of September 11, 2003 No. 1160-IV
About fundamentals of the state regulatory policy in the field of economic activity
This Law determines legal and organizational basis of realization of the state regulatory policy in the field of economic activity.
In this Law terms are used in the following value:
the state regulatory policy in the field of economic activity (further - the state regulatory policy) the direction of state policy directed to enhancement of legal regulation of the economic relations, and also administrative relations between regulatory bodies or other public authorities and subjects of managing, prevention of adoption of economically inexpedient and inefficient regulatory acts, reduction of intervention of the state in activities of subjects of managing and removal of obstacles for development of the economic activity performed in limits, according to the procedure and method which are established by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine;
the regulatory act is:
the regulatory legal act adopted by authorized regulatory body which or separate provisions of which are directed to legal regulation of the economic relations, and also administrative relations between regulatory bodies or other public authorities and subjects of managing;
other official written instrument accepted by authorized regulatory body which establishes changes or cancels rules of law, is applied repeatedly and to the uncertain group of people and which or separate provisions of which are directed to legal regulation of the economic relations, and also administrative relations between regulatory bodies or other public authorities and subjects of managing irrespective of whether this document according to the law governing the relations in certain sphere, the regulatory legal act is considered;
regulatory body - the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the National Bank of Ukraine, National council of Ukraine concerning television and broadcasting, other state body, the central executive body, the Verkhovna Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Council of Ministers of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, local executive body, local government body, and also the official of any of the specified bodies if according to the legislation this person has powers solely to adopt regulatory acts. The territorial authorities of the central executive bodies, the public specialized agencies and the organizations, non-commercial self-regulating organizations performing management and management of separate types of obligatory national social insurance also treat regulatory bodies if these bodies, organizations and the organizations according to the powers adopt regulatory acts;
regulatory activities - the activities directed to preparation, acceptance, tracking of effectiveness and review of regulatory acts which is performed by regulatory bodies, physical persons and legal entities, their associations, territorial bulks in limits according to the procedure and method which are established by the Constitution of Ukraine, this Law and other regulatory legal acts;
tracking of effectiveness of the regulatory act - the measures directed to assessment of condition of introduction of the regulatory act and achievement by this act of the purposes declared in case of its acceptance;
review of the regulatory act - the measures directed to reduction by regulatory body of the regulatory act adopted by it in compliance with the principles of the state regulatory policy;
indicators of effectiveness of the regulatory act - indicators based on which when carrying out tracking of effectiveness of the regulatory act assessment of condition of introduction of this regulatory act and achievement by it of the purposes declared in case of its acceptance is performed;
the analysis of regulatory influence - the document which contains reasons for need of state regulation by adoption of the regulatory act, the analysis of influence which will render the regulatory act on the market circle, providing the rights and interests of subjects of managing, citizens and the states, and also reasons for compliance of the draft of the regulatory act to the principles of the state regulatory policy;
the report on tracking of effectiveness of the regulatory act the document containing data on results of tracking of effectiveness of the regulatory act and on methods by means of which such tracking was performed;
developer of the draft of the regulatory act - regulatory body or other body, organization, the organization, person or group of persons, authorized to develop or organize, direct and coordinate activities for project development of the regulatory act.
The legislation of Ukraine on the state regulatory policy consists of this Law, and also the laws of Ukraine and other regulatory legal acts governing the relations in the field of the state regulatory policy.
If the international treaty of Ukraine which consent to be bound is this the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine establishes other rules, than are provided by this Law, then rules of the international treaty of Ukraine are applied.
Operation of this Law extends to the relations in the field of implementation of the state regulatory policy and regulatory activities.
Operation of this Law does not extend to implementation of the regulatory activities connected with acceptance:
resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine;
acts of the National Bank of Ukraine;
the paragraph the fourth is excluded according to the Law of Ukraine of 22.11.2023 No. 3498-IX
acts of the National commission on securities and stock market;
acts of Audit Chamber, Central Election Commission and National service of mediation and conciliation;
standards, codes of past practice, specifications, except as specified, when provisions of standards, codes of past practice, specifications accepted by public authorities and local government bodies, having binding character in the cases provided by the law, establish requirements to subjects of managing on carrying out obligatory approvals, analyses, examinations, inspections, testing, etc. by means of the third parties;
sanitary standards, the state regulations and rules in the field of town planning, including the state construction regulations, the state regulations and fire safety regulations, including nation-wide, cross-industry, industry regulations concerning fire safety, the state cross-industry and industry regulations about labor protection, regulations, rules and standards on nuclear and radiation safety, the regulating documents on metrology approved by the central executive bodies, pharmakopeyny Articles, the State Pharmacopoeia of Ukraine, production schedules of production of medicine, except as specified, when provisions of the specified documents contain requirements to subjects of managing on carrying out obligatory approvals, analyses, examinations, inspections, testing, etc. by means of the third parties;
the acts adopted concerning introduction and implementation of measures of legal regime of warlike, emergency state, the announcement of zone of emergency ecological situation for implementation of actions for prevention of origin and spread of koronavirusny disease (COVID-19) provided by the quarantine established by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and also concerning mobilization and demobilization;
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