It is registered
Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
March 28, 2017
No. 410/30278
of March 2, 2017 No. 178/164
About approval of the Instruction about procedure for exchange of information in the field of the prevention of origin and emergency response between Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations and the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine
According to Item 49 of the Regulations on single state system of civil protection approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 9, 2014 No. 11, for the purpose of realization of state policy in the field of protection of the population and the territories against effects of emergency situations of technogenic and natural nature and enhancement of interaction of Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations with the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine in case of threat of origin or emergence of emergency situations of PRIKAZYVAYEM:
1. Approve the Instruction about procedure for exchange of information in the field of the prevention of origin and emergency response between Public service of Ukraine on emergency situations and the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine (further - the Instruction) which is applied.
2. To provide to public service of Ukraine on emergency situations together with the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine exchange of information between service of the state control center operational and on duty in emergency situations of GSChS and dispatching service of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine according to requirements of the Instruction.
3. To department of forming of policy for authorities under control to the Minister and monitoring of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (Bodnar V. E.) provide submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.
4. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.
5. We reserve control of execution of this order.
Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine |
A. B. Avakov |
Minister of Energy and coal industry of Ukraine |
I. S. Nasalik |
Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Fuel and Energy of Ukraine of March 2, 2017 No. 178/164
1. This Instruction determines procedure for exchange of information between GSChS and the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine in the field of prevention of origin and emergency response (further - emergency).
2. Exchange of information between GSChS and the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine in the field of prevention of emergence of emergency and reaction in case of their origin (further exchange of information) will be organized within single state system of civil protection:
at the national level - between service of the state control center operational and on duty in emergency situations of GSChS and dispatching service of structural division of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine;
at the regional level - between the operational and coordination centers of territorial authorities of GSChS and regional dispatching services of industries of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine.
3. Exchange of information is performed for the purpose of prevention of emergence of emergency, minimization of their possible effects, the organization of the approved and effective response of forces of civil protection to dangerous events and emergency which can arise within competence of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine and heat supplies connected with accidents on objects and the gas supply relating to housing stock, according to the classification signs of emergency situations approved by the order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Ukraine of December 12, 2012 No. 1400, registered in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine on January 03, 2013 for No. 40/22572.
4. Exchange of information is made:
daily by provision of information on operational situation within competence of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine on emergency;
in case of threat of origin or emergence of emergency - by operational informing and further periodic operational informing on mitigation of consequences of emergency.
1. The person on duty of dispatching service of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine daily informs till 08:00 by e-mail service of the state control center operational and on duty in emergency situations of GSChS on operational situation within competence of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine on emergency.
2. At the request of service of the state control center operational and on duty in emergency situations of GSChS the person on duty of dispatching service of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine provides by phone necessary explanations according to the transferred information.
1. In case of receipt of information on threat of origin or emergence of emergency within competence of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine the person on duty of dispatching service of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine urgently informs by phone service of the state control center operational and on duty in emergency situations of GSChS.
2. Oral informing within one hour is confirmed in writing by e-mail to service of the state control center operational and on duty in emergency situations of GSChS or fax connection by the message on threat of origin or emergence of emergency which form is stated in annex to this Instruction.
3. In case of receipt of the state control center by service operational and on duty in emergency situations of GSChS of primary information on threat of origin or emergence of emergency within competence of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine the chief of duty shift of the state control center in emergency situations of GSChS within 10 minutes informs on it by phone the person on duty of dispatching service of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine.
4. At the request of the person on duty of dispatching service of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine information on operational situation around emergence of emergency by service on duty of the state control center in emergency situations of GSChS is instantly provided by fax or e-mail in dispatching service of the Ministry of Energy and Coal Mining of Ukraine.
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