of July 19, 2017 No. 530
About measures for further enhancement of management system forestry
For the purpose of ensuring execution of the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 11, 2017 "About the organization of activities of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan for forestry" the Cabinet of Ministers decides No. PP-2966:
1. Approve:
Regulations on the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on forestry according to appendix No. 1;
Standard regulations on Committee of the Republic of Karakalpakstan on forestry and regional managements of forestry according to appendix No. 2;
Regulations on Management of national natural parks and hunting farms of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on forestry according to appendix No. 3;
structure of Research institution of forestry according to appendix No. 4;
Regulations on Research institution of forestry of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on forestry according to appendix No. 5;
Regulations on procedure for forming and use of fund of development of forestry of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on forestry according to appendix No. 6;
Regulations on payment procedure of work and material stimulation of staff of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on forestry and the subordinated organizations entering its system according to appendix No. 7.
2. To provide to the state committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on assistance to the privatized companies and development of the competition together with the State committee on forestry, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas in two-month time transfer of not used on places, idle objects of the state real estate to regional governments of the State committee on forestry with the right of operational management.
3. To the Ministry of Economic Development and reducings poverty, to the Ministry of investments and foreign trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, since 2018 to include in annually approved investing programs of work on acquisition of the special equipment and modern technologies for creation of the new woods, creations of the production organizations and infrastructure of ecotourism, to construction, reconstruction and repair of objects of forestry based on offers of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on forestry.
4. And the State committee on forestry to provide to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with SAC Uzfarmsanoat, JSC Dori-darmon the annual conclusion of agreements on purchase of raw materials of the herbs which are grown up in forestry for needs of the organizations performing pharmaceutical activities, and advance payment in the amount of 30 percent.
5. Make changes and additions to some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 8;
Recognize invalid some decisions of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 9.
6. To impose control of execution of this resolution on the deputy prime minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan - the minister of agricultural and water economy Z.T.Mirzayev.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Uzbekistan
Abdullah Aripov
Appendix №1
to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of July 19, 2017 No. 530
1. This Provision determines the status, the main objectives and functions, the rights and responsibility, and also procedure for the organization of activities of the State committee of the Republic of Uzbekistan on forestry (further - Committee).
2. The committee is the state body performing single state policy in the field of creation, cultivations, recovery, protection and protection of the woods, their rational use, and also the maintaining lesookhotnichy economy, the organization and conducting activities, national natural parks and other protected natural territories which are a part of the system of Committee.
3. The committee submits and is accountable to the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
4. The committee of the Republic of Karakalpakstan on forestry, regional managements of forestry (further - regional managements), Research institution of forestry, Management of national natural parks and hunting farms, the State unitary enterprise "÷rmonloyikh", the Center of cultivation and conversion of herbs Shifobakhsh and the Center of the analysis of seed farming forest and herbs, and also other organizations which are a part of the system of Committee (further - the organizations which are a part of the system of Committee), constitute single system of the State committee on forestry.
5. The committee in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions of chambers of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, resolutions and orders of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan, resolutions and orders of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan, this Provision, and also other legal acts.
6. The committee performs the activities in interaction with bodies of the public and economic board, law enforcement agencies, public authorities on places, non-state non-profit organizations, foreign and international, and also other organizations.
7. The decisions made by Committee within its powers and having normative and legal nature are obligatory for execution of the public and economic board by bodies, state governing bodies on places, business entities irrespective of form of business and citizens.
8. The committee is legal entity, has seal and forms with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Uzbekistan and with the name, separate balance, bank accounts, including in foreign currency and treasurer personal accounts in Treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
9. Location (postal address) of Committee: Tashkent region, Kibraysky district, Ulitsa Universitetskaya, house 2, 100140.
10. The main objectives of Committee are:
carrying out the single state policy in the field of forestry directed to comprehensive expansion and rational use of forest riches;
development of suggestions for improvement of forest legal acts and implementation of efficient control of its observance;
the organization of effective management of forest fund and the protected natural territories, creation, reproduction, protection and protection of afforestations, rational and careful use of the woods;
development and implementation of measures for prevention of desertification, to reforestation and protective afforestation in the republic, the organization of performance of works for creation of antierosion plantings on hillsides, in ravines and on badlands;
conducting strict accounting and studying of forest fund, fauna and flora, implementation of achievements of science and the best practices in practice of forest management;
forest conservation from the fires, wreckers and diseases, illegal fellings and other violations of forest legal acts;
organization of development and deployment of single system of certification and standardization of landing material of ornamental plants;
expansion and development in forestry of the integrated economic activity, implementation of measures for production of saplings, collection of officinal herbs, production organization and deep conversion of agricultural products, products of beekeeping, fish breeding, livestock production, production of consumer goods;
attraction in industry of grants of the international financial institutions, broad development of ecological tourism;
the organization of preparation, retraining and advanced training of specialists with the higher and secondary vocational education in the field of forestry.
11. The committee according to the tasks assigned to it performs the following functions:
a) in the field of carrying out the single state policy in the field of forestry directed to comprehensive expansion and rational use of forest riches:
implementation of public administration in the field of expansion of the areas of the woods by their creation, recovery, protection, development and increase in efficiency of activities for their use;
forecasting of the works of the farms which are a part of the system of Committee, and other protected natural territories planned in the future, development together with the interested ministries, the state committees and departments, Council of Ministers of the Republic of Karakalpakstan and khokimiyats of areas of the state and territorial programs and master plans (schemes) of development of industry;
approval of Regulations on managements and departments of central office of Committee, the regional managements and the republican organizations which are a part of the system of Committee, according to the procedure, established by legal acts;
ensuring accounting, and also safety, acceptance on accounting and write-offs from accounting of property in the organizations which are a part of the system of Committee, taking measures to collection of the caused material damage;
consideration, generalization of accounting records, balances of the organizations which are a part of the system of Committee, creation of composite balance sheets and their submission to relevant organs;
implementation by Committee through structures of mutual cooperation and implementation of joint actions subordinated to it with the militarized divisions for the purpose of ensuring immunity of border areas and control of forest conservation;
taking measures to safety of border areas of farms subordinated to it, development of offers on reliable protection and protection of the territory;
holding regime and security boundary actions, and also implementation and control of prevention and works on cleaning of clutter of forest plantings in the border territories according to offers of Committee on protection of Frontiers of Service of state security of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
implementation of cooperation with divisions of the militarized divisions, the notification of Border troops of Service of state security of the Republic of Uzbekistan, law-enforcement bodies on signs and the facts of manifestation of crime in the territory of forest fund, assistance to carrying out effective operational search activities for elimination of the negative circumstances connected with the mode;
the organization of reception of citizens, ensuring consideration of appeals of physical persons and legal entities according to the procedure, established by legal acts;
the organization of the edition of the books, newspapers and magazines concerning activities of Committee, the corresponding permissions, forms, bulletins and benefits and also maintaining the website;
b) in the field of development of suggestions for improvement of forest legal acts and implementation of efficient control of its observance:
development and entering into the Cabinet of Ministers of drafts of regulatory legal acts in the field of protection and protection of the woods, fauna and flora, their rational use, regulation of activities of forestry and the other protected natural territories and their use;
entering into the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan of offers on determination of categories of the woods, their transfer from one category in another;
determination and approval of amounts of cutting down for leaving or target use of trees and bushes of forest fund;
implementation of departmental control of observance of the set mode on the lands of forest fund which are a part of the system of Committee behind execution of regulatory legal acts in the field of protection and use of plant and animal life, and also rules of hunting;
development of offers and introduction them in the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan in accordance with the established procedure about determination of the amount of payment for cattle pasture on pastures of forest fund and their placement for other types of use of lands of forest fund;
c) in the field of the organization of effective management of forest fund and the protected natural territories, creation, reproduction, protection and protection of afforestations, rational and careful use of the woods:
development of the design and survey actions covering system of the current and perspective actions when conducting activities of the farms which are a part of the system of Committee, and the protected natural territories, and control of their realization;
d) in the field of development and implementation of measures for prevention of desertification, to reforestation and protective afforestation in the republic, the organization of performance of works for creation of antierosion plantings on hillsides, in ravines and on badlands:
improvement of condition of desert, mountain and foothill pasturable grounds in the territory of forest fund, their enrichment, increase in their productivity, prevention of sandy drifts and to their fixing, implementation of actions for jumping in regions of trees and bushes against desertification;
development and implementation of actions for preserving and improvement of condition of the water saving woods, groves and lands, the planted trees and shrubs territories around settlements, and also others forest plantation, performing functions on regulation of climate, sanitary and hygienic, improving and other protective functions;
project development on creation of protective forest plantings in the territory of agricultural enterprises and other land users, and also on hillsides (terraces), in ravines, biases, in places with availability of unsuitable minerals, on badlands - on contractual basis, and also on gardening around again building, reconstructed roads, buildings and constructions - at the expense of centralized sources and the organization of implementation of these works;
e) in the field of conducting strict accounting and studying of forest fund, fauna and flora, implementation of achievements of science and the best practices in practice of forest management:
development in forest fund of cultivation of landing material of ornamental, fruit and nuciferous plants, the organization of development and deployment of scientific bases and perspective technologies of cultivation of landing material;
conducting strict accounting of objects of plant and animal life in the territory of forest fund, and also the state forest inventory;
creation in the farms which are a part of the system of Committee of plantations and nurseries for the purpose of recovery, cultivation and use of plant and animal life;
development and deployment in practice of scientific recommendations about division into districts of ornamental, officinal, technical and fodder plants taking into account edaphic-climatic conditions of regions in forest fund;
rendering the scientific and methodical and production help to different business entities for the purpose of cultivation of ornamental plants;
coordinating in the territory of forest fund of scientific and practical works on cultivation, collection and procurement of technical, officinal and fodder plants, studying together with research establishments of area of distribution of wild-growing, officinal and fodder plants and the existing resources, recommendations about the optimum amount of their collection and procurement;
implementation of actions for complex mechanization and automation of production in forestry, to implementation in industry of highly effective resource-saving technologies;
the organization of hunting on lands of forest fund for foreign physical persons and legal entities, development and implementation of actions in this sphere;
e) in the field of forest conservation from the fires, wreckers and diseases, illegal fellings and other violations of forest legal acts:
the organization of protection and protection of the woods against the fires, unauthorized felling of trees and from other actions causing damage to the wood and also by results of studying of pathologies of the woods accounting of wreckers, wood diseases, the organization of fight against them;
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