of May 3, 2017 No. 266
About approval of the List of the objects and financial resources necessary for 2017 for implementation of the Program of preserving and increase in fertility of soils for 2011-2020
According to provisions of Article 8 of the Land code No. 828-XII of December 25, 1991 (repeated publication: The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2001, No. 107, the Art. 817), with subsequent changes and amendments, and the Law on the government budget for 2017 No. 279 of December 16, 2016 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 472-477, 943) DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve the List of the objects and financial resources necessary for 2017 for implementation of the Program of preserving and increase in fertility of soils for 2011-2020 approved by the Order of the Government No. 626 of August 20, 2011 it (is applied).
2. Permit the Agency of land relations and inventory in coordination with the Ministry of Finance:
To perform 1) for 2017 redistribution of amounts of works on the projects included in the specified List proceeding from actually executed amounts of works within the provided means;
To provide 2) to contract organizations advance payment at the rate to 10% of the annual limit set on object for production process, acquisitions of materials and the equipment, with the subsequent confirmation of the amounts paid for amounts of works, actually executed within accounting year.
3. To the agency of land relations and inventory till February 1, 2018 to inform the Government on execution of this resolution.
Prime Minister |
Paweê Phillip |
Countersigns: Minister of Finance |
Octavian to Armash |
Approved by the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of May 3, 2017, No. 266
Soils are the main natural resource and national wealth of the Republic of Moldova on which use 75% of national economy are based. In the last decades continuous process of degradation of soils results from activities of the person, reduction of the areas of protective forest belts, destruction of antierosion hydraulic engineering constructions and natural cataclysms that led to considerable reducing productivity of soils. Now erosive processes of various degree cover about 920 thousand hectares of farmlands. Considering stated, acceptance of urgent measures on protection and improvement of the degraded soils is necessary.
The purposes and the main objectives consist in antierosion protection of soils, improvement and development of the degraded and bald-headed soils, drainage of the rehumidified lands. The works provided in the Order of the Government No. 626 of August 20, 2011 are included in this List also to execution. "About approval of the Program of preserving and increase in fertility of soils for 2011-2020". This List establishes necessary measures and expenses on their implementation.
Improvement of the situation in the field requires accomplishment of the following events: cleaning of the silted drying channels, construction and reconstruction of hydraulic engineering constructions of antierosion ponds and ponds-kopaney, drainage of lands closed and opened drenazhy, construction of water guides and water-retaining shaft, covering and fixing of ravines, construction of concrete and fascin dams, recultivation of pits, stabilization of landslide processes, landing and reconstruction of protective forest belts, raskorchevka of long-term plantings, cleaning of beds of the small rivers, development of the design estimates and research works.
Cleaning of the silted drying channels and drainage of the rehumidified lands will allow to return significant areas of lands in agricultural turnover. Channels will lower the level of ground waters therefore residential constructions and other constructions in many settlements will be protected from flooding and flooding, and agricultural areas - from bogging. The construction of ponds will allow to protect settlements and farmlands from floods, and also will give the chance to irrigate adjacent acreage. Fixing of the ravines which are formed on farmlands will lead to increase in the field areas, and also their more intensive use. Besides, in many settlements ravines constitute special peril for apartment houses of locals therefore their fixing is important for protection of farms. Landing and reconstruction of protective forest belts will allow to increase harvest of crops by 15-20%, and also to improve the hydrological mode of soils. Raskorchevka of long-term plantings will give the chance to return lands in agricultural turnover.
Indicators of progress and effectiveness following: drainage of the rehumidified lands on the area of 60 hectares, cleaning of the silted channels – km 6,0, cleaning of beds of the small rivers (the Bull, Botna, Kogylnik, Ishnovets, Longguca) with km 3,3 extent, construction of 15 antierosion ponds and ponds-kopaney with a total area of water surface of 102 hectares and with a possible area of irrigation of 1000 hectares, protection against erosion of 440 hectares of lands, protection against flooding of 605 hectares of lands, development of the design estimates of antierosion actions on 5 objects.
The agency of land relations and inventory till February 1, 2018 informs the Government on accomplishment of objectives.
See the Table (70Kb In original language)
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