It is registered
Ministry of Justice
Russian Federation
On May 4, 2017 No. 46597
of April 4, 2017 No. 108
About approval of federal regulations and rules of use of atomic energy "Rules of safety in case of conclusion from operation of research nuclear installations"
According to article 6 of the Federal Law of November 21, 1995 No. 170-FZ "About use of atomic energy" (The Russian Federation Code, 1995, No. 48, Art. 4552; 1997, No. 7, Art. 808; 2001, No. 29, Art. 2949; 2002, No. 1, Art. 2; No. 13, Art. 1180; 2003, No. 46, Art. 4436; 2004, No. 35, Art. 3607; 2006, No. 52, Art. 5498; 2007, No. 7, Art. 834; No. 49, Art. 6079; 2008, No. 29, Art. 3418; No. 30, Art. 3616; 2009, No. 1, Art. 17; No. 52, Art. 6450; 2011, No. 29, Art. 4281; No. 30, Art. 4590, Art. 4596; No. 45, Art. 6333; No. 48, Art. 6732; No. 49, Art. 7025; 2012, No. 26, Art. 3446; 2013, No. 27, Art. 3451; 2016, No. 14, Art. 1904; No. 15, Art. 2066; No. 27, the Art. 4289), subitem of Item 5 of the Regulations on Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision approved by the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 30, 2004 No. 401 (The Russian Federation Code, 2004, No. 32, Art. 3348; 2006, No. 5, Art. 544; No. 23, Art. 2527; No. 52, Art. 5587; 2008, No. 22, Art. 2581; No. 46, Art. 5337; 2009, No. 6, Art. 738; No. 33, Art. 4081; No. 49, Art. 5976; 2010, No. 9, Art. 960; No. 26, Art. 3350; No. 38, Art. 4835; 2011, No. 6, Art. 888; No. 14, Art. 1935; No. 41, Art. 5750; No. 50, Art. 7385; 2012, No. 29, Art. 4123; No. 42, Art. 5726; 2013, No. 12, Art. 1343; No. 45, Art. 5822; 2014, No. 2, Art. 108; No. 35, Art. 4773; 2015, No. 2, Art. 491; No. 4, Art. 661; No. 28, Art. 4741; official Internet portal of legal information, 2016, number of publication: 0001201611250028), I order:
Approve the enclosed federal regulations and rules of use of atomic energy "Rules of safety in case of conclusion from operation of research nuclear installations" (NP-028-16).
A. V. Alyoshin
Approved by the Order of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation on ecological, technology and atomic supervision of April 4, 2017 No. 108
1. These federal regulations and rules of use of atomic energy "Rules of safety in case of conclusion from operation of research nuclear installations" (are developed by NP-028-16) (further - Rules) according to the Federal Law of November 21, 1995 No. 170-FZ "About use of atomic energy", the order of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 1, 1997 No. 1511 "About approval of the Regulations on development and approval of federal regulations and rules of use of atomic energy" (The Russian Federation Code, 1997, No. 49, Art. 5600; 1999, No. 27, Art. 3380; 2000, No. 28, Art. 2981; 2002, No. 4, Art. 325; No. 44, Art. 4392; 2003, No. 40, Art. 3899; 2005, No. 23, Art. 2278; 2006, No. 50, Art. 5346; 2007, No. 14, Art. 1692; No. 46, Art. 5583; 2008, No. 15, Art. 1549; 2012, No. 51, Art. 7203).
2. These rules establish requirements to the organizational and technical actions aimed at safety in case of conclusion from operation of research nuclear installations (further - IYaU).
3. For the purpose of these rules the terms and determinations established in the Federal Laws and in the following federal regulations and rules of use of atomic energy are used:
"General provisions of safety of research nuclear installations" (NP-033-11) approved by the order of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of June 30, 2011 No. 348 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on August 29, 2011; registration No. 21700; Russian newspaper, 2011, No. 195);
"Safety in case of conclusion from operation of subjects to use of atomic energy. General provisions" (NP-091-14) approved by the order of Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision of May 20, 2014 No. 216 (it is registered by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on July 14, 2014; registration No. 33086, Bulletin of regulations of federal executive bodies, 2014, No. 37).
4. Conclusion (further - VE IYaU) shall be carried out from operation of IYaU in compliance by the principles of safety established in NP-033-11 and NP-091-14. The organizational and technical actions realized on IYaU shall provide:
not exceeding of the main limits of doses of radiation of workers (personnel) and the population, standard rates of emissions (dumpings) of radioactive materials regulated by regulations of radiation safety (further - RV);
decrease in radiative effects of VE IYaU on workers (personnel), the population and the environment to minimum possible values taking into account economic and social factors;
the application exception in economic activity of the materials of reuse having radioactive pollution is higher than the set limits.
5. At operational phase of IYaU planning by the operating organization of works on VE IYaU shall be carried out on the basis of the project documentation (further - the project) by IYaU, concepts of VE IYaU provided in the IYaU project and in the report on reasons for safety of IYaU (further - OOB IYaU), and comes to the end with development of the VE IYaU program determining procedure, conditions and the planned terms of accomplishment of the main actions for VE IYaU.
For IYaU put into operation before approval of these rules, the concept of VE IYaU can be provided only to OOB IYaU.
The concept of conclusion from operation of IYaU shall contain the description of the planned conclusion option from operation of IYaU, expected end state of the platform, buildings and constructions of IYaU, the main measures for safety in case of the address with the Russian joint stock companies which are formed in case of conclusion of operation of IYaU and the description of procedure for information collection, important for safety in case of conclusion of operation of IYaU.
6. In case of the choice and updating of the concept of VE IYaU experience of safety in case of conclusion from operation of similar IYaU shall be considered, and also:
availability (absence) on the IYaU platform of special radioactive waste;
results of assessment of possible amount of radioactive waste (further - Russian joint stock company);
results of mitigation of consequences of the accidents taking place;
conditions of burial, conversion or long-term storage of the deleted Russian joint stock companies which are formed in case of VE IYaU;
availability near the VE IYaU platform of other subjects to use of atomic energy;
the expected doses of radiation of workers (personnel) and the population;
the expected radiative effects on the environment of works on VE IYaU;
need of development and use of the new equipment;
fixed terms of realization of VE IYaU;
financial provision of works on VE IYaU.
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