Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2025 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of February 20, 2017 No. 60

About approval of the Technical regulation "Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Nuclear Power Plants"

(as amended on 02-10-2023)

According to the subitem 2) Item 1 of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About radiation safety of the population" PRIKAZYVAYU:

1. Approve the enclosed Technical regulation "Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Nuclear Power Plants".

2. To provide to committee of atomic and energy supervision and control of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:

1) state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

2) within ten calendar days from the date of state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan the direction it the copy in paper and electronic type in the Kazakh and Russian languages in the Republican state company on the right of economic maintaining "The republican center of legal information of the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan" for official publication and inclusion in Reference control bank of regulatory legal acts of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

3) within ten calendar days after day of state registration of this order the direction it the copy on official publication in periodic printing editions;

4) placement of this order on Internet resource of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan;

5) within ten working days after state registration of this order in the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Kazakhstan submission to Department of legal service of the Department of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of data on execution of the actions provided by subitems 2), 3) and 4) of this Item.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the supervising vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. This order becomes effective after ten calendar days after day of its first official publication.

Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Bozumbayev

It is approved

Minister of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

March 9, 2017


_______________ E.Birtanov

It is approved

Minister of investments and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan

March 1, 2017


_______________ Zh. Kasymbek

Approved by the Order of the Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan of February 20, 2017 , No. 60

Technical regulation "Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Nuclear Power Plants"

Chapter 1. Scope

1. This technical regulation "Nuclear and Radiation Safety of Nuclear Power Plants" (further - the Technical regulation) is developed according to the subitem 2) of Item 1 of article 6 of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan "About radiation safety of the population" and establishes requirements to ensuring nuclear and radiation safety of nuclear power plants (further - AS).

2. The equipment and pipelines to which requirements of this Technical regulation extend enter the following classes of safety:

1) class of safety 1. Elements which refusals can be initial events of the beyond design basis accidents leading to radiation of personnel and (or) the population, emission (dumping) of radioactive materials in the environment over the limits set for project accidents belong to the class of safety 1;

2) class of safety 2. Elements which refusals can be the initial events leading to project accidents belong to the class of safety 2;

3) class of safety 3. The elements which are not carried to the classes 1 and 2 belong to class of safety 3; the elements containing radioactive and (or) toxic materials which intake to rooms and (or) the environment in case of refusals can exceed the levels established according to regulating documents; the elements performing functions of control of ensuring radiation protection of personnel and the population.

3. The specific nomenclature of the equipment and pipelines with indication of their belonging to classes of safety is established by AS developers at stage of development of the project documentation EXPERT.

4. The equipment and pipelines, which part products are (details, assembly units), of different groups, concern to group with higher requirements.

5. Radiation-hazardous factors for personnel, the population and the environment in the conditions of normal operation of AS, in case of accidents and in case of mitigation of consequences of accidents are external scale, beta, neutron radiations, inhalation receipt in the organisms of radioactive gases and aerosols contaminated by radioactive materials of surface of rooms, production equipment and tools, packagings, overalls and additional resources of individual protection and also the gaseous, liquid and solid radioactive waste which is formed in case of operation of AS.

6. Sources of external radiation scale, beta radiators of different energies is nuclear fuel and products of its division, induced the activity of the heat carrier, designs, details of the reactor, products of their corrosion irradiated in active zone the materials and samples contaminated by radioactive materials of surface of rooms, production equipment and tools, packagings, overalls and additional resources of individual protection.

7. Source of neutron radiation is the active zone of the reactor in which, all range of neutrons - from bystry to thermal is implemented. Impact of neutrons is possible in the reactor hall during the operation of the reactor and near experimental channels in case of conclusion of neutron bunches for protection. On the stopped reactor starting sources, and also ampoules with transuranium isotopes in case of their destruction in case of audit and repair of processing equipment can be source of neutrons.

8. Sources of radioactive aerosols are nuclear fuel, the activated heat carrier, the irradiated materials placed in technology contours.

9. Sources of radioactive gases are:

1) the argon-41, which is formed in case of the radiation of the argon-40, which is airborne, filling constructive cavities of systems of the reactor or the attendee as impurity in the gases used for the technology purposes, liquids and heat carriers;

2) fragmental gaseous and easily flying fission products such as xenon, krypton, iodine and so on. The active zone of the reactor, contour of the heat carrier and gas systems is source of their allocation in the atmosphere of the working area in case of violation of hermeticity of designs or in case of insufficiently effective system operation of technology ventilation;

3) products of activation of the heat carrier and decelerator.

10. In this Technical regulation terms according to legislations of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the field of technical regulation and use of atomic energy, and also the following terms and determinations are applied:

1) accident - breakdown of service of nuclear power plant in case of which there was exit of radioactive products and (or) ionizing radiation for the borders provided by the project for normal operation in the quantities exceeding the set limits of safe operation. Accident is characterized by initial event, ways of course and effects;

2) emergency - the condition of nuclear power plant which is characterized by violation of limits and (or) conditions of safe operation, did not turn into accident;

3) administration of nuclear power plant - heads and other officials who are given the rights, obligations and responsibility for operation of nuclear power plant;

4) nuclear power plant - nuclear installation for energy production (electric and/or thermal) in the set modes and conditions of application and located in limits by certain project documentation of the territory on which for implementation of this purpose the nuclear reactor (reactors) and complex of necessary systems, devices, the equipment and constructions with necessary personnel is used;

5) zone of high security of nuclear power plant - the room, the building or construction where impact on personnel of external radiation, pollution of the air circle radioactive gases and aerosols, pollution of surfaces of building constructions and the equipment radioactive materials is possible;

6) zone of the free mode of nuclear power plant - the room, the building where impact on personnel of ionizing radiation is practically excluded and is not required implementation of individual radiation control;

7) the executive mechanism - the device intended for change of provision of body of impact on reactivity of the nuclear reactor and consisting of the drive and connecting link;

8) the equipment - vessels, the body of pumps and fittings;

9) accident beyond design basis - the accident caused by the initial events which are not considered for project accidents or followed by refusals of security systems, additional in comparison with project accidents, over single refusal, implementation of wrong solutions of personnel;

10) accident project - accident for which the project documentation determines initial events and end states and the security systems providing taking into account the principle of single refusal of security systems or one, independent of initial event of human error, restriction of its effects with the limits set for such accidents are provided;

11) working capacity - capability of the equipment, pipelines it is satisfactory to perform the appointed functions during the established period of time in the ordered operational limits and conditions;

12) risk management of configuration - the management concept in real time configuration of systems and the equipment for the purpose of risk minimization, by careful balancing of operational configuration, repair work and periodic monitoring tests;

13) body of impact on reactivity – the device in the form of elements with firm filler which change of provision provides change of reactivity of the nuclear reactor;

14) reactor installation - the complex of systems and elements of nuclear power plant intended for transformation of nuclear energy in thermal, which is turning on the reactor and directly related systems necessary for its normal operation and maintenance in safe condition;

15) physical start-up - the stage of input of the nuclear reactor in operation including loading of the reactor nuclear fuel, achievement of critical condition of the reactor and accomplishment of necessary physical experiments on power level in case of which the heat sink from the reactor is performed due to natural heatlosses (dispersion);

16) energy start-up - the stage of input of nuclear power plant in operation in case of which nuclear power plant begins to make energy according to the project documentation and is performed check of work of nuclear power plant on power levels up to the level established for commercial operation;

17) accident nuclear - the accident which happened owing to emergence of uncontrollable self-sustaining chain nuclear reaction of division;

18) the nuclear reactor - the device for implementation of the managed chain nuclear reaction for the purpose of development of heat energy.

Chapter 2. Conditions of the appeal of AS in the market of the Republic of Kazakhstan

11. AS meeting the requirements of nuclear and radiation safety and criteria established in this Technical regulation, other technical regulations in the field of use of atomic energy and other technical regulations are allowed to market circulation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

12. Safety of AS is ensured through consecutive realization of system of organizational and technical actions which include:

1) operation of AS according to requirements of this Technical regulation, rules, regulating documents for standardization and for the production schedules and instructions approved by administration AS;

2) matching and the organization of work with personnel for actions in normal and emergencies, forming of culture of safety at the level of the organizations, heads and contractors;

3) maintenance of systems, important for safety, in good repair by carrying out the necessary maintenance and replacement which developed service life;

4) timely diagnosing of defects and identification of variations from normal work, and taking measures to their elimination;

5) the organization of effectively operating system of documentation of results of operation and control;

6) development and implementation of actions for management of accidents and to mitigation of the consequences of accidents which did not manage to be prevented;

7) development and implementation of actions for protection of the localizing security systems against destruction in case of beyond design basis accidents and to maintenance of their working capacity;

8) development and consecutive implementation, if necessary, plans of emergency actions for protection of personnel on the AS platform and the populations beyond its limits;

9) development and consecutive program implementation of quality assurance for all work types on operation, technical maintenance and repair of AS.

Chapter 3. General provisions of providing and safety management

Paragraph 1. Requirements to documentation and organization of works

13. The administration of AS creates the management system project, mounting and operational documentation providing:

1) classification of permanent and temporary documents;

2) specifying of storage durations taking into account the existing requirements;

3) establishment of procedures of modification and updating of documentation;

4) receipt control, including completeness check;

5) procedure for search, access and destruction;

6) storage, including measures of fire safety;

7) duplication of documentation and storage in separate places;

8) safety of documents, including measures for the prevention of deterioration in their condition;

9) recurring inspections by means of selective control and inspections.

14. Management of documentation covers documents which concern:

1) project materials;

2) analyses of safety;

3) supplies of equipment and materials;

4) drawings of actually built installations;

5) documentation of manufacturers;

6) commissioning;

7) operational data;


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