Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 19, 2017 No. 9/167/16/11/13

About some questions of issue of omissions on import (export) of specific goods (works, services)

Based on subitem 2.14 of Item 2 of the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 28, 2017 "About state regulation in the field of export control" the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Committee for State Security of the Republic of Belarus, the State boundary committee of the Republic of Belarus and the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus DECIDE No. 49:

1. Determine that:

1.1. the omission on import (export) of specific goods (works, services) (further - the omission) is issued by the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Belarus, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus, Committee for State Security of the Republic of Belarus, the State boundary committee of the Republic of Belarus (further - authorized bodies) based on the decision of the Interdepartmental commission on military technically cooperation and export control under the Security Council of the Republic of Belarus (further - the Interdepartmental commission) in the cases specified in subitem 4.2 of item 4 of the Regulations on procedure for state regulation of import of specific goods (works, services), export of objects of export control, implementation of intermediary activities concerning objects of export control No. 49 approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of February 28, 2017 "About state regulation in the field of export control" (The national legal Internet portal of the Republic of Belarus, 10.03. 2017, 1/16919), in form according to appendix to this resolution.

Export of the specific goods which are earlier temporarily imported on the territory of the Republic of Belarus according to omissions on import to conversion, temporary import is performed according to the same omissions.

Import of the specific goods which are earlier temporarily exported from the territory of the Republic of Belarus according to omissions on export for conversion, temporary export, leasing is performed according to the same omissions;

1.2. for receipt of permission to issue of the omission documents according to the procedure, established by the legislation are submitted to the Interdepartmental commission.

The basis for issue of the omission is the decision of the Interdepartmental commission which is drawn up by the protocol which goes to the relevant authorized bodies in the form of the statement from meeting of this commission;

1.3. the omission is drawn up in duplicate and is registered in the book of registration of authorized body.

Both copies of the omission are handed to the official of structural division of authorized body or the organization which is acting for the benefit of and at the request of the head of authorized body (further - the applicant), under list;

1.4. in case of need making of customs transactions according to the legislation concerning the goods specified in the omission:

the first copy of the omission together with the customs declaration is transferred to departmental Item of customs clearance;

the second copy of the omission is represented to officials of customs authorities in Items of import (export), at the same time it is subject to return to authorized body in which the omission, for control is issued.

Number and date of issue of the omission are specified in customs declarations and (or) shipping documents.

The data specified in the omission shall correspond to the data specified in the customs declaration and (or) shipping documents;

1.5. the omission is drawn up on one batch of specific goods (works, services) which are subject to import (export);

1.6. the omission is drawn up on paper of the A4 format with use of electronic printers based on the data specified in agreements (contracts) or other documents, which formed the basis for import (export) of specific goods (works, services).

In case of large number of nomenclatures of specific goods (works, services) they are drawn up by appendix to the omission which is its integral part. At the same time in Item 3 of the omission entry is made: "According to appendix on __ sheets".

In the upper part of appendix it is specified: "Appendix to the omission on import (export) of specific goods (works, services) No. __ from __ ______________ 20 __". Further names of goods (works, services), their quantity and units of measure are specified;

1.7. the omission and each sheet of appendix to it signs the authorized officer of authorized body. The signature is certified by impress of a seal with the image of the State Emblem of the Republic of Belarus.

The authorized officer of authorized body which is granted the right of signing of the omission the structural division to which execution of omissions is assigned, and procedure for execution of the statement on issue of the omission are determined in the legal act of the relevant authorized body.

Information on authorized officers which are granted the right of signing of omissions samples of their signatures and prints of seals go to the State Customs Committee of the Republic of Belarus within 10 days from the date of entry into force of the legal act of the relevant authorized body;

1.8. if the omission is not used or handed over on renewal, in structural division of authorized body to which execution of omissions is assigned, in it the mark about cancellation of the omission or issue of new becomes;

1.9. effective period of the omission shall not exceed one year from the date of its issue;

1.10. modification of the omission is not allowed;

1.11. in case of change of the accompanying person, type, brand and number of the vehicle, quantity or the nomenclature of specific goods (works, services) specified in the omission according to the decision of the Interdepartmental commission the omission is subject to renewal. The decision on renewal of the omission is made by the authorized person of authorized body in which the omission is issued.

Are applied to documents for issue of the new omission:

earlier drawn up two copies of the omission;

the new statement on issue of the omission;

reasons for need of renewal of the omission.

In other cases the decision on renewal of the omission is made by the Interdepartmental commission;

1.12. if the omission is not used in year, it is subject to return to authorized body in which it is issued.

2. Recognize invalid:


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