Registered by the
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
February 26, 2014
No. 339/25116
of February 3, 2014 No. 71
About approval of the Instruction for use of labeling machines
According to the paragraph to the sixth part three of article 15 of the Law of Ukraine "About mail service", to the paragraph to the second Item 3 of the Regulations on the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine approved by the Presidential decree of Ukraine of May 12, 2011 No. 581, to Item 88 of Rules of rendering the services of mail service approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 05, 2009 No. 270, to acts of Universal Postal Union which consent to be bound is provided by the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine I order:
1. Approve the Instruction for use of labeling machines which is attached.
2. To provide to department of coordination of policy of development of infrastructure and tourism of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine:
submission of this order in accordance with the established procedure on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine;
promulgation of this order on the official site of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine.
3. Declare invalid the order of the Ministry of Transport and Communications of Ukraine of December 24, 2008 No. 1569 "About approval of the Instruction for use of labeling machines", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 30, 2009 for No. 91/16107.
4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
5. To impose control of execution of this order on the First Deputy Minister K. A. Efimenko.
V. V. Kozak
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of infrastructure of Ukraine of February 3, 2014 No. 71
1. This Instruction determines procedure for use of labeling machines by the national operator of mail service (further - the national operator), and also physical persons and legal entities.
2. The labeling machine is intended for drawing on simple and custom postcards, letters, parcels post (further - written correspondence) prints of cliche of the state sign confirming fee of mail service with indication of their cost (further - the state sign), calendar stamp, notes the place and date of acceptance of this correspondence for transfer, the name (surname, name, middle name) and the postal address of the owner of the labeling machine or logo (trademark) of the national operator, or drawing these data on written correspondence by electronic printing.
3. Labeling machines shall be equipped with the special device for limiting input of advance amount on fee of mail service and the counter for accounting of quantity of prints of cliche of the sent written correspondence (further the counter).
The special device for limiting input of the amount of advance payments on fee of mail service and the counter shall be sealed up by the company the producer for the purpose of exception of unauthorized intervention.
4. Forms of cliche which the labeling machine shall have are given in appendix 1 to this Instruction, namely:
names (surnames, name, middle name) and postal address of the owner of the labeling machine or logo (trademark) of the national operator;
calendar stamp;
state sign and registration number of the labeling machine.
Use of labeling machines which have possibility of drawing prints of above-mentioned cliches by electronic printing is allowed.
5. The order are performed by the national operator of labeling machines, production of cliche based on the agreement signed between the national operator and manufacturer.
6. Cliche of calendar stamp, the state sign and registration number of the labeling machine are acquired by branches of national operator at own expense and are their property.
The labeling machine and cliche of the name (surname, name, middle name) and the postal address of the owner of the labeling machine are acquired by physical person or legal entity on own account and are their property.
7. The name (surname, name, middle name) and the postal address of the owner of the labeling machine are placed on the corresponding cliche according to the procedure determined by the Rules of rendering services of mail service approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of March 05, 2009 No. 270 (further Rules of rendering services of mail service).
When using labeling machines for payment of the international written correspondence the country name and the name of object of mail service of the place of acceptance are in addition applied on name cliche (surnames, name, middle name) and the postal address of the owner of the labeling machine with Latin letters.
8. Use of labeling machines for payment of written correspondence without cliche of the state sign, calendar stamp, the counter and the special device for limiting input of advance amount on fee of mail service is forbidden.
1. For the purpose of use of the labeling machine for fee on transfer of written correspondence the physical person or legal entity (further - the customer) submits the application to separate division of the national operator with indication of the complete and reduced (in the presence) name, the postal address - for the legal entity, surname, name, middle name, the postal address - for physical person, and also perfroms calculations with manufacturer.
2. After transfer to manufacturer of cost of production of the order the manufacturer issues the labeling machine to the customer and informs the relevant branch of national operator on location (residence) of the customer.
3. Based on the submitted applications and the received confirmation from manufacturer about shipment of the labeling machine to the customer the relevant division of the national operator submits the order for production of cliche of the state sign and calendar stamp to branch of national operator on subordination.
4. The generalized orders for production of cliche of calendar stamp and the state sign for labeling machines of physical persons and legal entities and to acquisition of labeling machines and cliche to them which will be applied by separate divisions of the national operator go to manufacturers.
5. Cliche of calendar stamp and the state sign of the labeling machine the manufacturer sends to branch of national operator.
6. The manufacturer issues input codes in the identification machine of the amounts of advance payments on fee of mail service to the authorized person of separate division of the national operator who reports them to object of mail service which will perform acceptance of written correspondence.
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