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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

June 2, 2017

No. 692/30560


of March 15, 2017 No. 118

About approval of Rules of development of oil and gas fields

(as amended on 02-05-2023)

According to the paragraph of article 37 of the Law of Ukraine "About oil and gas" and to the subitem 61 of item 4 of the Regulations on the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 21, 2015 No. 32, I order the sixth:

1. Approve Rules of development of oil and gas fields which are attached.

2. To legal department (Buchko V. A.) provide submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine.

3. I reserve control of execution of this order.

4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.


A. Semerak

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine of March 15, 2017 No. 118

Rules of development of oil and gas fields

I. General provisions

1. These rules establish the main requirements to the organization and implementation of trial and industrial development of fields of hydrocarbons and regulate the relations of subjects of managing and central and local executive bodies, arising when using by oil-and-gas subsoil for the purpose of their complex and rational use.

2. In these rules requirements to trial development of fields (further - OPR), hydrocarbon production in case of industrial development of fields (deposits) of oil and gas, the equipment and technology of the device of wells, arrangement of fields taking into account requirements of ensuring complete safety of the population, protection of the surrounding environment, and also property (buildings, constructions, etc.) are stated.

3. Requirements of these rules extend to activities of all subjects of oil and gas industry of any form of business and pattern of ownership performing searches, investigation, design of systems of development and arrangement, development of fields of hydrocarbons, the device and operation of wells, other industrial structures, etc.

4. Use of oil-and-gas subsoil, search and investigation of oil and gas deposits, their development, the device and operation of underground storage warehouses for oil storage and gas are performed according to the legislation in the field of protection and use of subsoil.

5. Accounting got oils, gas, condensate and water during test operation of wells, trial and industrial mining (deposit), and also amounts of the agents of influence downloaded in layers it shall be performed according to the existing normative and technical documents.

6. Project technology documents for development of fields are approved by the user of oil-and-gas subsoil.

II. Determination of terms

In these rules terms are used in the following values:

designer's service of projects implementation of trial development, projects (technology schemes) of industrial mining (deposit) - research work which is carried out by organizations, organizations - authors of projects of trial development, projects (technology schemes) of industrial development of fields (deposits) and/or users subsoil, for the purpose of the analysis of compliance of the actual indicators of development (trial development) of fields (deposits) project and provisions of the recommendations of rather geological and technical actions submitted on accomplishment of project decisions according to change of the actual mining-and-geological conditions of development of oil and gas deposits;

agents of impact on deposit of oil and gas (further - agents of impact) - the substances using for impact on thermodynamics of deposits, in particular: forcing in deposit of hydrocarbons for the purpose of increase in coefficients of oil recovery, gas, condensate; intensifications of hydrocarbon production or isolation of inflow of reservoir waters in wells; carrying out technology transactions during routine maintenance and overhaul repairs of wells;

the analysis of development - efficiency evaluation of the implemented system of mining (deposit) which is performed on the basis of studying and comparison of technology indicators of development to the approved project indicators, identification of the reasons of discrepancies and confirmation of the inventory quantities accepted to designing;

drilling process of formation of excavation, mainly round section, by destruction of breeds the boring tool with removal of products of destruction;

testing of well complex of works in well on disclosure of the horizon and calling of inflow of formation fluid for the purpose of determination petro, water - and gas saturations of layer, assessment of its filtrational and capacity characteristics, collecting of tests of reservoir liquid and gas, measurement of reservoir pressure;

the device of well complex of works, since preparation of the platform under the drilling rig and sidings to it, with the subsequent drilling of well, its fixture, binding of gushing armature, installation of equipment for extraction (compression) of raw materials from well, laying of necessary engineering linear communications for transportation of hydrocarbonic mix to places of preparation of products, challenge of inflow of hydrocarbons, and finishing demontazhy with both demobilization of drilling equipment, and recultivation of the parcel of land;

hydrocarbons-oils, bitumen oil, natural gas (including the gas dissolved in oils, and the gas dissolved in underground waters), gas of central basin type, oil and gas of slate thicknesses, gas and oil of collectors of dense breeds, gas condensate, gas (methane) of coal fields, gas hydrates;

recirculation gas - natural gas which is returned (is pumped) in one or several oil and gas deposits or gas-condensate deposits of the field for maintenance in them reservoir pressure or utilization of the accompanying gas according to the approved user subsoil of the project technology document;

geological and technology model of the field - digital simulation model of the field which is stored in type of multidimensional object which gives the chance to research and predict the processes happening during development in volume of the reservoir and is periodically specified in process of receipt of new data during the entire period of mining;

hydraulic gap of layer method of intensification which is usually applied in oil and gas wells in the layers which are characterized by low permeability. Specially picked up liquids with rasklinivatel or without him for hydraulic gap are pumped under the high pressure and speed in collector interval for artificial formation of cracks;

hydrochemical indicators - dissolved ionnosolevy complexes, their interrelation with accumulations of hydrocarbons, with litologo-facial features of the water containing breeds and hydrodynamics;

deep drilling construction of wells in crust which drilling is performed on depth more than 4 500 m on vertical trunk of well;

the operating wells wells this products (absorbing) within the last month of the accounting period irrespective of the number of days of operation;

amendment to project technology documents on development amendment to the existing project technology documents (projects of trial development, projects of industrial development or technology schemes of industrial development) in which separate provisions of project technology documents are adjusted and which are the integral components of the main project technology documents on development;

research on kondensatnost (gas-condensate researches) - complex of the field and laboratory surveys conducted for the purpose of determination kondensatogazovy (further - KGF) and water (further - VF) factors, calculation of component structure of bedded system;

operation of the extracting wells processes of raising of formation fluids from face on surface;

the complex project of arrangement of the field - the project technology documentation containing organizational and technology solutions on work on arrangement, construction, reconstruction, technical retrofitting of the industrial oil and gas facilities intended for production, preparation of hydrocarbonic raw materials, and also transportation of the prepared products;

preservation of the field (deposit) - implementation of package of measures for the temporary termination of mining providing the termination of production from it of hydrocarbons, including the termination of use of the operational equipment and wells and preserving them in the condition suitable for recovery of their operation and also safety of the population, protection of subsoil and the surrounding environment;

preservation of well - the time termination of the device of well or its operation with acceptance of adequate measures on protection of the surrounding environment, and also preserving its productive characteristics for the period stops;

the invalid wells wells which are in idle time at least one calendar month;

the nonconventional accumulations of hydrocarbons accumulations including gas and oil from slate thicknesses, the condensed breeds (sandstones, etc.), gas (methane) of coal fields, gas of central basin type, gas hydrates, oil, condensate or other hydrocarbonic raw materials which lies in nonconventional collectors;

object of development (operational object) - layer or group of layers which have similar physical and chemical, thermodynamic and other properties and are emitted for drilling and operation of wells on independent grid;

arrangement of the field complex of project, prospecting, construction works which need to be executed for introduction of the new field in industrial (trial) development, or new construction, expansion, reconstruction and technical retrofitting on the operating (equipped) fields;

the operator - the legal entity having financial and technical resources, and also experiment on implementation of activities for hydrocarbon production, their industrial preparation, arrangement of fields, capital repairs of the operating objects and so forth. The operator is determined by the user subsoil;

development of well - closing stage of preparation of well for operation on which the complex of technical and technology transactions on calling of inflow of formation fluids is performed;

the plan of test operation of well document regulating carrying out necessary complex of researches in well and their frequency for the purpose of preparation of basic data for assessment of inventories and designing of trial development and regulating selections of hydrocarbons (well output) in case of test operation;

the bedded fluid oil, gas, condensate, oil bitumen, water or their mix containing in layer;

platforms - buoys - are fixed vertical floating cylinders which considerable deepening does platform of more steady, simplifies its stabilization practically without active adjustment of ballast;

initial bedded pressure size of pressure in productive layer prior to its development;

test operation of well complex of the works performed for the purpose of refining of the extracting opportunities of well, structure and physical and chemical properties of formation fluids, collection characteristics of layers, coefficients of performance, the greatest possible outputs of wells, their priyemochnost, etc., receipts of necessary amount of information for reasons for system and technology indicators of trial development;

the project of trial development of fields (deposits) (further - the OPR project) - the project technology document developed on the basis of basic geological and industrial data in which the system of development, amounts of the hydrocarbons extracted during trial development, rational use of products, development process regulation, and also the program and amounts of research works, the including control of process of trial development and receipt of all necessary data for accomplishment of detailed geological economic evaluation and approval in accordance with the established procedure is proved;

the project of industrial mining (deposit) - the project technology document, in which on the basis of the geological economic evaluation of the field reserves this postings of wells, studying of core, materials of industrial geology and geophysics, hydrogeological, gasdynamic and industrial researches, and also other data obtained during investigation and trial development of fields (deposits), reasonably rational, economically justified complex of technology and technical solutions for mining and the action for control of development process, safety working and the population, protection of subsoil and the surrounding environment approved in accordance with the established procedure;

industrial development of the field complex of the actions and engineering procedures directed to oil recovery, gas, condensate and other components from subsoil for their use in the industries in case of optimum economic indicators and management of these processes;

the industrial characteristic of deposits forms, the sizes, hypsometric provision of contours of oil-bearing capacity, gas content, contacts gas-oil-water in different parts of deposit, inventories of hydrocarbons, initial output of wells, reservoir pressures and temperatures, gas factors, coefficients of performance and their change during test operation of wells and trial mining (deposit), for gas, gas-condensate deposits - availability or lack of oil border of industrial value, content of condensate, data on nature of interaction of wells and layers, about the deposit mode;

regulation of process of development of fields (deposits) of oil and gas implementation of the actions for enhancement of further mining (deposit) directed to achievement of the set rates of hydrocarbon production and providing the approved (accepted) coefficient of oil recovery, gas and condensate;

liquid for hydraulic gap of layer-liquid which is forced in well in the course of intensification. Liquids for hydraulic fracturing of layer are chosen depending on lithologic composition and filtrational and capacity properties of the rocks which are usually containing water, propant (usually sand or artificial ceramics), and also small part of the chemical compounds intended for ensuring necessary physical and chemical properties of the liquid forced in well and other operational requirements;

saykling developments of development of gas-condensate zalezh with maintenance of reservoir pressure by pumping gas of recirculation in layer for increase in coefficient of extraction of condensate;

well - the cylindrical mining development created by drills or other boring tools including the equipment necessary for its operation which diameter is much less than its length;

system of support of bedded pressure set of technology actions and technical means for maintenance of reservoir pressure during development of deposit of hydrocarbons by downloading agents of impact in it for ensuring the size of reservoir pressure provided by the technology project document for mining (deposits);

the accompanying reservoir water-water rising to the surface together with hydrocarbons during their production;

thermodynamic researches of bedded gas-condensate system - laboratory researches of the sample gas (the recombined test) which is artificially created from crude condensate and separated In the thermobaric conditions of bedding of hydrocarbonic system in deposit;

thermodynamic researches of reservoir oil - laboratory researches of deep tests of oil in the thermobaric conditions of bedding of hydrocarbonic system in deposit;

the technology scheme of industrial development of oil field (deposit) - the project technology document developed based on the detailed geological economic evaluation of field reserves approved in accordance with the established procedure determining the previous system of industrial mining (deposit) of oil with use of methods of increase in petroradiation for industrial assessment of their efficiency and working off of technology of works;

the specified project of trial (industrial) mining, the specified technology scheme - the specifying project technology document on development which is carried out on replacement of the existing project technology document on development and considers the additional geological and industrial data obtained in implementation process of the existing projects of trial development, projects of industrial development or technology schemes of industrial development.

In these rules other terms are used in the values given in the Code of Ukraine about subsoil, the Laws of Ukraine "About oil and gas", "About protection of the surrounding environment", "About environmental impact assessment"".

III. Preparation of oil and gas deposits for development and their classification

1. On complexity of geological structure, phase condition of hydrocarbons, conditions of bedding and variability of properties of productive layers such deposits are allocated irrespective of the size of field reserves:

simple structure, connected with the undisturbed or poorly broken structures; their productive layers contain single-phase fluid and are characterized by consistency of thickness and collection properties in the plan and by (coefficient of pishchanistost of at least 0,7 and coefficient of partition of no more 2,6);

complex structure, having one - or two-phase fluid are also characterized by considerable variability of thickness and collection properties of productive layers in the plan and by, lithologic substitutions of collectors low permeable breeds or availability of tectonic violations (coefficient of pishchanistost of less 0,7 and coefficient of partition of more 2,6);

very complex structure of which are characteristic as availability of multiphase fluids, lithologic substitutions, tectonic violations, and unevenness of thickness and collection properties of productive layers.

Gas-oil and oil and gas deposits in which the oil rim is spread by plantar water and in which oil lies in the form of thin (narrow) rims in heterogeneous layers also belong to categories of difficult and very complex structure.

2. Are divided by quantity of the productive horizons (deposits) of the field on one-bedded and multibedded.

3. Are divided by quantity of subjects to mining on:

one-object in which there is only one deposit or all deposits are united in one object of development;

multi-object in which several objects of development are allocated.

4. Depending on condition in entry bedded conditions and structure of the main hydrocarbonic connections in subsoil of the field (deposit) share on:

single-phase: the oil, containing oils and the gas dissolved in it;

gas, containing only gas;

gas-condensate which gas contains condensate;

two-phase: gas-oil in which the main part of the field (deposit) oil (the oil pool with the gas heading) is also formed by oil with dissolved gas and gas (the gas heading) occupies smaller amount; oil and gas in which gas part on amount exceeds oil (gas deposit with oil rim); oil-gas condensate or the gazokondensatonaftov containing oil, gas and condensate.

Формула 1 к Приказу от 15.03.2017 г. №118

During type definition of the field (deposit) on the first place in the name the smallest component on amount, on the second - the biggest is put.

Формула 2 к Приказу от 15.03.2017 г. №118Формула 3 к Приказу от 15.03.2017 г. №118

8. Depending on objectives and condition of study of oil-and-gas content of subsoil allocate three stages of exploration works for oil and gas - regional, search and prospecting which have the separate implementation phases of works.

9. The regional stage includes the following stages of exploration works:

allocation of zones and areas for first-priority studying;

identification of objects (structures);

determination of availability of traps of hydrocarbons and preparation of objects (structures) for deep drilling.

The purpose of regional exploration works is studying of the main patterns of geological structure of decantation basins, assessment of forecast and perspective resources of hydrocarbons of litologo-stratigrafichesky complexes, zones and objects. During regional stage drill basic and parametrical wells.

Main results of regional stage: prospective areas for search drilling are prepared; perspective resources are estimated.

10. The purpose of search works is discovery of the fields of oil and gas or new deposits on earlier found fields to provisional estimate of inventories of hydrocarbons and the choice among them first-priority for further investigation. During search stage drill search wells.

The search stage has one stage - search of fields (deposits) which comes to the end after obtaining in search well at least of one industrial inflow of oil or gas or reasons for hopelessness of carrying out further search works.

Main results of search stage: the field (deposit) of hydrocarbons is found or the results testimonial of inexpediency of further search works are received; it is preposted assessment of the explored reserves registered feasibility of further investigation and opytnopromyshlenny development is determined.

11. The purpose of prospecting works is establishment and assessment of explored reserves of hydrocarbons in the quantity necessary for industrial development, determination of all parameters for creation of the project of industrial development, and also additional exploration of not enough studied sites (blocks) of the fields which are in development. During prospecting stage drill exploratory wells, and also operational (estimative, estimative and operational, delivery, control, special) in implementation process of the OPR projects.

Prospecting works include the following stages:

assessment and preparation of fields (deposits) for development;

additional exploration of fields (deposits).

Main results of prospecting stage: the field of hydrocarbons is prepared for industrial development and its industrial value is established; it is estimated explored reserves of the field and are approved in accordance with the established procedure; it is executed detailed geological and economic assessment (further GEO-1).


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