing the population on the taken measures in the field of civil protection

5. Analysis results of official Internet resources of state agencies, mass media, in case of availability, the ratings of "violators"

5.1 Availability on official the Internet resources and in official printing publications of information on the facts of death of people in places of mass rest on natural and artificial reservoirs

Not considerable violations

5.2 Availability on official the Internet resources and in official printing publications of information on the available violations of requirements to the device of rescue post in places of mass rest on natural and artificial reservoirs



Appendix 3

to the joint Order of the Minister of national economy of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan of June 20, 2017 No. 246, on May 2, 2017 No. 307

Checking leaf in the field of the state control in the field of fire safety concerning objects irrespective of category, purpose and type of activity

The state body which appointed check _____________________________

Act of appointment проверки________________________________________________

                                                            (No., date)

The name of the checked subject (object) _____________________________

(TIN), BIN of the checked subject (object) ________________________________

Location address _________________________________________________

List of requirements

It is required

It is not required

Conforms to requirements

Does not conform to requirements







Organizational actions


Availability of the order or instruction the fire prevention regime establishing, corresponding to their fire risk


Instruction availability about measures of fire safety on each object, for each explosion-fire-hazardous and fire-dangerous site (workshop, the workshop)


Availability of plans of evacuation of people in case of fire


Availability of responsible persons for ensuring fire safety on certain sites of works


The admission to work of workers only after passing of fire-proof instructing and passing of the subsequent training in the program of fire and technical minimum


Availability of non-state fire service

Content of the territory


Availability of entrances for fire trucks to buildings, constructions, technology installations, sources of fire-water supply


Non-admission of blocking up of fire-proof distances between buildings and constructions, materials and the equipment, parking of transport and construction (installation) of buildings and constructions


Availability of fire-proof distances


Non-admission cultivation of fires, burning of waste and container at distance less than 50 meters from buildings and constructions


Content of the territory, (timely cleaning of combustible waste, garbage, container, fallen leaves, combustible garbage and other combustible materials)


Observance of requirements to technical condition, operation of sources of outside fire-water supply (check of fire hydrants at least two times a year, in winter time winterization and otchistka from snow and ice)


Security with signs of fire safety and indexes of locations of sources of fire-water supply


Availability of outside lighting in the territory of the organization in night-time for bystry finding of fire hydrants, outside fire-escapes and locations of fire stock, and also entrances to piers of fire reservoirs, to entrances to buildings and constructions


Prohibition of use of naked flame and smoking in rooms of public and factory buildings, in the territory of warehouses and bases, hlebopriyemny Items, trade enterprises, production, conversion and storage of combustible gases, flammable and combustible liquids, productions of explosives, explosion-fire-hazardous and fire-dangerous sites, and also out of the specially allotted and equipped for these purposes places.
Placement in the territory of the organizations of signs of fire safety "Smoking and use of naked flame is forbidden". Designation of the places specially allotted for smoking, signs of fire safety "Smoking area"


The development and accomplishment of actions excluding possibility of spread of fire in case of wildfires on buildings and constructions (the device of protective fire-proof strips, landing of deciduous plantings, removal during the summer period of dry vegetation and others)

Content of buildings and constructions


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