It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Tajikistan
On June 2, 2017 No. 40
of May 30, 2017 No. 1416
About seismic safety
Accepted by the Resolution MH MOPT of February 22, 2017, No. 706
Approved by the Resolution MM MORT of May 18, 2017, No. 385
This Law determines organizational, legal, economic and social basis of ensuring seismic safety in the Republic of Tajikistan.
In this Law the following basic concepts are used:
- earthquake - tremors and the fluctuations of the ground surface resulting from sudden shifts and gaps with emergence of tectonic processes in crust or upper part of Earth's mantle and which are transferred to long distances;
- strong earthquake - earthquake which intensity on 12-mark seismic scale reaches above 5,0 of points;
- mitigation of consequences of earthquake - complex of the rescue and other urgent works which are carried out after emergence of earthquakes and directed to rescuing of life of people, decrease in the extent of damage and material losses;
- the forecast of probable earthquake - determination or refining of the place, time and magnitude of probable earthquake;
- seismic protection - complex of the legal, social educational, organizational, scientific, technical and other special events aimed at providing seismic safety;
- seismic safety - safety of life of people, infrastructures, objects of the national economy and the environment from the dangers resulting from earthquake;
- seismic division into districts - determination of sources of earthquakes with probable maximum magnitude on the basis of complex geological, seismological and geophysical data;
- seismic danger - probability of impact of earthquake of certain size in specific Item during the set time interval;
- seismic risk - probability of losses from earthquakes for certain period taking into account seismic danger and vulnerability of objects (number of possible human losses, economic, habitat loss);
- seismic stability - capability of buildings and constructions to resist to earthquakes and to ensure safety of life of people and safety of the valuable equipment in case of their origin;
- system of the early notification about earthquake - organizational and technical consolidation of forces and specialized technical means of the notification and communication system, and also channels of the territorial and departmental communication networks providing signaling of the notification and information on earthquakes;
- probable effects of earthquake - projection of effects of earthquake with plan development of actions for its liquidation.
1. Designing, construction, reconstruction and major repair of objects is made with observance of construction regulations and rules using the construction materials and designs providing settlement seismic stability of objects.
2. In case of reshaping, re-planning and reconstruction of the existing not aseismic buildings and constructions, for ensuring seismic safety, works on strengthening of load-carrying structures are performed. At the same time constructive changes are accepted proceeding from conditions of ensuring seismic stability of buildings and constructions, on the basis of results of inspections in accordance with the established procedure. Buildings of old construction, except for monuments history, culture, town planning and the architecture which are not subject to reconstruction and repair communicate according to the procedure, established by the legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan.
3. Ensuring seismic safety of buildings and constructions is performed with respect for existing rules and rules of aseismic construction, and also technical regulations, schemes of territorial development and master plans.
4. Engineering and seismometric stations shall be established on especially important objects which list affirms the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan, for control of behavior of these objects in case of earthquakes.
The legislation of the Republic of Tajikistan on seismic safety is based on the Constitution of the Republic of Tajikistan and consists of this Law, other regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Tajikistan, and also the international legal acts recognized by Tajikistan.
1. Main objectives of seismic safety are:
- implementation by authorized state body on seismic safety of state policy about seismic safety;
- providing in the state and international policy about seismic safety of priority of the principles of readiness, the early prevention and mitigation of consequences;
- equal priority of all elements of decrease in seismic risk;
- attraction to implementation of the state and interstate programs on decrease in seismic risk of state bodies, self-government institutions of settlements and villages and the civil public;
- involvement of the international organizations to implementation of state programs for decrease in seismic risk.
2. Ensuring seismic safety is performed on the basis of the following principles:
- the complex solution of tasks on decrease in risk for life and property of citizens from earthquakes;
- evidence-based combination of technical, organizational and economic methods and methods on decrease in risk;
- the incentive measures directed to increase in seismic stability of buildings and constructions and reliability of their functioning in case of earthquakes;
- providing conditions for voluntary insurance of life and property of physical persons and legal entities from earthquakes, irrespective of organizationally - legal form;
- state regulation and control of activities of physical persons and legal entities for ensuring seismic safety;
- certification of building for the purpose of determination of its seismic stability, vulnerability of buildings and constructions to seismic impacts and establishments of operative conditions;
- state and independent examination, scientific, project documentation and economic justification of activities of physical persons and legal entities for ensuring seismic stability of buildings, constructions and complexes;
- holding actions for ensuring reliability and seismic stability of buildings of the existing building.
1. Tasks of state regulation of seismic safety are:
- preserving life of people, buildings and constructions, life support systems in case of earthquakes;
- implementation by state bodies of the actions directed to decrease in risk for life of citizens and property from earthquakes.
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