of June 20, 2017 No. PP-3070
About creation of the Center of implementation of information and communication technologies of Bureau of forced execution under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan
For the purpose of widespread introduction of the advanced information and communication technologies in activities of Bureau of forced execution under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - Bureau), and also according to the Presidential decree of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 29, 2017 No. UP-5059 "About measures for further strengthening of payment discipline in the sphere of delivery and consumption of electrical energy and natural gas, and also to radical enhancement of system of enforcement proceeding":
1. Create in structure:
The Center of Implementation bureau of information and communication technologies of Bureau of forced execution under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan (further - the Center) numbering 20 units;
territorial administrations of Bureau departments of implementation of information and communication technologies (further - territorial subdivisions of the Center) numbering 28 unit.
2. The main objectives of the Center to determine:
development and realization of single policy on creation, development and maintenance of the automated information systems, resources and databases, ensuring information security of Bureau;
observation and management of the Single database of maintaining enforcement proceeding, the Single system of interdepartmental electronic interaction concerning debt collection according to executive documents, the Unified information system of execution and control of the maintenance obligations, other information resources, databases and program complexes used in activities of bodies of forced execution;
development and deployment of the advanced information technologies and software products giving opportunity of conducting reliable accounting of executive documents and the amounts collected according to them, increases in efficiency and system effectiveness of executive documents by automation of separate processes, and also rendering high-quality interactive state services;
development of information systems, resources and databases of Bureau, their integration with systems of other state bodies;
timely identification and counteraction to threats of information security of Bureau, control and monitoring of observance of requirements of information security, implementation and development of technical infrastructure in protection of information systems, resources and databases;
realization of package of measures for advanced training of employees of Bureau in the sphere of use of information systems, resources and databases, ensuring information security.
3. Determine that:
The center is created without the status of the legal entity as independent management of Bureau;
The center is headed by the director appointed and dismissed by the Attorney-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan on representation of the director of Bureau;
territorial subdivisions of the Center in the activities submit to chiefs of territorial administrations of Bureau and the director of the Center.
4. Approve:
structure of the Center according to appendix No. 1;
grades in compensation on the Single scale of charges of employees of the Center and its territorial subdivisions according to appendices No. No. 2 and 3;
the staff list of employees of the Center and its territorial subdivisions according to appendices No. No. 4 and 5.
5. Determine that:
in case of determination of official pay rate of employees of the Center and its territorial subdivisions according to the grades in compensation approved by this resolution on the Single scale of charges the tariff coefficient is applied in double size;
the 100 percent monthly allowance is paid to workers of managerial personnel of the Center and its territorial subdivisions for special working conditions to their official pay rates. At the same time this allowance is included official pay rate of employees of the Center and its territorial subdivisions in case of calculation of the stimulating surcharges and allowances established by the legislation.
privileges, measures of material and social protection established for employees of Bureau taking into account requirements of this resolution extend to employees of the Center and its territorial subdivisions.
6. Grant the right:
To the Attorney-General of the Republic of Uzbekistan to make changes to structures of the Center and its territorial subdivisions within the established general number of staff;
to the director of Bureau:
employ in the Center and its territorial subdivisions of the qualified personnel having the higher education in the sphere of information and communication technologies, and also other specialty having necessary knowledge and work experience;
attract on the contractual legal basis in the Center of other specialists (programmers, security specialists of computer systems and networks, information security in the automated systems, computer engineers, web designers and others).
7. In a month to provide bureau:
approval of regulations on the Center;
completion of the Center and its territorial subdivisions by the qualified specialists who are professionally owning modern information and communication technologies;
together with the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications of the Republic of Uzbekistan equipment of the Center and its territorial subdivisions modern computer equipment, communication, furniture, other material means necessary for the organization of their effective work.
8. To the Supreme Court, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economics, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of employment and employment relationships, the Ministry of development of information technologies and communications, the State Tax Committee, the State Customs Committee, the State committee according to the statistics, to Goskomzemgeodezkadastr, the Central bank, the Agency on intellectual property, the State center of personalisation, the Center for coordination and market development of securities in case of Goskomkonkurention of the Republic of Uzbekistan, to other ministries and departments in two-month time to provide full access to the Center to the databases and information systems.
9. Make changes and additions to the resolution of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of May 30, 2017 No. PP-3016 "About the organization of activities of Bureau of forced execution under the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Uzbekistan" according to appendix No. 6.
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