It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
March 29, 2017
No. 430/30298
of March 2, 2017 No. 30
About approval of the Procedure for personal reception of citizens in the Ministry of questions of temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine
According to article 22 of the Law of Ukraine "About addresses of citizens" and for the purpose of the proper organization of personal reception of citizens in the Ministry of questions of temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine (further the Ministry) I order:
1. Approve the Procedure for personal reception of citizens in the Ministry of questions of temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine which is applied.
2. To provide to management of administrative and organizational activities the organization and carrying out personal reception of citizens by authorized officers of the Ministry in connection therewith with the order.
3. To department of legal support to submit this order to the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on state registration according to the Presidential decree of Ukraine of October 3, 1992 to No. 493 "About state registration of regulatory legal acts of the ministries and other executive bodies" (with changes).
4. To provide to the sector of interaction with mass media and the public promulgation of this order on the official site of the Ministry.
5. To provide to the First Deputy Minister, the deputy minister, the State secretary of the Ministry, heads of structural divisions of the office of the Ministry within competence execution of this order.
6. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
7. To impose control of execution of this order on the State secretary of the Ministry Zlakoman S. L.
V. O. Chernysh
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of questions of temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine of March 2, 2017, No. 30
1. This Procedure determines the main requirements to the organization and carrying out personal reception of citizens in the Ministry of questions of temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine (further the Ministry).
2. The officials of the Ministry performing personal reception of citizens in the activities are guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the Laws of Ukraine "About addresses of citizens", "About public service", the Presidential decree of Ukraine of February 7, 2008 No. 109 "About first-priority measures for ensuring realization and guaranteeing constitutional right on the appeal to public authorities and local government bodies", Regulations on the Ministry of the questions of temporarily occupied territories and internally displaced persons of Ukraine approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of June 8, 2016 No. 376, other regulatory legal acts.
3. Personal reception of citizens by the Minister, the First Deputy Minister, the deputy minister, the State secretary of the Ministry is performed only by appointment in the days and hours determined by the schedule of personal reception of citizens approved in accordance with the established procedure.
4. Reception of citizens by other officials of the Ministry is performed in certain days and hours according to the approved schedule.
5. In first-priority procedure acceptance of categories of citizens is performed:
1) women to whom the honorary title of Ukraine "Mother heroine" is given;
2) disabled people of the Great Patriotic War;
3) Heroes of Socialist Work;
4) Heroes of the Soviet Union;
5) Heroes of Ukraine.
6. Special attention is paid to the problem resolution which veterans of war and work, disabled people, large families, lonely mothers and other citizens who need social protection and support handle.
7. Reception of citizens in the days which are not determined by the schedule of personal acceptance is performed by department of clerical work, (daleeotdet) works with addresses of citizens and access to public information of Management of administrative and organizational activities without making an appointment on Monday, Tuesday, environment and Thursday from 10:00 till 17:00 to the address: Kiev, blvd. L. Ukrainians, 26.
8. Preliminary record on personal acceptance to management of the Ministry is performed by department not later than seven days about day of acceptance. Preliminary record can be performed by phone, specified on the official site of the Ministry.
9. During preliminary record on personal acceptance the surname, name, middle name, the residence of the citizen, content of the brought-up question what officials or state bodies he addressed and what was made the decision become clear, the official is determined or state body which competence includes the solution of the question which is brought up by the applicant the documents, other materials represented by the citizen for reasons for the statement (petition), the claim or the offer (note) are studied.
Clarification of the information about the identity of the citizen which are not concerning its address is not allowed.
10. The department constitutes lists of the citizens who showed willingness to get on personal acceptance to management of the Ministry and gives the materials stated in addresses of the citizens who entered this list for studying and study in structural divisions of the Ministry according to their competence not later than seven days before acceptance.
Structural divisions of the Ministry provide the service record signed by their heads about the results of processing reported materials according to appeals of citizens to Department not later than three days before acceptance.
In two days prior to acceptance lists of the citizens who showed willingness to get on personal acceptance move to the official who will perform personal acceptance.
11. Record on personal acceptance it can be refused on the following bases:
1) in case of the repeated address of the same citizen on question which was already provided to them in the Ministry of being;
2) in case of violation of the terms determined by article 17 of the Law of Ukraine "About addresses of citizens" for appeal of the decision;
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The document ceased to be valid since October 9, 2020 according to Item 2 of the Order of the Ministry of reintegration of temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine of September 14, 2020 No. 100