Document from CIS Legislation database © 2003-2024 SojuzPravoInform LLC


of April 28, 2017 No. 1/1

About approval of the Standard agreement of delivery of the electrical energy made by the company developing the electric power using renewable energy resources to the distributing company

For the purpose of creating favorable conditions for development of renewable energy resources in the Kyrgyz Republic, and also according to the Laws of the Kyrgyz Republic "About power industry", "About power" and "About renewable energy resources", according to the Order of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic of September 15, 2014 to No. 530 "About delegation of separate rule-making powers of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic number of state bodies of the executive authority", I order:

1. Approve the Standard agreement of delivery of the electrical energy made by the company developing the electric power using renewable energy resources to the distributing company according to appendix.

2. To department of development of renewable energy resources and energy saving of the State committee of the industry, power and subsurface use of the Kyrgyz Republic according to the legislation of the Kyrgyz Republic to take the measures for official publication of this Order and its state registration established by the legislation.

3. To impose control of execution of this order on the vice-chairman of the State committee of the industry, power and subsurface use of the Kyrgyz Republic Omorov A. K.

4. This Order becomes effective after fifteen days from the date of official publication.

5. The copy of this Order, after its introduction in force to send to Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic for information.


D. Zilaliyev

Approved by the Order of the State committee of the industry, power and subsurface use of the Kyrgyz Republic of April 28, 2017, No. 1/1

The standard agreement of delivery of the electrical energy made by the company developing the electric power using renewable energy resources to the distributing company

Bishkek (Osh, Karakol, Mr. Zhalalabat)

"____" ______________ 20 ____.

___________________________ - The company developing the electric power which is hereinafter referred to as "Supplier", on behalf of the Head _______________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter on the one hand, and _______________________________

- The distributing company which is hereinafter referred to as "Buyer", on behalf of full name ___________________________________, acting on the basis of the Charter on the other hand, and together - the Parties, signed this Agreement as follows:

1. Determinations

For the purposes of this Agreement concepts, to the corresponding determinations are used:

- The company developing the electric power - any state, private legal entity or physical person performing activities on production of electricity and operation of power plants;

- Geothermal installation - system of the equipment for transformation of geothermal power (the energy containing in earth subsoil) in electrical energy;

- Solar installation - system of the equipment for transformation of energy of the sun in heat or electrical energy;

- Wind installation - system of the equipment for transformation of wind energy in electrical energy;


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