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of January 19, 2015 No. 22/2015

Questions of implementation of single state policy of reforms in Ukraine

(as amended on 13-05-2015)

For the purpose of ensuring implementation of the single, approved state policy of reforms in Ukraine I decide:

1. Support the initiative of National council of reforms and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development about the beginning of activities in Ukraine of Project office for coordination of development and deployment of reforms.

2. Make the following changes to presidential decrees of Ukraine:

1) in the Presidential decree of Ukraine of July 23, 2014 No. 614 "About ensuring implementation of single state policy of reforms in Ukraine":

a) in Article 2:

the fourth to state the paragraph in the following edition:

"The executive committee of reforms is formed as a part of cochairmen who are: The presidentns deputy chief of staff of Ukraine to whose maintaining questions of implementation of reforms are carried, - on position, one of cabinet ministers of Ukraine - in coordination with the Prime Minister of Ukraine, and also the chairman of one of committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (in coordination). Cochairmen of Executive committee of reforms are appointed by the President of Ukraine";

in paragraph five of the word "and Executive committee of reforms" to exclude;

in paragraph six of the word "director and members" to replace with the word "co-chairmen";

b) ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of 23.06.2020 No. 245/2020;

c) Article 4 - 6 to exclude;

2) in the Presidential decree of Ukraine of August 13, 2014 No. 644 "Questions of National council of reforms, the Advisory board of reforms and Executive committee of reforms":

a) in Regulations on the National council of reforms approved by this Decree:

in Item 7 of the word "the director of Executive committee of reforms" shall be replaced with words "one of cochairmen of Executive committee of reforms";

to state paragraph two of Item 8 in the following edition:

"By results of meeting of National council of reforms the protocol which is signed by the secretary of National council of reforms can be drawn up";

b) ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of 13.05.2015 No. 267/2015

c) in Regulations on the Executive committee of reforms approved by this Decree:

state Items 6 and 7 in the following edition:

"6. The committee is formed as a part of cochairmen who are: The presidentns deputy chief of staff of Ukraine to whose maintaining questions of implementation of reforms are carried, - on position, one of cabinet ministers of Ukraine - in coordination with the Prime Minister of Ukraine, and also the chairman of one of committees of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine (in coordination). Cochairmen of Committee are appointed by the President of Ukraine.

Cochairmen of Committee participate in work of Committee on a voluntary basis.

7. Cochairmen of Committee:

convene in accordance with the established procedure meetings of National council of reforms, meeting of the Advisory board of reforms;

provide accomplishment of the tasks assigned to Committee according to the decision of Committee on the separate directions of reforms initiate holding committee meetings and serially preside over them;

according to the decision of Committee represent Committee in interaction with other facilitative branches and services created by the President of Ukraine, state bodies, local government bodies, public associations, the companies, organizations, other organizations including international, sign the relevant documents (letters, addresses, memorandums, etc.);

initiate in the separate directions of reforms consideration at meetings of National council of reforms, the Advisory board of reforms of the questions carried to their maintaining;

develop suggestions for improvement of activities of National council of reforms, Consultative council of reforms, Committee, consider such offers on committee meeting and according to the decision of Committee submit them in accordance with the established procedure for consideration to the President of Ukraine;

make to the President of Ukraine offers on staff of the Advisory board of reforms;

make offers on creation of target teams for development, detailed study of the separate directions of reforms, monitoring of implementation and efficiency of realization in Ukraine of reforms, monitoring of goal achievement of reforms, the course of accomplishment of decisions of National council of reforms and in case of appointment of heads of such target teams;

according to the decision of Committee create members of target teams for development, detailed study of the separate directions of reforms, monitoring of implementation and efficiency of realization in Ukraine of reforms, monitoring of goal achievement of reforms, the course of accomplishment of decisions of National council of reforms";

exclude Item 8;

in Item 9:

word in paragraph one "the director of Committee, including upon the demand of at least two of his members" shall be replaced with words "one of cochairmen of Committee";

in the paragraph the second shall be replaced with words the words "more than a half of its structure" "all cochairmen of Committee";

state Item 10 in the following edition:

"10. The decision of Committee is deemed accepted if he was supported by all cochairmen of Committee.

The decision of Committee is drawn up by the protocol which is signed by cochairmen of Committee";

3) ceased to be valid according to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of 23.06.2020 No. 245/2020.

3. This Decree becomes effective from the date of its publication.

President of Ukraine

P. Poroshenko


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