It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
January 22, 2015
No. 73/26518
of December 31, 2014 No. 937
About approval of the Instruction on the organization of work on providing with social payments persons dismissed from military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of their families in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine
According to the Laws of Ukraine "About social and legal protection of the military personnel and members of their families", "About provision of pensions of persons discharged from military service and some other persons", the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 17, 1992 to No. 393 "About procedure for calculation of length of service, appointment and pension payment and the monetary assistance to faces of officers, to ensigns, warrant officers, the military personnel of extra urgent service and military service under the contract, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of law-enforcement bodies and the member to us their families" (with changes) I order:
2. Declare invalid the order of the Minister of Defence of Ukraine of February 15, 2010 No. 61 "About approval of the Instruction on the organization of work on social security of persons discharged from military service, and members of their families in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on March 12, 2010 for No. 212/17507.
3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
Minister of Defence of Ukraine colonel general
S. T. Poltorak
It is approved: Minister of social policy of Ukraine |
P. Rozenko |
Chairman of the board of the Pension fund of Ukraine |
A. Zarudny |
First Deputy Chairman of General representative body of trade union associations |
S. N. Kondryuk |
The First Deputy Chairman of General representative body of the party of employers at the national level |
A. Miroshnichenko |
Chairman of the Central committee of All-Ukrainian labor union of employees of the Armed Forces of Ukraine |
D.T.Miroshnichenko |
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of December 31, 2014 No. 937
1.1. This Instruction is developed according to the Laws of Ukraine "About social and legal protection of the military personnel and members of their families", "About provision of pensions of persons discharged from military service and some other persons", the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of July 17, 1992 No. 393 "About procedure for calculation of length of service, appointment and pension payment and the monetary assistance to faces of officers, to ensigns, warrant officers, the military personnel of extra urgent service and military service under the contract, faces of the commanding and ordinary structure of law-enforcement bodies, police officers and members of their families" (with changes).
1.2. Providing with social payments the faces of officers discharged from military service, ensigns, warrant officers, the military personnel of extra urgent service, the military personnel of military service under the contract, faces of command (officer) structure of the guerrilla groups and connections, the underground organizations and groups recognized as those the legislation of Ukraine (further - persons discharged from military service), and members of their families is performed based on the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine and Regulations on the organization in the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of work on calculation of length of service for purpose of pensions to the military personnel and providing with social payments persons discharged from military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of their families, the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine approved by the order of August 14, 2014 No. 530, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on October 20, 2014 at No. 1294/26071 (further the Provision).
1.3. Work on providing with social payments persons discharged from military service, and members of families of the military personnel, the dead, died or were missing or it is unknown are absent (further - members of families of the died military personnel), it is performed for the purpose of timely and complete document creation for purpose by it of pensions and benefits, and also provisions to pensioners from among the military personnel veterans of war and military service and to members of families of the military personnel who lost the supporter, comprehensive assistance in receipt by them of privileges and satisfaction of urgent needs, ensuring proper level of their social security.
1.4. For the purpose of the high-quality solution of questions of providing with social payments of persons discharged from military service and members of their families the bodies of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine specified in the Section II of this Instruction to which execution of this work is assigned shall keep on these questions in continuous communication with executive bodies of the regional, city and district public administrations, local government bodies (further - executive bodies), public organizations, the companies, organizations and the organizations, military units.
1.5. Office correspondence and clerical work on providing with social payments the military personnel and members of their families are conducted according to the current legislation of Ukraine. Correspondence with the organizations and persons which are in state members of the Commonwealth of Independent States (further - the CIS), is conducted in accordance with the established procedure by Department of social security of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine (further - Department of social security), financial and economic management of Command of Land forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and also regional and Kiev city the territorial centers of completing and social support (further - regional TTsKSP).
1.6. In this Instruction terms which have the following value are used:
the personal record - case which contains accounting and other documents of the serviceman concerning passing of all military service by it from the date of appeal about day of transfer to the reserve, in resignation or about day of death. The procedure for maintaining the personal record is determined by the Instruction on the organization of accounting of staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine approved by the order of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine of May 26, 2014 No. 333, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on June 12, 2014 at No. 611/25388;
personal and pension case - case which contains the personal record, calculation of length of service (insurance years of service) of the serviceman on pension, copies of the documents which formed the basis for award of pension, sent to the bodies granting pensions, copies of references which were the basis for appointment and recalculations of pensions according to the Law of Ukraine "About provision of pensions of persons discharged from military service and some other persons" (further - the Law), copies of the certificates granting the right to privileges, correspondence with the pensioner and other bodies for questions of providing person with social payments on who this case, and also the list of documents of personal and pension case is opened. Personal and pension cases are stored in regional TTsKSP;
pension case - case which is drawn up by body which grants pension, and on which payment and recalculation of pension are performed;
the dismissed personal and pension case - case on which pension payment by body which grants pension is stopped in connection with the death of the receiver of pension or recognition its able-bodied, award of pension under other Laws of Ukraine, achievement of the corresponding age (for children of the died military personnel), etc.;
the reduced personal record - case which is drawn up on the military personnel from number of persons employed of prospecting body of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine.
1.7. This Instruction is applied to the organization of work on providing with social payments persons dismissed from military service in the Armed Forces of Ukraine and members of their families.
The organization of work on providing persons with social payments who served and are dismissed from other military forming and law enforcement agencies, and members of their families it is performed according to the current legislation, in particular, regulatory legal acts which regulate activities of these forming and bodies.
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