of June 14, 2017 No. 398-r
About approval of the Main directions of development of arms and military equipment for the long-term period
The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
1. Approve the Main directions of development of arms and military equipment for the long-term period which are applied.
2. To the Ministry of Defence, the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Border Service, National police, National guard, Public service of special communication and information security, the State space agency, other executive bodies enabling forming and the realization of state policy in the military, military-economic and military and technical sphere and also under approval - to Security service, Ukroboronprom State concern to consider certain directions by preparation and implementation of doctrines, concepts, strategy, programs and plans within the conferred powers.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman
Approved by the Order of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 14, 2017 No. 398-r
One of the main objectives of policy of the state in the field of defense is maintenance in efficient condition of the Armed Forces formed according to the laws of other military forming, law enforcement agencies of special purpose (further - military forming) sectors of safety and defense, in particular equipment by their latest samples of arms and the military (special) equipment for ensuring protection of the state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the state.
The current state of threats concerning sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, first of all the continuing aggression of the Russian Federation, need implementation of necessary methods of counteraction by it, enhancement of approaches to forming of military and technical policy of the state taking into account urgent need of updating of the available arms and the military (special) equipment.
Problems of equipment of Armed Forces, other military forming of the sector of safety and defense are caused by the fact that significant amount of the available arms and the military (special) equipment has long terms of stay in operation, morally and physically became outdated and require upgrade or replacement by new samples.
Accomplishment of tasks and actions in the short-term and medium-term period of defense planning do not allow to provide the necessary sequence of achievement of long-term goals of development and necessary rates of creation of arms and the military (special) equipment, their serial production.
For development and deployment in production of new perspective samples (complexes, systems) of arms and the military (special) equipment it is necessary to create perspective system of arms of Armed Forces and other military forming as the main components of the sector of safety and defense of the state.
The purpose of implementation of this document is determination of the directions of development of military and technical and technological capacity of the state for long-term outlook for ensuring proper equipping of all components of the sector of safety and defense with necessary arms and the military (special) equipment.
Development of the main directions of development of arms and the military (special) equipment for the long-term period promotes determination of necessary components of perspective system of arms of Armed Forces, other military forming of the sector of safety and defense.
System of arms - the balanced multi-level organizational and technical system which represents set functionally connected and organizationally the types and types of military forces, means of war and utilities intended for accomplishment of tasks by defense forces arranged on structure.
Development of the main components of system of arms happens in certain perspective in the evolutionary way and is based on universal tendencies of development of arms and the military (special) equipment, namely development:
modern means of investigation, communication, information security and automated management;
robotic, autonomous and remotely-controlled samples of arms and military equipment of different function and basing;
high-technology, high-precision weapons of destruction as a part of prospecting and shock systems, including big range;
highly effective, multipurpose samples of the military and special equipment of land, sea and air basing;
modern systems and means of radio-electronic fight, counteraction to technical investigations and precision weapons of the opponent;
modern information means for fight in information space.
Arms and military (special) equipment of land forces and separate types of military forces
Armored arms and equipment
Unification of the main classes of fighting vehicles and development on their base of fighting systems on optimal variants of providing the main tactical engineering requirements (high mobility, the increased fire power and security, integration in intercenter system of conducting combat operations) taking into account design modularity.
Main fighting tanks:
creation and equipping of military units (divisions) samples of new generation with portable arms and accommodation of crew in the armored capsule of the case of the machine;
increase in level of fighting opportunities of the available tank park by equipment by the new and modernized systems and modern means of communication, automation, management, navigation.
Armored combat vehicles:
creation and equipping of divisions by armored combat vehicles of new generation with portable arms (the fighting module), namely: by heavy infantry fighting vehicles, wheel armored personnel carriers and other samples unified with them;
increase in level of fighting opportunities of the available park of armored combat vehicles by repair and carrying out their considerable upgrade;
implementation on the new and modernized samples of armored combat vehicles of modern contrivances and protection of machines and staff;
equipment of the available park of armored combat vehicles modern means of communication, automation, management of navigation.
Rocket and artillery arms
Equipment of military units (divisions) rockets of the increased efficiency, including high-precision, considerable upgrade of all types of the available missile systems of volley fire.
Creation of operational and tactical missile system and its serial production for needs of Armed Forces.
Upgrade of the available artillery systems with unit of fire of high-precision ammunition.
Creation and equipping of military units (divisions) artillery systems of caliber of 155 millimeters (ammunition to them) with gradual replacement of the available artillery systems of caliber 152 millimeters. Transfer into the standard of NATO (120 millimeters) of the tank gun, automatic machine of charging and ammunition.
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