of April 18, 2017 No. 232
About approval of the Framework regulations on the organization and functioning of Complex social service for persons using psychoactive agents, and patients of replacement therapy and the Minimum quality standards
For the purpose of implementation of the Law on the public assistance No. 547-XV of December 25, 2003. (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2004, Art. No. 42-44, 249), with subsequent changes and amendments, the Law No. 123 of June 18, 2010 on social services (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2010, Art. No. 155-158, 541), with subsequent changes, and the Orders of the Government No. 890 of July 20, 2016. "About approval of the Action plan of the Government for 2016-2018" (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2016, Art. No. 217-229, 966) DECIDES: the Government
1. Approve:
The framework regulations on the organization and functioning of Complex social service for persons using psychoactive agents, and patients of replacement therapy according to appendix No. 1;
The minimum quality standards for the services provided within Complex social service for persons, using psychoactive agents, and patients of replacement therapy according to appendix No. 2.
2. To service providers to approve own regulations on the organization and functioning based on the specified Framework provision.
3. Expenses on the organization and functioning of Complex social service for persons using psychoactive agents, and patients of replacement therapy become covered for supplier account of services and are performed within the finance which is annually provided in the relevant budgets and other sources according to the legislation.
4. To service providers to submit to territorial structures of social security the annual report on the achieved results of activities till January 30 of the year following after accounting year.
5. To impose control over the implementation of this resolution on the Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family.
Prime Minister |
Paweê Phillip |
Countersign: Minister of Labour, Social Protection and Family |
Stele Grigorash |
Minister of Finance |
Octavian to Armash |
Appendix №1
to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of April 18, 2017 No. 232
1. The framework regulations on the organization and functioning of Complex social service for persons using psychoactive agents, and patients of replacement therapy (further – the Provision) determine procedure for the organization and activities of Service, its purpose and tasks.
2. The complex social service for persons using psychoactive agents, and patients of replacement therapy (further – Complex service) is focused on three basic classical elements: Day service, Service of the temporary accommodation, Service of rehabilitation through therapeutic community.
3. The complex service is the platform consisting of three services with various forms of the organization:
1) Day service;
2) Service of the temporary accommodation;
3) Service of rehabilitation through therapeutic community.
4. The complex service represents range of the social public services (created in subordination of bodies of local public authority of the second level) or private, specified in Item 3, registered according to the legislation.
5. The complex service will be accredited separately on each type of services (Day service, Service of the temporary accommodation, Service of rehabilitation through therapeutic community) according to Law No. 129 provisions of June 8, 2012 on accreditation of suppliers of social services.
6. The complex service performs activities according to this Provision, the Minimum quality standards for the provided services, decisions of body of local public authority of the second level and provisions of the legislation.
7. Activities of Complex service are coordinated by the supplier in cooperation with territorial structure of the public assistance.
8. The supplier of social services has the status of the legal entity, has the treasurer/bank account, seal, stamp, the form and symbolics.
9. In the this provision sense the used concepts mean the following:
Complex social service for persons using psychoactive agents, and patients of replacement therapy – range of the psychosocial services and services in rehabilitation rendered within the Day service, Service of the temporary accommodation and Service of rehabilitation through therapeutic community based on integrated approaches and the revealed individual requirements;
beneficiaries of Complex service are the citizens of the Republic of Moldova and foreigners specified in part (1) article 2 of the Law No. 274 of December 27, 2011 on integration of foreigners in the Republic of Moldova, the reached 18 years, persons dependent on psychoactive agents: persons using psychoactive agents including persons using injecting drugs, patients of replacement therapy, persons with alcoholic dependence and members of their families;
day services – information activities, councils, consultations, mediation, the direction, therapy (group, family, labor (ergoterapiya), leisure, concentrated on individual approach and nondiscrimination;
Service of the temporary accommodation – the room which offers placement for 1-3 weeks during which the supplier of service controls process of training of the beneficiary for stage of the transfer to services of rehabilitation in therapeutic community;
psychosocial services – the methods and acceptances used in rendering psychosocial support and rehabilitation of consumers of psychoactive agents;
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