Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of July 11, 2017 No. PP-3126

About measures for radical enhancement of activities of law-enforcement bodies in the sphere of migratory processes and registrations of nationality

(as amended on 24-05-2024)


According to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of April 10, 2017 No. UP-5005 "About Measures for Radical Increase in Efficiency of Activities of Law-enforcement Bodies, Strengthening of Their Responsibility for Ensuring Public Order, Reliable Protection of the Rights, Freedoms and Legitimate Interests of Citizens", and also for the purpose of radical enhancement of activities of law-enforcement bodies in the sphere of migratory processes and registrations of nationality:

1. Consider the most important task of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan and its territorial subdivisions realization of the following main directions of increase in efficiency of migratory processes and registration of nationality:

the first - establishment of qualitatively new procedure for the organization of work republican, average and local divisions of migration and registration of the nationality providing accurate determination and differentiation of their main objectives and functions, the personal responsibility of heads and employees for proper accomplishment of the assigned obligations;

the second - implementation of efficient mechanisms of the analysis, assessment and forecasting of processes of certification of the population, departure, entrance and stay in the Republic of Uzbekistan, acceptance, exit and loss of nationality, the provision of political asylum providing effective planning and the organization of activities in this sphere;

third - strengthening of preventive actions among the staff of divisions of migration and registration of nationality, eradication of corruption manifestations and abuses of authority when rendering to the population the state services including arising under the influence of uncontrollable queues;

the fourth - enhancement of system of the prevention, identification and suppression of abuses of regulations of passport system, the facts of illegal migration on the basis of complex studying of the reasons and conditions promoting them;

the fifth - the organization of close interaction with the ministries and departments in questions of ensuring compliance with rules of passport system, migratory processes and registrations of nationality, implementation of international agreements about cooperation in this sphere;

the sixth - studying on system basis of the legislation of foreign countries in the sphere of migration, first of all, in which citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan, implementation of the permanent analysis of condition of external migration, development of offers on the conclusion of the international treaties directed to creating favorable conditions for citizens of the country often stay;

the seventh - broad application in activities of the modern information and communication technologies providing the simplified procedures and transparency of rendering the state services, strengthening of material and technical resources of divisions of migration and registration of nationality.

2. Agree with the offer of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan on implementation in activities of divisions of migration and registration of nationality of electronic system of rendering the state services and regulation of reception of citizens concerning the passport system providing contactless form of interaction.

3. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

develop and implement since May 1, 2018 the electronic system providing the simplified procedure of rendering the state services, including in issue of biometric documents, to consideration and document creation for trip abroad, to receipt of permanent and temporary registration, accounting in the place of stay, and also provision of address reference information;

in two-month time to develop and approve the actions plan of step-by-step equipment of district (city) divisions of migration and registration of nationality by the equipment and the software of electronic regulation of reception of citizens concerning passport system.

4. Create in structure of Head department of migration and registration of nationality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan within the total established number of staff Management of electronic information systems, having determined it the main objectives:

implementation and development of electronic systems of rendering the state services, including in issue of biometric documents, to consideration and document creation for trip abroad, to receipt of permanent and temporary registration, accounting in the place of stay, and also provision of address reference information;

forming and maintaining the integrated database in the field of registration in place of registration in the place of permanent residence and in the place of temporary stay, departure, entrance and stay in the Republic of Uzbekistan, acceptance, exit and loss of nationality, provision of political asylum, and also safety of information systems and their smooth functioning;

implementation of interdepartmental electronic interaction concerning migratory processes and registration of nationality, rendering assistance in prevention of offenses, identification and disclosure of crimes, conducting search work.

5. Approve Regulations on Head department of migration and registration of nationality of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to appendix No. 1.

7. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of employment and employment relationships together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other interested ministries and departments till February 1, 2018 critically to study interstate, intergovernmental and interservice agreements in the sphere of migration, to carry out the deep analysis of condition of external migration and to make in accordance with the established procedure the offers providing:

opening and the organization of activities of representative offices of competent authorities of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the sphere of migration in the territory of the foreign states, first of all with the greatest number of the staying citizens of the Republic of Uzbekistan;

creating favorable conditions for the population, including by simplification of order of registration and receipt of permission to employment in the foreign states.

8. To the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan:

together with the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Uzbekistan in three-months time to make in the Cabinet of Ministers the offers providing construction, reconstruction and arrangement of buildings and constructions of divisions of migration and registration of nationality;

together with the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan till November 1, 2017 to make in the Cabinet of Ministers the offers providing enhancement of regulatory framework in the sphere of migratory processes and registrations of nationality according to requirements of this resolution;


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