of April 4, 2017 No. 467
About approval of Licensed conditions of implementation of economic activity on burial of household waste
According to the laws of Ukraine "About natural monopolies", "About state regulation in the field of utilities", "About licensing of types of economic activity", "About the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities" the National commission performing state regulations in spheres of power and utilities decides:
1. Approve Licensed conditions of implementation of economic activity on burial of household waste which are applied.
2. To subjects of managing which perform economic activity on burial of household waste on the polygons put into operation till February 16, 2010 and dumps to bring the economic activity into accord with requirements:
subitems 1 - 4, the 10th Item 4.2 of Chapter 4 of Licensed conditions of implementation of economic activity on burial of household waste - till January 1, 2018;
subitems 5 - the 8th Item 4.2 of Chapter 4 of Licensed conditions of implementation of economic activity on burial of household waste - till January 1, 2019;
the subitem 9 of Item 4.2 of Chapter 4 of Licensed conditions of implementation of economic activity on burial of household waste - till January 1, 2020.
3. This resolution becomes effective in two months from the date of, its publication following behind day in the official printing publication - the Pravitelstvenny Kuryer newspaper, except the subitem 3 of Item 4.1 of Chapter 4 of Licensed conditions of implementation of economic activity on burial of household waste which becomes effective in 3 months from the date of entry into force of indicators of quality of provision of services on burial of the household waste approved by the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities.
Head of NKREKP
D. Vovk
Approved by the Resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities of Ukraine of April 4, 2017 No. 467
1.1. These Licensed conditions are developed according to the Water code of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine "About licensing of types of economic activity", "About natural monopolies", "About the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities", "About state regulation in the field of utilities", "About housing and communal services", "About waste", "About protection of atmospheric air".
1.2. The licensee shall fulfill requirements of these Licensed conditions, and the license applicant - it to correspond.
1.3. In these Licensed conditions terms are used in the following values:
biogas - mix of gases, formed in case of anaerobic decomposition of organic component of household waste;
decontamination of polygon/dump - collection and extraction of biogas by its utilization or neutralization;
closing of polygon/dump - the termination of acceptance of waste on polygon/dump for the purpose of its recultivation;
closing of queue of polygon/dump - the termination of warehousing of waste on the corresponding queue of polygon/dump;
policy tools of activities for burial of household waste - objects, constructions, means of mechanization intended for burial of household waste;
control and disinfecting zone - the zone on departure from polygon/dump equipped with the steel concrete reservoir for disinfection of wheels of garbage trucks;
the licensee - the subject of managing who obtained the license for implementation of economic activity on burial of household waste;
licensed activities - economic activity on burial of household waste;
the place of implementation of activities - the territory/parcel of land within which economic activity on burial of household waste by means of complex of objects, constructions connected by single engineering procedure, specified in the documents enclosed to the application for receipt of the license is performed (taking into account changes of the documents submitted by the licensee in the procedure established by these Licensed conditions);
cross subsidizing - movement of the income from implementation of economic activity on burial of household waste for financial support of other type of economic activity within one or several subjects of managing;
acceptance of household waste - one of burial transactions connected with verification of documents for waste, their structure and lack in them of the materials and substances prohibited for burial on polygon/dump;
the working card of polygon/dump - part of queue of polygon/dump on which warehousing of household waste is performed;
monitoring system - control of condition of underground waters, reservoirs, atmospheric air, soils and plants, noise pollution in zone of possible negative impact of the place of implementation of activities;
warehousing of household waste - one of burial transactions regulating technology of layer-by-layer placement of waste and their isolation by inert materials;
filtrate - the liquid phase which is formed on polygon/dump in the course of burial of household waste with humidity more than 55% and as a result of atmospheric precipitation which amount exceeds amount of the moisture evaporating from polygon/dump surface;
polygon/dump queue - the part of the territory of polygon/dump which is taken away for warehousing of household waste.
Other terms are used in the values given in the Water code of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine "About protection of atmospheric air", "About waste", "About natural monopolies", "About licensing of types of economic activity".
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