of June 19, 2017 No. 389
About approval of the Regulations on procedure for attraction and use of the international grant and technical assistance in the Kyrgyz Republic
For the purpose of increase in efficiency of coordination of the activities connected with attraction, monitoring and effective use of the international grant and technical assistance the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve Regulations on procedure for attraction and use of the international grant and technical assistance in the Kyrgyz Republic according to appendix.
2. Assign general coordination of questions of attraction and use of the international grant and technical assistance to the Ministry of Economics of the Kyrgyz Republic.
3. Quarterly no later than the 15th following the accounting period to provide to the ministries and departments of the Kyrgyz Republic in authorized body information for forming of the register of projects of the international grant and technical assistance.
4. To the Ministry of Economics of the Kyrgyz Republic:
- quarterly no later than the 30th following the accounting period to send the register of projects of the international grant and technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic for entering of information into the Platform of management of the external help;
- in two-month time to prepare and submit in accordance with the established procedure for consideration of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic the draft of the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic about modification of the Regulations on the Ministry of Economics of the Kyrgyz Republic approved by the order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of February 20, 2012 No. 117.
5. To impose control of execution of this resolution on department of finance and credit policy of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.
6. This resolution becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication.
Prime Minister
S. Zheenbekov
1. This Provision regulates procedure for attraction and use of the international grant and technical assistance arriving to the Kyrgyz Republic from donors (further - the Provision).
2. Action of this provision extends to the executive bodies and local government bodies submitting to the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic.
3. In this Provision the following concepts are used:
- the international grant and technical assistance - the help types gratuitously provided to the Kyrgyz Republic by donors for support in social and economic transformations by carrying out researches, training, the direction of specialists, transfer of experience and technologies, money, supply of equipment and other goods (property), and also in the form of the organization and/or holding seminars, conferences and other actions. Purchase of works, services and consulting services by donors of the international grant and technical assistance also belongs to the term "international grant and technical assistance";
- donors - foreign state (its administrative and territorial unit), the international organization, their representations, or the persons of law authorized by this state and the organization providing the international grant and technical assistance;
- the executive agencies - the state bodies and local government bodies of the Kyrgyz Republic which are directly receiving and using the international grant and technical assistance.
4. The purpose of this provision is improvement of coordination, systematization, streamlining, monitoring, accounting and effective use of the international grant and technical assistance arriving to the Kyrgyz Republic from donors.
5. The main objectives of this provision are:
- creation of the mechanism of coordination of process of attraction and use of the international grant and technical assistance;
- increase in efficiency and orientation of the international grant and technical assistance to goal achievement of the state programs / development strategies of the country;
- streamlining and systematization of process of attraction, monitoring and accounting/registration of projects of the international grant and technical assistance;
- establishment of order of registration of projects of the international grant and technical assistance;
- ensuring transparency of process of attraction and use of the international grant and technical assistance.
6. This Provision does not extend to the projects of the international grant and technical assistance which are directly directed to preparation of drafts of the program of the state investments which coordination is performed by authorized body on forecasting and budget implementation, and also on the emergency humanitarian assistance, the help aimed at providing national security, the military and food aid arriving to the Kyrgyz Republic from donors.
7. Coordination of process of attraction and use of the international grant and technical assistance is performed by the Ministry of Economics of the Kyrgyz Republic - authorized body on economic forecasting (further - authorized body), in the part which is not contradicting the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic.
8. The authorized body participates in discussion and negotiating on behalf of the Kyrgyz Republic with donors concerning attraction of the international grant and technical assistance in accordance with the established procedure.
9. The appeal of the executive agencies to donors concerning attraction of the international grant and technical assistance is performed only in coordination with authorized body.
10. The executive agencies in case of introduction of project offers submit information on earlier realized projects of the external help in the respective sphere and on their results for approval with authorized body.
11. The authorized body within ten working days after receipt of the project offer represents the conclusion about feasibility or inexpediency of project implementation of the international grant and technical assistance.
12. The conclusion about feasibility of project implementation of the international grant and technical assistance is accepted by authorized body on the basis of the following criteria:
- project compliance to priorities of social and economic development of the Kyrgyz Republic and/or corresponding sectoral development strategy;
- essential impact of project deliverables on economic and social situation of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- further stability of the project;
- equalization of social and economic development of various regions;
- lack of duplication of the project with other projects in the respective sphere.
13. After agreement signature about project implementation with the donor, the project of the international grant and technical assistance is subject to obligatory state registration in authorized body.
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