It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Republic of Tajikistan
On February 8, 2007 No. 256
of February 2, 2007 No. 41
About approval of the Target comprehensive program on wide use of renewable energy resources, such as energy of the small rivers, the sun, winds, biomass, energies of underground sources for 2007-2015
According to article 17 of the Constitutional law of the Republic of Tajikistan "About the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan" for the purpose of creation, development and wide use of perspective technologies of receipt of electrical and heat energy on the basis of renewable energy resources, training of highly qualified specialists in this area, contributing to fuel and energy balance of the country, the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan decides:
1. Approve the Target comprehensive program on wide use of renewable energy resources, such as energy of the small rivers, the sun, winds, biomass, energies of underground sources for 2007-2015 it (is applied).
2. Support creation based on laboratory of renewable energy resources and materials science and two heliopolygons of Physics and technology institute of S. U. Umarov of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan at the expense of internal resources of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan of the public scientific institution "Center of research and implementation of renewable energy resources" of Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
3. To provide to academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan the solution of the organization-legal questions connected with creation and functioning of the public scientific institution "Center of Research and Implementation of Renewable Energy Resources" Academies of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan.
4. To provide to academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan together with the relevant ministries and departments of the Republic of Tajikistan implementation of the offered program and to take necessary measures for its accomplishment.
5. To the Ministry of Economy and Trade of the Republic of Tajikistan in accordance with the established procedure to provide in the forecast of social and economic development of the republic for 2007-2015 necessary means for implementation of actions, planned in this Program.
6. Academies of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan at the expense of the means provided annually in the government budget on development of science and also at the expense of the credits and grants of the international financial institutions offered for these purposes to provide implementation of this program.
Prime Minister of the Republic of Tajikistan
Emomalii Rakhmonov
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Tajikistan of February 2, 2007 No. 41
The mankind needs energy, and, the needs for it increase every year and the leading role in such main fields of activity of the person as economy, health care, education and many others, always belonged to power. Level provided by these service industries, in particular services of municipal services, services in maintenance of the population in security with cold and hot water, etc. in many respects depends on it.
Lack of opportunity to use energy and access to the benefits from it depending (light, heat, water, etc.) is one of the poverty reasons. More others power engineering specialists are interested in achievement of steady rates of development developing countries which population concerns to the most vulnerable group, from the point of view of emergence of negative ecological effects because of intervention of the person. Decentralization of power considerably shall promote increase in living standards of the population of rural districts, especially in the remote areas which bystry connection to the main energy carriers, - case unprofitable, very difficult, and in certain cases and impossible.
At the same time, inventories of traditional energy resources (oil, gas, coal, etc.) are not infinite. Also inventories of nuclear fuel - uranium and thorium from which it is possible to receive plutonium in reactors-razmnozhitelyakh are not infinite. Inventories of thermonuclear fuel - hydrogen are almost inexhaustible, however management of thermonuclear reactions is not mastered yet and it is unknown when they are used for industrial receipt of energy in pure form, i.e. without participation in this process of reactors of division.
Due to the specified problems, and also considering steadily growing prices on energy resources and concern about effects of global warming of climate, there is more and more necessary use of nonconventional energy resources: solar, wind, biomass, energies of the small rivers and geothermal power, along with implementation of energy-saving technologies. The most powerful, available, environmentally friendly and widespread of all renewable unconventional sources of energy energy of the Sun is. Its energy constantly renews and can provide violently growing needs for the heat and electric power during many hundreds of years.
Tajikistan is located between 36 ° 40" and 41 ° 05" northern latitude. The continental climate is characterized by considerable daily allowance and seasonal fluctuations of air, low rainfall, dryness of air, small cloudiness and lasting sunshine of 2160-3166 watch in year, and the number of sunny days in year fluctuates from 260 to 300.
Intensity of solar radiation in the majority of areas of the republic reaches 1000 W/m 2, and the annual amount of radiation exceeds 2000 kW/sq.m. It is twice more, than in midland of Europe where use of solar energy has the widest character.
With respect thereto large-scale use of the renewable energy resources (RER), first of all solar, in Tajikistan (especially in the rural zone and mountain regions) will promote not only to improvement of power security of the population, increase in living standards of the population, preserving the environment, but also at the same time to promote development of new modern technologies, creation of the knowledge-intensive production in the country.
Now number of industrialized countries (the USA, Japan, Germany, Denmark, Israel, China, Greece, Sweden, Turkey Switzerland, England, Italy, Austria, France, Canada, Spain, Holland other) accumulated rather wide experience in creation of different designs for use of the RES intended as for individual and collective, and industrial use. Number of developing countries carry out testing of these installations for the purpose of their enhancement and wide use in the national economy of the countries.
This Program is target complex as it is directed to the decision in complex of the main scientific and technical objectives in this area, creations of production base and infrastructure for wide use of renewable energy resources (sunlight, wind energy, biomass, energy of the small rivers, geothermal sources) and their involvement in country energy balance.
The purpose of the Program is creation, development and wide use of technologies of receipt of electrical and heat energy on the basis of renewable energy resources, contributing to fuel and energy balance of the country, assistance in increase in living standards of the population by implementation of modern technologies of use of renewable energy resources, decrease in consumption of non-renewable energy resources of organic origin, training of highly qualified personnel in the field of renewable power, ensuring social wellbeing and economic growth by development of outlying areas, contribution to the problem resolution of unemployment, education and preserving the environment.
The program provides work in the following directions:
1.1. Development, creation, research and implementation of perspective systems of renewable power.
1.2. Production of demonstration and experienced and experimental models of installations for use of renewable energy resources.
1.3. Creation of production base for production of the main nodes and details, installations and systems of renewable power for wide use in the national economy of Tajikistan.
1.4. Training of highly qualified specialists in the field of renewable power.
1.5. Holding trainings and training of the population of the country in wide and rational use of installations of renewable power.
1.6. The edition of books, brochures, advertizing booklets, information leaflets and instructions about renewable energy resources, devices of renewable power and ample opportunities of their use in the different fields of the national economy of the country.
It is necessary for achievement of effective objective:
1.7. Study the most effective methods and methods of transformation of energy from one type in another:
- solar energy in heat and electricity;
- wind energy in the electric power and mechanical work;
- receipt of biogas from biomass and agricultural waste;
- enhancement of methods and devices for energy accumulation.
1.8. Estimate efficiency of transformation of different types of renewable energy resources and possibility of their use in the conditions of Tajikistan.
1.9. Develop, make and test devices, materials, details and nodes for transformation of renewable energy resources to heat and electricity.
1.10. Issue recommendations about production of the devices transforming renewable energy resources to heat and electricity.
1.1. Create demonstration samples of devices of new renewable energy resources.
1.12. Choose the best devices and materials which are effectively working in the conditions of Tajikistan.
1.13. Develop, construct and test pilot solar houses and helio-glasshouses.
1.14. Carry out monitoring of all types of renewable energy resources for certain regions and constitute the inventory.
1.15. Create the Center and special design technological office for development, production and research of devices of renewable power under Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tajikistan. Create databank on renewable energy resources.
1.16. Create science and production association on development and release of devices for use of renewable energy resources.
1.17. Market the following devices of renewable power: converters of energy of the Sun in heat (solar water heaters, kitchens and dryers);
- converters of energy of the Sun in electricity on the basis of semi-conductor materials (photo-electric converters, solar elements);
- biogazofikatsionny installations;
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