of May 24, 2017 No. 398
About approval of the Procedure for carrying out by state supervision bodies (control) of consultations with the public at the initiative of public associations
According to part one of article 20 of the Law of Ukraine "About the basic principles of the state supervision (control) in the field of economic activity" the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Approve the Procedure for carrying out by state supervision bodies (control) of consultations with the public at the initiative of public associations which is applied.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of May 24, 2017, No. 398
1. This Procedure determines the main requirements for the organization and carrying out by state supervision bodies (control) of consultations with the public at the initiative of public associations concerning implementation of the state supervision (control) (further - consultations with the public).
2. In this Procedure terms are used in the value given in the Laws of Ukraine "About the basic principles of the state supervision (control) in the field of economic activity", "About public associations", "About labor unions, their rights and guarantees of activities", "About the organizations of employers, their associations, the rights and guarantees of their activities".
3. At the initiative of public associations, labor unions or the organizations of employers state supervision bodies (control) hold consultations with the public on the questions concerning:
planning of the actions for the state supervision (control) performed by such bodies;
consulting support of public associations concerning implementation of the state supervision (control), including participation of authorized representatives of such associations in the specified actions;
explanations of the regulations of the legislation which are within the competence of such bodies.
4. State supervision bodies (control) hold consultations with the public in case of receipt of the address from public association on the questions specified in Item 3 presents of the Procedure (further - the address).
5. Consultations with the public are held in writing or by public discussion. Public public discussion is carried out in the form of conferences, forums, meetings (meetings) with the public and so forth.
The public councils, other facilitative branches formed under executive bodies and also representatives of other state supervision bodies (control) can be involved in public discussion.
6. The type and date of consultation with the public is determined by state supervision body (control) taking into account offers of public association.
7. In case of carrying out public discussion the state supervision body (control) within five working days from the date of receipt of the address in writing informs public association on carrying out such discussion, and also in case of need sends the invitation for participation in public public discussion to other state supervision bodies (control), public councils, facilitative branches formed under executive bodies.
8. The state supervision body (control) along with written informing public association publishes on the official website the information message about carrying out public public discussion in which are specified:
the name of state supervision body (control) which carries out discussion;
the name of public association which sent the appeal;
the questions submitted for discussion;
place and time of carrying out discussion;
e-mail address, term and form of submission of offers;
surname, name, middle name of the responsible person of state supervision body (control).
9. The state supervision body (control) within five working days after carrying out public discussion publishes on the official website taking into account requirements of the Law of Ukraine "About personal data protection" the information message about results of the carried-out public discussion in which are specified:
the name of state supervision body (control) which carried out discussion;
the questions submitted for discussion;
information on persons who took part in discussion;
content of the provided consultation.
10. Written consultation is provided by state supervision body (control) not later than within 30 calendar days from the date of registration of the address, in particular by the direction to public association of the corresponding message on the e-mail address.
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