of June 17, 2017 No. 104
About the international emergency relief
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on May 4, 2017
1. The purpose of this Law is the organization of procedures, about, functions, powers and the responsibility correlated to assistance and settlement of the international emergency relief.
2. The main objectives of this Law are:
1) establishment of procedure for initiation, coordination and termination of rendering the international emergency relief;
2) determination of the minimum requirements to which there shall correspond the international emergency relief;
3) determination of the procedure of transit of the international emergency relief in others, affected by emergency situation, the countries;
4) determination of procedure for rendering the international emergency relief by the Kyrgyz Republic to foreign states.
3. This Law determines legal, organizational, social basis of rendering the international emergency relief in case of emergency situation in the Kyrgyz Republic, the international emergency relief of the Kyrgyz Republic to foreign states, and also the international emergency relief following en route through the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic to other affected country.
The law is designed to provide systemacity of approach of the Kyrgyz Republic in questions of rendering the international emergency relief, to guarantee the state support to the international helping subjects.
This Law is not applied in the conditions of armed conflict or in the conditions of the emergency situation which arose in the territory of the state, affected by armed conflict. Provision of international aid in such conditions is regulated by the conventional principles and rules of international law, international treaties which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.
For the purposes of this Law the following basic concepts are applied:
1) Ceased to be valid according to the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of 17.11.2022 No. 107
2) foreign components of the International movement of the Red Cross and Red Crescent - foreign societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent, the International federation of societies of the Red Cross and Red Crescent and the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red crescent;
3) foreign non-governmental organization - any non-governmental non-profit organization with the headquarters in other state, powers and which activities are directed to rendering the international emergency relief;
4) liquidation of emergency situations - localization and cancellation of the factors which caused the emergency situations, rescue and other urgent works which are carried out in case of emergency situations and directed to rescuing of life and preserving human health, decrease in the extent of damage;
5) the international emergency relief - the international cash donations, assets gratuitously transferred, goods, supply objects, the equipment, services, including actions for the prevention of emergency situation, rescue and other urgent works on mitigation of consequences of emergency situation, activities for recovery of vital conditions of the population which was injured in case of emergency situation or improvement of these conditions in comparison with the period before emergency situation, and also initiative of strengthening of opposition to emergency situations and decrease in risks of emergency situations;
6) the international helping subject - the helping state, the intergovernmental, international, foreign non-governmental organizations, and also foreign legal entity or physical person participating in response to emergency situation in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic or in implementation of transit through the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic for participation in response to emergency situation in other country;
7) the international cash donations - any money offered the international helping subjects directly for benefit of the Kyrgyz Republic, domestic non-governmental organization, affected population or other subjects of the civil law for the purpose of rendering the international emergency relief;
8) the international personnel - permanent members of staff and volunteers of any international helping subject giving the international emergency relief in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic who before their hiring by the international helping subject were not citizens or permanent residents of the Kyrgyz Republic;
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