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of June 7, 2017 No. 396

About procedure for optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments

The Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:

1. Approve the Procedure for optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments which is applied.

2. Bring in the Regulations on procedure for preservation of the fixed business assets of the companies approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 28, 1997 No. 1183 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 1997, No. 44, Art. 28; 1999, No. 8, Art. 290; 2006, No. 31, Art. 2233; 2011, No. 84, Art. 3078; 2017, No. 4, the Art. 150), changes which are applied.

3. Provide to the Ministry of Justice implementation of actions for optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments according to the Procedure approved by this resolution.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

V. Groysman

Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 7, 2017, No. 396

Procedure for optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and companies of organizations of execution of punishments

General questions

1. This Procedure determines the mechanism of optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments for the purpose of economy of public funds and reduction of share of the depreciation charges in cost of the made products at the companies of organizations of execution of punishments.

2. Optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments is performed by their preservation (degreasing), liquidation, and also change of type of organization of execution of punishments.

Preservation of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments is held by implementation of complex of the events directed to long-term storage of fixed assets of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the fixed business assets of the companies of organizations of execution of punishments in case of the temporary termination of activities with possibility of further recovery of their functioning (degreasing).

3. Activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments can be optimized according to the decision of Ministry of Justice based on the feasibility statement on need of their further operation or liquidation.

4. For implementation of actions for ensuring optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments for the decision of Ministry of Justice the commission on optimization of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments (further - the commission) is formed which part representatives of Ministry of Justice, interregional managements concerning execution of criminal penalties of Ministry of Justice are, in particular.

5. Can be sources of financing of expenses on optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments:

the means provided for these purposes in the government budget;

own means of the companies.

6. Expenses on optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments and the companies of organizations of execution of punishments are financed within the budget settings provided to Ministry of Justice in the government budget on the answering purpose.

Optimization of activities of pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments by their preservation (degreasing) or liquidation

7. For adoption by Ministry of Justice of the decision on preservation (degreasing) or liquidation of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments by the commission the feasibility statement on need of preservation (degreasing) or liquidation of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments which includes prepares:

name of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments, subject of preservation (degreasing) or liquidation, their main characteristics and location information;

reasons for feasibility of preservation (degreasing) or liquidation of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments;

the act of technical condition of fixed assets of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments at the time of their preservation (degreasing) or liquidation;

results of carrying out inventory count of assets and liabilities of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments and accounts presentation according to the Procedure for accounts presentation approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of February 28, 2000 No. 419 (The Official Bulletin of Ukraine, 2000, No. 9, the Art. 344);

the actions plan on performance of works on preservation (degreasing) or liquidation of fixed assets of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments with indication of contractors of the corresponding works.

8. If filling of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments constitutes less than 50 percent of limit filling, the Ministry of Justice can make the decision on preservation of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments.

9. Acceptance by the commission of works on preservation is performed by carrying out direct survey and assessment of completeness and quality of the performed works, and also studying of the corresponding documentation.

10. After completion of works on preservation of the pre-trial detention center, organization of execution of punishments by the commission the acceptance act of the performed works on preservation in which all types of the performed works and the data according to their quality and completeness which affirms Ministry of Justice are specified is signed.

11. Interregional managements concerning execution of criminal penalties of Ministry of Justice perform scheduled inspections of the preserved pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments according to the approved plans. During scheduled inspections assessment of technical condition of fixed assets of the preserved pre-trial detention centers, organizations of execution of punishments is carried out.


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