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The document ceased to be valid since  March 1, 2022 according to the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of January 14, 2022 No. 2


of July 18, 2017 No. 84

About approval of the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of goods prices in shops of retail trade and behind the prices of consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population for calculation of parity of purchasing power of Belarusian ruble

(as amended on 27-09-2019)

Based on the Regulations on National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of August 26, 2008 No. 445 "About some questions of bodies of the state statistics" the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of goods prices in shops of retail trade and behind the prices of consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population for calculation of parity of purchasing power of Belarusian ruble.

2. Recognize invalid:

the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of November 16, 2015 No. 188 "About approval of the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of goods prices in shops of retail trade" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 03.12. 2015, 7/3314);

the resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of March 28, 2016 No. 15 "About modification of the Instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of goods prices in shops of retail trade" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 02.04. 2016, 7/3412).

3. This resolution becomes effective in fifteen working days after its signing.


I. V. Medvedev

Approved by the Resolution of National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus of July 18, 2017 No. 84

The instruction on the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of goods prices in shops of retail trade and behind the prices of consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population for calculation of parity of purchasing power of Belarusian ruble

Chapter 1. General provisions

1. This Instruction establishes procedure for the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of goods prices in shops of retail trade and behind the prices of consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population for calculation of parity of purchasing power of Belarusian ruble (further - selective observations).

2. Selective observation of goods prices in shops of retail trade (further - selective observation in shops) is performed in the following forms of the state statistical observations:

6 prices (RT-goods) "Data on goods prices in objects of retail trade and the paid services rendered to the population" (further - 6 prices (RT-goods)) (Sections I and II) - 4 times a year (for March, June, September, December);

12 prices (RT-fruit and vegetable products) of "Data on sales amounts and the prices of fruit and vegetable products in shops of retail trade" - monthly.

Selective observation of the prices of consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population for calculation of parity of purchasing power of Belarusian ruble (further - selective observation for calculation of PPS) is performed in form 6 of the price (RT-goods) (Section III) - 1 time in 3 years (for May, August, November), since 2017.

3. For the purposes of this Instruction the following main terms and their determinations are used:

range of goods - set of goods in certain ratio by types, models, the sizes, flowers and other signs;

the basic organization - representatively selected object in which registration of the prices according to the created list, the list of goods (services) for selective observations is performed;

type of goods (services) - set of goods (services) of certain group united by the general name and appointment (for example, suit, dress, the refrigerator and other);

group of goods - set of the goods having similar functional purpose and having similar structure of consumer properties and indicators (for example, outerwear, linen, footwear and other);

shop - the stationary shopping facility having the trade room;

parity of purchasing power - the quantity of units of currency necessary for purchase of standard set of goods and services which can be purchased for one monetary unit of the basic country (or unit of general currency of group of the countries);

consumer goods (services) - goods (services) used by the population, as a rule, for private and all-family consumption;

consumer price - the actual price of the goods (service) realized on free sale (rendered to the population) which is final price of consumption;

registration of the prices - collection of primary statistical data about prices for goods (service), entered the created list, the list of goods (services), in the basic organizations;

retail trade - the trade type connected with acquisition and sales of goods for the personal, family, home and other similar use which is not connected with business activity if other is not established by the legislation;

seasonal goods (service) - goods (service) which or are absent in the market during the certain season (the period within year) or its quantity and the price are characterized by the periodic fluctuations connected with season (season);

specialists in registration of the prices are specialists of departments of statistics in areas and the cities of the head statistical offices of areas and the specialists of departments of statistics of the prices of the head statistical offices of areas and the city of Minsk performing registration of the prices;

average price - average geometrical size from price levels of goods (service) - the representative;

goods (service) - the representative - set of certain type of goods (service) which in limits of set can differ in insignificant features (details) which are not influencing quality and the main consumer properties;

trade discount - the price discount of goods (service) provided by the seller to the buyer in connection with terms of transaction and depending on the current market situation;

the price - money value of cost of goods (service) in Belarusian rubles for quantitative commodity unit (services).

4. The organization and carrying out selective observations includes the following stages:

selection of settlements;

selection of the basic organizations;

selection of goods (services) - representatives;

registration of the prices.

Chapter 2. Procedure for selection of settlements

5. Selective observations are made in the territory of the Republic of Belarus in the city of Minsk, in all regional centers and selectively - in the district centers (cities) selected by National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus (further - Belstat).

6. For selective observation in shops 31 cities where more than 50% of the population of the republic and over 70% of urban population of the republic, according to the list, according to appendix 1 to this Instruction live are selected.

7. For selective observation for calculation of PPS 19 cities, according to the list, according to appendix 2 to this Instruction are selected.

Chapter 3. Procedure for selection of the basic organizations

8. Selection of the basic organizations is made by territorial authorities of the state statistics, using official statistical information on sales amounts of goods (services) to the population.

For carrying out selective observation in shops selection of the basic organizations joins the shops of retail trade (epicures, department stores, hypermarkets, houses of trade and other) which are performing the activities on permanent basis and regularly offering broad range of goods for sale.

Selection of the basic organizations enabling the realization of fruit and vegetable products is made after studying of saturation of shops of the city by specific goods, studying of goods quality and level of prices for it.

For carrying out selective observation for calculation of PPS except shops of retail trade join in sample of the basic organizations:

the organizations of public catering, the city markets (food, ware, mixed), the organizations rendering paid services to the population;

the individual entrepreneurs performing activities in retail trade and service industry on regular basis;

the physical persons performing trade in the markets.

Additional source for selection of the basic organizations is official statistical information of selective inspection of households on level of living on ratio of places of purchase separate food and nonfoods.

9. The sample of the basic organizations shall include the shopping facilities, different in the area, located both in the central part of the city and on its suburbs.

10. On each goods (service) - the representative selected for selective observations at least five basic organizations shall be selected (if availability of shopping facilities in the territory of the city allows).

11. Selection of the basic organizations does not join the organizations of retail trade realizing exclusive models of clothes or footwear (for example, boutiques, salons shops), the prices for which considerably exceed the average level of the prices of similar goods, and go on sale small batches, with permanent updating of range of goods.

12. For carrying out selective observation in shops annually (in December) lists of the basic organizations with indication of their name and the location, the name of goods which prices are registered in the basic organization are constituted, and are represented to departments of statistics of the prices of the head statistical offices of areas and the city of Minsk on approval to chiefs of the head statistical offices of areas and the city of Minsk.

For carrying out selective observation for calculation of PPS of 1 times in 3 years (in year of carrying out selective observation, in February) based on the list of the basic organizations approved for the organization and carrying out selective state statistical observation of the prices and rates for consumer goods and the paid services rendered to the population the list of the selected basic organizations is constituted.

The list of the basic organizations for carrying out selective observation for calculation of PPS, with indication of the name and the location of the basic organization, is submitted specialists in registration of the prices in departments of statistics of the prices of the head statistical offices of areas and the city of Minsk for approval. After check of the basic organizations on compliance to the requirements stated in Items 8-11 of this Instruction, the list of the basic organizations affirms chiefs of departments of statistics of the prices of the head statistical offices of areas and the city of Minsk.

The approved lists of the basic organizations can change (to be supplemented) in case:

replacements of the basic organization by other organization;

additional selection of the organization.

13. Replacement of the basic organization is performed:

if long time (more than 3 months) it is impossible to register the price of certain type of goods (service) (except seasonal goods (vegetables, fruit, potatoes, live fish, separate types of clothes and footwear)) due to the lack in realization;

in connection with non-realization of activities by the organization during the long period (more than 3 months) of time (for example, in connection with repair);

in connection with liquidation or change of its specialization.

The compulsory provision for inclusion in selection of in addition selected organization is its uniformity with the basic organization, availability of goods (service) and comparable level of prices for it, similar or closest on consumer properties.

14. Information on the basic organizations is confidential and is not subject to distribution.

Chapter 4. Procedure for selection of goods representatives

15. For carrying out selective observation in shops by Belstat selects the certain types of goods entering into groups food and nonfoods according to inventories, according to appendices 3-5 to this Instruction. These lists represent selection of goods, single for all territories of the republic.

Selective observation for calculation of PPS is made on the basis of the World Bank developed by experts and Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the CIS adapted for the region by Interstate statistical committee of the Commonwealth of Independent States of the list of consumer goods and services (further - the list).

16. Specialists in registration of the prices disaggregate lists, the list of goods (services) for selective observations by specific names of goods (services) - representatives.

Because separate types of goods in retail trade are provided by wide assortment (especially nonfoods: dresses, suits, shoes, boots and other), selection of range of goods can be performed with employees engagement of the basic organizations (the seller or the commodity researcher).


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