of May 15, 2017 No. 281
About interaction of the State agency on cases of youth, physical culture and sport under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic with local public administrations
For the purpose of development of physical culture and sport, increase in efficiency of realization of youth policy, based on the laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About physical culture and sport", "About fundamentals of the state youth policy", according to article 4 of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About local public administration", articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic" the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:
1. Approve Regulations of interaction of the State agency on cases of youth, physical culture and sport under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic with local public administrations concerning realization of youth policy and the sphere of physical culture and sport according to appendix.
2. To the Ministry of Finance of the Kyrgyz Republic quarterly, on the basis of beforehand the submitted application of the State agency on cases of youth, physical culture and sport under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic to make change of the estimate appointments providing transfer of financial resources from the budget of the State agency on cases of youth, physical culture and sport under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the budget of local public administrations.
3. Determine that change of the estimate appointments specified in Item 2 of this resolution does not join in the total amount of the redistributed budgetary funds for the corresponding financial year.
4. To the state agency on cases of youth, physical culture and sport under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic and to local public administrations to take the measures following from this resolution.
5. To impose control of execution of this resolution on department of education, culture and sport of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.
6. This resolution becomes effective after ten days from the date of official publication.
Prime Minister
S. Zheenbekov
1. These Regulations are developed for the purpose of establishment of order of interaction of the State agency on cases of youth, physical culture and sport under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic with local public administrations and are directed to improvement of youth policy and activities in industry of physical culture and sport in regions.
2. The state agency on cases of youth, physical culture and sport under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic (further - the State agency) and local public administrations perform interaction within realization of the state youth policy and activities in the field of physical culture and sport of the Kyrgyz Republic.
3. The purpose of Regulations is establishment of order of interaction of the State agency with local public administrations.
4. Tasks of Regulations are:
- ensuring the coordinated interaction of the State agency with local public administrations in the field of physical culture, sport and youth policy;
- implementation of actions on increase in efficiency of youth policy;
- attraction of the population to regular trainings by physical culture and sport;
- carrying out single state policy in the field of physical culture and sport in all territory of the Kyrgyz Republic;
- ensuring effective and high-quality use of budgetary funds.
5. Interaction of the State agency with local public administrations is performed on contractual basis.
The agreement is signed between the State agency and local public administrations for a period of 3 years.
The subject of the agreement is transfer of financial resources and other funds by the State agency to local public administrations for holding actions for realization of youth policy and actions in the field of physical culture and sport in the corresponding territory. The agreement shall contain obligations, the rights of the State agency and local public administrations, conditions of the conclusion and agreement cancelation.
6. Annually till November 10 local public administrations represent to the State agency drafts of schedules of sports and mass actions and actions in the field of youth policy the forthcoming year.
7. The state agency till December 15 considers and approves schedules of sports and mass actions and actions in the field of youth policy and sends to local public administrations for execution.
The questions arising according to the schedule are solved the State agency and local public administrations by negotiations.
8. The state agency has the right:
- make decisions within the competence and within the transferred means, obligatory for execution by local public administrations;
- request from local public administrations information, materials and documents connected with execution of schedules of sports and mass actions and actions in the field of youth policy.
9. The state agency within the competence shall:
- timely and in full to transfer the financial and other resources intended for ensuring implementation of schedules of sports and mass actions and actions in the field of youth policy;
- render to local public administrations organizational, advisory and other help;
- perform monitoring of execution of schedules of sports and mass actions and actions in the field of youth policy and target use of the transferred financial and other resources.
10. Local public administrations have the right:
- receive organizational, advisory and other help from the State agency;
- require timely transfer of the financial resources and other means intended for ensuring implementation of schedules of sports and mass actions and actions in the field of youth policy.
11. Local public administrations shall:
- perform delegated powers according to the agreement and these Regulations;
- provide target use of the financial and other resources transferred for obligation fulfillment, specified in the agreement;
- to quarterly submit to the State agency the report on accomplishment of the obligations provided by the agreement;
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The document ceased to be valid since December 29, 2023 according to Item 1 of the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of December 13, 2023 No. 675