Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 19, 2017 No. 127

About electronic control

(as amended on 27-01-2025)

Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on June 15, 2017

Chapter 1. General provisions

Article 1. Coverage of this Law

1. This Law determines procedure for electronic control in the Kyrgyz Republic.

2. Electronic control in the Kyrgyz Republic is understood as activities of state bodies, local government bodies, their officials, the organizations and citizens for adoption of legally significant decisions and making of legally significant actions with use of electronic documents and other information electronically.

3. This Law is applied to the relations on provision of the state and municipal services electronically, to use of the state infrastructure of electronic control, implementation of electronic control in other areas.

Article 2. The concepts used in this Law

The concepts used for the purposes of this Law mean the following:

1) information - data (messages, data) irrespective of form of their representation;

2) information technologies - processes, methods of search, collection, storage, use, provision, distribution of information;

3) information system - set of information containing in databases and information technologies and technical means providing its processing;

4) the owner of information - the person (physical or legal, including the Kyrgyz Republic and municipalities) who independently created information or received the right to permit or limit access to certain information based on the law or the agreement;

5) information access - possibility of receipt of information and its use;

6) provision of information - the actions directed to receipt of information by certain group of people or information transfer to certain group of people;

7) distribution of information - the actions directed to receipt of information by the indefinite group of people or information transfer to the indefinite group of people;

8) the document - the material carrier with information fixed on it in the form of the text, sound recording, the image and (or) their combination which has the details allowing to identify it and is intended for transfer in time and in space for the purpose of public use and storage;

9) the electronic document - the documentary information provided electronically that is in the type suitable for perception by the person with use of electronic computers, and also for transfer on information and telecommunication networks or processings in information systems;

10) electronic image of the paper document (electronic image) - information electronically representing the scanned or photographic image of the paper document transformed by means of technical means to electronic form as a unit without modification of contents of the scanned paper document.

Article 3. Tasks of electronic control in the Kyrgyz Republic

Tasks of electronic control in the Kyrgyz Republic are:

1) creation of conditions for effective and steady interaction of physical persons and legal entities with the state, development of technical and technological basis of formation of information society;

2) elimination of corruptogenic factors in management system the state and in business;

3) creation of conditions for free and timely receipt of high-quality services by citizens with use of modern information and telecommunication technologies, and also information necessary for this purpose;

4) ensuring full-fledged transparency of state bodies;

5) information security support of the Kyrgyz Republic.

Article 4. Principles of electronic control

1. Electronic control is exercised for the purpose of realization and protection of the rights and legitimate interests of man and citizen. Transition to electronic control in cases when it creates threat of violation of the rights and legitimate interests of man and citizen is not allowed. State bodies, local government bodies, their officials, other organizations shall be convinced of reliability and safety of means of electronic control prior to their use.

2. Physical persons have the right to select at discretion electronic or other form of interaction with state bodies and local government bodies. Content and implementation of the rights of physical persons cannot be put into dependence on in what form (electronic or other) they perform interaction with state bodies and local government bodies.

3. Participants of electronic control have the right to use at discretion any information technologies if in case of their use the requirements established by this Law and other laws of the Kyrgyz Republic are fulfilled.

4. The formats of electronic documents and information technologies of exchange of electronic documents used in electronic control shall provide possibility of use of such electronic documents by all interested participants of electronic control.


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