of June 16, 2017 No. 103
About science and about fundamentals of the state scientific and technical policy
Accepted by Jogorku Kenesh of the Kyrgyz Republic on May 4, 2017
1. The purpose of this Law is establishment of the main legal, economic and social conditions and guarantees providing functioning of science and scientific and technical activities in the Kyrgyz Republic.
2. This Law determines:
1) role of the state in development of science and technology, use of scientific and technical results for ensuring social and economic wellbeing of the population of the republic, transformation of social production and requirements satisfaction of society;
2) main objectives, directions and principles of the state scientific and technical policy;
3) forms and methods of state regulation in the scientific and technical sphere;
4) economic and legal guarantees of development of scientific and technical activities;
5) legal basis of activities of scientists and scientific organizations.
In this Law the basic concepts are used in the following value:
1) grant - non-paid subsidy to legal entities and physical persons in cash or natural form on carrying out scientific or other research, developmental works and on other purposes with the subsequent report on their use;
2) the state order - the purchase order of goods, performance of works, rendering services at the expense of means of the government budget of the Kyrgyz Republic;
3) the state scientific and technical policy - component of social and economic policy of the Kyrgyz Republic which determines main objectives, the directions, the principles, forms and methods of activities of the state in the field of science, the equipment and innovations;
4) innovation - new or advanced technologies, types of products or services, and also the organizational technical solutions of production, administrative, commercial or other nature which are directly promoting promotion of technologies, products and services on the market;
5) innovative activities - type of activity, connected with transformation of the ideas (usually results of research and development or other scientific and technical achievements) in technologically new or advanced products or services implemented in the market in the new or advanced engineering procedures or methods of production (transfer) of services used in practical activities. Innovative activities assume the whole complex of scientific, technological, organizational, financial and commercial actions which in the set lead to innovations;
6) intellectual property - the rights to results of intellectual activities protected by the law in scientific, industrial, literary and art areas;
7) scientific and scientific and technical activities - the activities directed to obtaining, use of new knowledge for the solution of technological, engineering, economic, social, humanitarian and other problems, ensuring functioning of science, the equipment and production as single system;
8) the scientific and scientific and technical organizations - legal entities who carry out research, developmental and design and survey and other scientific and technical works;
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The document ceased to be valid since August 15, 2023 according to part 2 of article 30 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic of August 8, 2023 No. 170