of March 28, 2017 No. 426
About approval of the Procedure for holding electronic auctions on distribution of handling capacity of interstate power networks
According to article 30 of the Law of Ukraine "About power industry", to the laws of Ukraine "About bases of functioning of the market of electrical energy of Ukraine" and "About the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities" the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities decides:
1. Approve the Procedure for holding electronic auctions on distribution of handling capacity of interstate power networks which is applied.
2. Declare invalid the resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in spheres of power and utilities, of February 12, 2015 No. 176 "About approval of the Procedure for holding electronic auctions on distribution of handling capacity of interstate power networks", registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on May 13, 2015 at No. 521/26966.
3. This resolution becomes effective from the date of, its publication following behind day in the official printing publication - the Pravitelstvenny Kuryer newspaper.
Chairman of NKREKP
D. Vovk
Approved by the Resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities of Ukraine of March 28, 2017 No. 426
1.1. This Procedure determines procedure of the organization and holding electronic auctions for access to handling capacity of interstate power networks of Ukraine for implementation of export and/or import transactions with electrical energy taking into account features of work of OES of Ukraine and its separate components.
1.2. In this Procedure terms are used in the following values:
the administrator of auction platform - the employee of auction office which has powers to exercise control of observance of this Procedure, rules and conditions of holding auctions, to hold auctions, removal of all available Auction participation applications in case of technology violation, technical issues in work of auction platform and/or force majeur circumstances, check of receipt of cash fees / submission of bank guarantees, reception of applications and document package about receipt of participant status of distribution, signing of protocols of holding auctions in case of use of the reserve mechanism and to perform other operations provided by this Procedure;
auction platform - the automated system by means of which electronic auctions according to this Procedure are held;
auction office - the company exercising centralized dispatching control of the integrated power system of Ukraine;
The bank guarantee - type of ensuring accomplishment of obligations according to which the bank guarantor assumes monetary commitment before auction office to pay means of the participant of distribution of free handling capacity in case of failure to carry out by the last in full or partially the financial liabilities before auction office. The bank guarantee is irrevocable and unconditional;
opening of the biddings - time of day with which approach in auction office auction participation applications from participants of distribution can arrive;
free handling capacity (further - Union of Right Forces) (available transfer capacity, automatic telephone exchange) available handling capacity, less the size of handling capacity and handling capacity distributed at auctions to which according to the legislation priority access is provided. When calculating daily free handling capacity the unused size of the handling capacity distributed at the previous auctions is considered;
extreme sizes of export and import transactions with electrical energy in days D (further - extreme sizes) - the maximum hourly sizes of electrical energy and capacity on export and import of electrical energy in case of which reliable and smooth functioning of OES of Ukraine and electric utility service of consumers of electrical energy which are determined according to the legislation and/or regulating documents is ensured;
marginal price of access - the price of access to handling capacity, determined the software of auction platform minimum from the satisfied applications for participation in auctions, for each of reserves of each interstate section;
the schedule of auctions - the schedule of holding the annual, monthly and daily auctions which is published on the website of auction office;
money deposit - the money deposited by the participant of distribution for participation in the annual and/or monthly, and/or daily auctions and which in case of failure to carry out by the participant of distribution of the financial liabilities under the agreement on access to handling capacity of interstate power networks of Ukraine carry over auction office as penalty;
Д - day during which access to handling capacity is provided;
D-1 - the day prior D;
D-2 - the day preceding D-1;
D-3 - the day preceding D-2;
auction details - information on the parameters of auction determined by the subitem 7 of Item 3.1 of the Section III of this Procedure;
daily reserve - free handling capacity which is offered to distribution at daily auctions and expressed in megawatts (MW);
the agreement on access to handling capacity - the agreement on access to handling capacity of interstate power networks of Ukraine determining conditions and procedure for provision of access to handling capacity of interstate power networks of Ukraine also consists between participants of auction and auction office by joining of the participant of auction to the agreement in general. The agreement is drafted by auction office based on the approximate agreement approved by NKREKP and is placed on auction platform and the website of auction office and is the agreement of accession;
access to handling capacity of interstate power networks of Ukraine - the right of the power supplier to the receipt of service in transfer of electrical energy interstate power networks of Ukraine for the purpose of implementation of export and/or import transactions with electrical energy acquired according to this Procedure;
available handling capacity (further - traffic police) (net transfer capacity, NTC) the size of the maximum capacity of electrical energy which can be transferred from power system of one country to power system of other country in the corresponding direction (interstate section) on condition of secured provision of safety and reliability of functioning of the integrated power system of Ukraine;
electronic auction (further - auction) - the system of the public relations between participants of electronic interaction, the auction platform placed on the Internet settled by this Procedure with which use such participants on competitive basis perform transactions about distribution of access to handling capacity of interstate power networks of Ukraine for implementation of export and/or import transactions with electrical energy. Participants of electronic interaction, the auction platform placed on the Internet, participants of distribution and auction office are;
electronic registration - enrollment of letters and figures (login and the password) which are appropriated to the power supplier in case of acquisition of participant status of distribution for personal access to auction platform and making of actions according to this Procedure;
power suppliers are participants of the wholesale market of electrical energy of Ukraine who buy/sell electrical energy in this market for the purpose of its sale and/or delivery to consumers or for the purpose of its export and/or import;
closing of the biddings - the exact time of day determined by this Procedure with which approach the auction office stops to accept from participants of distribution of the request;
the statement for receipt of participant status of distribution - the application signed and provided by the power supplier to auction office for receipt of participant status of distribution. The application form about receipt of participant status of distribution is given in appendix 1 to this Procedure;
the auction participation application (further - the Request) - given to auction office according to the procedure and the terms determined by this Procedure, the proposal (offer) of the participant of distribution on acquisition of the certain size of Union of Right Forces of the corresponding reserve offered to distribution in electronic auction which arrived before closing of the biddings;
identification payment number - character set which by results of holding the corresponding auction is appropriated by auction office to the corresponding reserve and used by winners of auctions when implementing payment for this reserve;
the Kiev time - the Central European time (CET) + 1 hour;
the user of the distributed handling capacity (further - the user of RPS) the winner of auction or the receiver of the distributed handling capacity who acquired the rights and obligations on use of the distributed handling capacity (further - RPS);
interstate section - set of the interstate power lines connecting the integrated power system of Ukraine (or its part) with other zones of regulation and/or with power supply systems of other states;
monthly reserve - the free handling capacity guaranteed within more than one days, but no more number of calendar days in the corresponding calendar month which is offered to distribution at monthly auctions and expressed in megawatts (MW);
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The document ceased to be valid since April 8, 2020 according to Item 3 of the Resolution of the National commission performing state regulation in the field of power and utilities of Ukraine of April 3, 2020 No. 763