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The document ceased to be valid since October 18, 2021 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 13, 2021 No. 1547


of June 15, 2017 No. 713

About approval of the standard document forms necessary for connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to network of gas distribution, and about modification of rules of connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution

(as amended of the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 21.12.2018 No. 1622)

The government of the Russian Federation decides:

Approve enclosed:

standard request form about provision of specifications on connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to network of gas distribution;

standard form of specifications on connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to network of gas distribution;

the standard commitment form about the conclusion of the agreement on connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to network of gas distribution;

standard form of the agreement on connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to network of gas distribution;

standard form of the act of connection (technological accession);

standard form of the act of differentiation of property accessory;

standard form of the act of differentiation of operational responsibility of the parties;

standard form of the act of readiness of networks of gas consumption and the gas-using equipment of capital construction project to connection (technological accession);

changes which are made to the Rules of connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 30, 2013 No. 1314 "About approval of Rules of connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution, and also about change and recognition voided some acts of the Government of the Russian Federation" (The Russian Federation Code, 2014, No. 2, Art. 137; No. 18, Art. 2185; No. 47, Art. 6561; 2016, No. 48, Art. 6768).

Russian Prime Minister

D. Medvedev

Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2017 No. 713

Standard request form about provision of specifications on connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to network of gas distribution

Request about provision of specifications for connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution

1. Applicant's details:


   (for the legal entity: the complete and reduced (in the presence) name

 applicant, form of business, location and postal address)


    (for physical person (individual entrepreneur): surname, name,

                              middle name, place of residence and postal address)

2. Due to __________________________________________________________

                        (connection (technological accession) to network

                       gas distribution of capital construction project;

                       increase in amount of gas consumption and (or) throughput

                      capabilities (for network of gas distribution) connected

                        capital construction project; change of the scheme

                         gas supply of the connected object capital

                                          constructions - to specify necessary)

I ask to issue specifications on connection (technological

accession) to network of gas distribution of capital construction project



                                             (name of object)

located (designed) at the address: ________________________________

                                                                              (location of object)


3. The planned size of the maximum hour consumption of ___________ gas

cubic meters (in case of one drawn-off point).

4. The planned size of the maximum hour consumption of gas on everyone

from drawn-off points (if them a little):

with ____ cubic meters per hour;

with ____ cubic meters per hour;

with ____ cubic meters per hour.

Reasons for need of connection of several points: ________.

5. The planned term of commissioning of object capital

constructions (in the presence of the relevant information) ___________________.

                                                                                                       (month, year)

6. Additional information _________________________________________.

                                                       (it is filled at the initiative of the applicant)

7. For the purpose of receipt of specifications on connection

(technological accession) capital construction project to network

gas distribution I attach the following documents to this request:

the power of attorney, other documents confirming powers of the representative

the applicant (if the request about connection (technological

accession) moves the applicant's representative);

copies of the documents of title confirming the right

property, or other legal cause on the parcel of land, on which

is located the capital construction project (will be located), and

(or) agreement on complex development of the territory;

situational plan;

calculation of the planned maximum hour consumption of gas (it is not required in

case of the planned maximum hour consumption of gas no more 5th cube.


consent of the main subscriber to connection (technological

accession) to networks of gas distribution and (or) gas consumption of the basic

the subscriber, and also on gas pipeline construction on the parcel of land

the main subscriber, if connection is performed on the parcel of land,

which owner is the main subscriber (in case of connection to

to the networks of gas distribution and (or) gas consumption belonging to third

to persons);

copy of the act of connection (technological accession) of object

capital construction of person which yields the right to use

capacities, or other documents confirming connection parameters

(technological accession) such object, and certified by the parties

the copy of the signed agreement on concession of the right to use capacity, and

also the documents certifying the amount of decrease in gas consumption;

the copy of the document confirming the property right, or other legal

the basis on capital construction project in case of completion

constructions of the specified object;

paragraph ninth ceased to be valid;

decision of general meeting of members gardening or gardening

non-commercial partnership about assignment of the authorized person

on giving of request about provision of specifications;

the copy developed and approved according to the legislation

Russian Federation documentation on the layout of the territory (project

layouts of the territory and the boundary-setting plan), providing

construction of network of gas consumption within the territory which is subject

to complex development (in case of need connections (technological

accessions) the capital construction projects located in

limits of the territory which is subject to complex development).

Applicant (legal entity):

_______________________ _______________ _________________________________

         (position)                 (signature)                 (surname, name, middle name

                                                                         applicant, contact telephone number)

Applicant (physical person):

_______________________ _______________ _________________________________

                                               (signature)               (surname, name, middle name

                                                                          applicant, contact telephone number)


Approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of June 15, 2017 No. 713

Standard form of specifications on connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to network of gas distribution

Specifications on connection (technological accession) of capital construction projects to networks of gas distribution (in case of preliminary issue of specifications)

1. ___________________________________________________________________.

       (name of the gas-distributing organization (contractor),

                                   issued specifications)

2. ____________________________________________________________________

        (full name of the applicant - the legal entity, surname, name,



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