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The document ceased to be valid since June 30, 2019 according to Item 2 of the Resolution of National Bank of the Republic of Moldova of June 14, 2019 No. 165


of November 18, 1998 No. 340

About approval of the Instruction about import/export of cash by banks to the Republic / from the Republic of Moldova

(as amended on 08-02-2017)

In pursuance of Art. 11 of the Law on National Bank of Moldova N548-XIII of 21.07.95. Administrative board of National Bank of Moldova


1. Approve the Instruction about import/export of cash by banks to the Republic / from the Republic of Moldova it (is applied).

2. To department of currency transactions and external relations (Mr. Vladimir Muntyanu) to acquaint the staff of the departments of National Bank of Moldova involved in process of execution of requirements of the instruction with its content and features.

3. This decision becomes effective since 01.01.99 and is published in "Monitorul Oficial al Republicii Moldova".


Chairman of Administrative board of National Bank of Moldova

Leonid Talmach

Approved by the Resolution of Administrative board of National Bank of Moldova of November 18, 1998 No. 340

The instruction about import/export of cash by banks to the Republic / from the Republic of Moldova

This instruction is developed based on the Law on National Bank of Moldova (N548-XIII of July 21 1995), the Law on financial institutions (N550-XIII of July 21 1995) and the existing regulations of National Bank of Moldova.

I. The used concepts

For the purpose of this instruction the following concepts are used:

Resident bank - the bank of the Republic of Moldova having the license of National Bank of Moldova for implementation of financial activities.

Nonresident bank - bank with the location outside the Republic of Moldova which activities are not subject to licensing by National Bank of Moldova according to the Law on financial institutions.

Specialized legal nonresident person – legal nonresident person, other than nonresident bank, corresponding to the criteria specified in Item 2.9 with which the resident bank signed the contract mentioned in the subitem b) from the concept "contract".

Cash Moldovan lei - the banknotes and metal coins which are in circulation issued by National Bank of Moldova, and also withdrawn or subject to retirement, but accepted to exchange of National Bank of Moldova.

Cash foreign currency - the banknotes and metal coins which are in circulation issued by authorized bodies of foreign states, and also withdrawn or subject to retirement, but accepted to exchange of the relevant authorized bodies.

Import of cash (money) - from abroad on the territory of the Republic of Moldova of cash Moldavian pour the actual movement and/or cash foreign currency.

Export of cash (money) - abroad of cash Moldavian pour the actual movement from the territory of the Republic of Moldova and/or cash foreign currency.

The currency customs declaration - the document confirming the actual movement of cash through border customs clearance stations of the Republic of Moldova which is filled in with the bank representative when importing/export cash and is certified by the signature and impress of a seal of customs authorities of the Republic of Moldova. Depending on transaction type the currency customs declaration on import or the currency customs declaration on export of cash is filled in.

The register of currency customs declarations on import of cash - the centralized document constituted by Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova which contains information from currency customs declarations on import of cash to the Republic of Moldova.

The register of currency customs declarations on export of cash - the centralized document constituted by Customs Service of the Republic of Moldova which contains information from currency customs declarations on export of cash from the Republic of Moldova.

Details of correspondent account include: name of corresponding bank, its location (country and city), number and account currency.

The contract – the agreement for the purpose of implementation of transactions on export and/or import of cash from the Republic / to the Republic of Moldova, concluded between:

a) resident bank and nonresident bank according to which correspondence relations, or any other agreement between the mentioned banks providing implementation of transactions on obtaining/fee of cash from cash desk / in cash desk of bank in exchange for non-cash are established;

b) resident bank and specialized legal nonresident person who provides sale by resident bank to specialized legal nonresident person and/or purchase by resident bank from specialized legal nonresident person of cash in exchange for non-cash.

Bank details include: bank name, its location (country and city).

II. General provisions

2.1. This instruction determines procedure for import/export by banks to the Republic / from the Republic of Moldova of cash, and also procedure for information exchange by results of implementation of these transactions.

2.2. Import/export of cash foreign currency can be performed:

a) resident banks;

b) the nonresident banks having in resident banks correspondent accounts of LORO in foreign currency only in the presence of the corresponding permission of National Bank of Moldova.

2.3. Import/export of cash Moldavian leu can be performed only by the nonresident banks having in resident banks correspondent accounts of LORO in Moldovan lei and only in the presence of the corresponding permission of National Bank of Moldova.

2.4. The resident banks specified in Item 2.2.a), have the right:

a) import into the Republic of Moldova for replenishment of operational cash desk of bank the cash foreign currency received from nonresident bank and/or from specialized legal nonresident person;

b) export from the Republic of Moldova cash foreign currency for the purpose of transfer on the correspondent accounts NOSTRO opened abroad including based on contractual relations with specialized legal nonresident person.

2.5. The nonresident banks having the correspondent accounts of LORO opened in resident banks in foreign currency / Moldovan lei have the right:

a) import into the Republic of Moldova cash foreign currency / cash Moldovan lei for replenishment of these accounts;

b) withdraw from these account, within their remaining balance, cash foreign currency / cash Moldovan lei for export from the Republic of Moldova.

The mentioned transactions can be performed only in the presence of the corresponding permission of National Bank of Moldova.


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