Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of June 7, 2016

About information exchange of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States concerning movement of radioactive sources

The governments of the State Parties of the Commonwealth of Independent States which are hereinafter referred to as with the Parties

being guided by international treaties in the field of nuclear and radiation safety and in view of the Concept of nuclear and radiation safety of the State Parties of the CIS in the field of use of atomic energy in the peace purposes of November 21, 2014,

recognizing need of protection of the population and the environment from harmful effects as a result of the possible accidents and intentional illegal acts connected with radioactive sources

confirming commitment to the principles and provisions of the Code of behavior on safety and safety of radioactive sources – IAEA/CODEOC/2004 and the Leading materials on import and export of radioactive sources – IAEA/CODEOC/IMP-EXP/2005 of International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA),

promoting development of mutually beneficial cooperation in the field of ensuring radiation safety in case of the address with radioactive sources,

proceeding from need of safety of the states and protection of national interests, including counteraction to terrorism and illicit trafficking in radioactive sources,

recognizing need of effective interaction for the continuous regulating control of radioactive sources in case of their movement between the State Parties of the CIS,

agreed as follows:

Article 1

Subject of this agreement is ensuring information exchange of the State Parties of this agreement when moving from the territory of one state of the territory of other state of the radioactive sources having the activity of radionuclides equal or exceeding threshold values of categories 1 and 2 according to appendix to this agreement which is its integral part. Contents of information which authorized (competent) bodies of the Parties on the basis of this agreement exchange are created by the Commission of the State Parties of the CIS on use of atomic energy in the peace purposes (further – the Commission).

Under approval between authorized (competent) bodies of the Parties separate provisions of this agreement can be applied to radioactive sources of other categories.

The parties render each other assistance in identification and suppression of violations of procedure for movement of radioactive sources.

The parties will organize establishment in the states of the procedure of determination of categories of radioactive sources according to the categorization of radioactive sources recommended to IAEA.

The parties provide in the states accounting of radioactive sources of categories 1 and 2, providing safe handling, safety and prevention of losses, unauthorized use or plunder.

Authorized (competent) bodies of the Parties perform maintaining national registers of the radioactive sources containing data on radioactive sources of categories 1 and 2. The structure of the register and amount of data on radioactive sources are determined by the Parties, proceeding from their national interests taking into account Standard requirements to registers of sources of ionizing radiation of the State Parties of the CIS approved by the Commission.

Action of this agreement does not extend to the radioactive sources used in the military purposes.

Article 2

Each Party determines authorized (competent) body to which implementation of this agreement is assigned what informs depositary of this agreement along with the notification on accomplishment of the interstate procedures necessary for its introduction in force on.

The ministry, department, the state corporation or other organization providing coordination of activities of the Party in the field of use of atomic energy in the peace purposes can perform functions of authorized (competent) body.

In case of change of authorized (competent) body the relevant Party within 30 calendar days informs on it depositary of this agreement.

For the purpose of ensuring effective cooperation authorized (competent) bodies of the Parties are appointed contact persons.

Exchange of information between authorized (competent) bodies of the Parties about appointment of contact persons is performed through the Secretariat of the Commission.

Article 3

Information exchange between authorized (competent) bodies of the Parties is performed with compliance with law of the State Parties of this agreement.

Within this agreement exchange of information, being the state secret (the state secrets) of the State Parties of this agreement is not performed.

The information transferred within this agreement and considered by the Party as information, distribution and (or) provision of which it is limited to the legislation of its state, shall contain mark "confidentially" if other is not established by the legislation of the State Parties of this agreement.

Such information is not disclosed and not transferred by the Party accepting information to the third party without written permission of the representative (competent) body of the Party transferring such information.

Such information is provided with protection according to the legislation of the State Parties of this agreement.

The organization of information exchange of authorized (competent) bodies of the Parties is performed taking into account the international obligations of the State Parties of this agreement.

Article 4

Operation technical and the software necessary for the organization of information exchange according to this agreement, authorized (competent) bodies of the Parties provide independently, having provided their protection against unauthorized access or information leakage.

Authorized (competent) bodies of the Parties develop single procedure and forms of exchange of information of movement of radioactive sources which are approved by the decision of the Commission.

The authorized (competent) body of each Party independently incurs the expenses connected with execution of the obligations under this agreement.

Article 5

The parties provide establishment in the states of procedures of the prior notice by participants of foreign economic activity of authorized (competent) bodies about the forthcoming movements of radioactive sources of categories 1 and 2, including amendments to information which is earlier transferred to other Party.

Article 6

In the State Parties of this agreement the procedure in case of which movement of radioactive sources of categories 1 and 2 is performed only after receipt of confirmation from authorized (competent) body of the host party that the receiver has permission to receipt of radioactive sources and possession of them (the treatment of them) is established.

Article 7

The commission coordinates work on implementation of this agreement and if necessary will organize consultations for the purpose of information exchange concerning movement of radioactive sources.


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