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of June 26, 2017 No. 175

About temporary protection in the Republic of Belarus

Based on the paragraph of the sixth of part one of article 10 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of June 23, 2008 "About provision to foreign citizens and stateless persons of the status of the refugee, additional protection, shelter and temporary protection in the Republic of Belarus" in edition of the Law of the Republic of Belarus of July 20, 2016 and subitem 9.4 of Item 9 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus approved by the Presidential decree of the Republic of Belarus of December 4, 2007 No. 611 "About some questions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the organizations which are a part of the system of law-enforcement bodies" the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus DECIDES:

1. Approve the enclosed Instruction about procedure for the organization of work on accounting of the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who at the same time in large quantities arrived to Frontier of the Republic of Belarus or the territory of the Republic of Belarus and who showed willingness to petition for provision of the status of the refugee, additional protection or shelter in the Republic of Belarus, and foreign citizens and stateless persons to which temporary protection in the Republic of Belarus, on carrying out obligatory state dactyloscopic registration, obligatory medical examination and identification of the identity of foreign citizens and stateless persons to which temporary protection in the Republic of Belarus is provided is provided.

2. This resolution becomes effective after its official publication.

Minister militia lieutenant general

I. A. Shunevich

It is approved

Chairman of the State boundary committee of the Republic of Belarus major general

June 22, 2017



It is approved

Minister of Health of the Republic of Belarus

June 21, 2017


V. A. Malashko

It is approved

Chairman of the State committee of judicial examinations of the Republic of Belarus major general of justice

June 20, 2017




Approved by the Resolution of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Belarus of June 26, 2017 No. 175

The instruction about procedure for the organization of work on accounting of the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship who at the same time in large quantities arrived to Frontier of the Republic of Belarus or the territory of the Republic of Belarus and who showed willingness to petition for provision of the status of the refugee, additional protection or shelter in the Republic of Belarus, and foreign citizens and stateless persons to which temporary protection in the Republic of Belarus, on carrying out obligatory state dactyloscopic registration, obligatory medical examination and identification of the identity of foreign citizens and stateless persons to which temporary protection in the Republic of Belarus is provided is provided

1. This Instruction determines procedure for the organization of work on accounting of the foreign citizens and persons without citizenship (further, if is not established other, - foreigners) who at the same time in large quantities arrived to Frontier of the Republic of Belarus or the territory of the Republic of Belarus and who showed willingness to petition for provision of the status of the refugee, additional protection or shelter in the Republic of Belarus (further if other is not established, - shown willingness to petition for protection), and foreigners to whom temporary protection in the Republic of Belarus is provided (further - temporary protection) and also procedure for the organization of work on implementation of obligatory state dactyloscopic registration and obligatory medical examination of foreigners to which temporary protection, on carrying out identification of the identity of foreigners to which temporary protection is provided is provided, not having documents for trip abroad or shown false or forgery documents for trip abroad.

2. For the purpose of accounting of the foreigners who showed willingness to petition for protection, the employee of division on nationality and migration of territorial authority of internal affairs of the Republic of Belarus (further - division on nationality and migration) in the place of the actual temporary stay in the Republic of Belarus of the foreigner who showed willingness to petition for protection:

explains to the foreigner of its right and obligation;


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