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of April 3, 2017 No. 197

About the ID card - the passport of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card)

(as amended on 03-11-2023)

For the purpose of implementation of the ID card of the passport of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card), according to article 88 of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic, articles 10 and 17 of the constitutional Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "About the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic", the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic decides:

1. Approve:

- Regulations on the ID card - the passport of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card) according to appendix 1;

- sample of the ID card - the passport of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card) according to appendix 2.

2. Determine that implementation of documents acceptance on production of passports of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2004 in connection with introduction of the ID card - passports of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card) stops since April 30, 2017.

3. To the public registration service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic since May 1, 2017 to begin documents acceptance on production of the ID card - passports of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card).

4. Determine that primary execution and issue of the ID card - the passport of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card), including replacement of passports of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2004 (ID card) and sample of 1994, is performed from May 1, 2017 to December 31, 2017 free of charge, except as specified urgent production and the address for the reasons of loss or spoil of the ID card - passports of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card).

5. Authorize the State company "Infokom" under the Ministry of digital development of the Kyrgyz Republic on personification and production of ID cards - passports of citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card).

6. To plenipotentiaries of the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in areas, heads of local public administrations and local government bodies (in coordination) to render assistance to the Public registration service under the Government of the Kyrgyz Republic in the organization and carrying out the work linked with issue of the ID card - passports of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card).

7. To impose control of execution of this resolution on department of construction, transport and communications of Government office of the Kyrgyz Republic.

8. This resolution is subject to official publication and becomes effective since May 1, 2017.

Prime Minister

S. Zheenbekov

Appendix 1

Regulations on the ID card - the passport of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card)

1. General provisions

1. The ID card - the passport of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card) (further - the ID card) - the identity document of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic and confirming belonging to nationality of the Kyrgyz Republic, with information in text, machine-readable and electronic type, with the built-in electronic chip which is integral part of the passport.

The ID card - the passport of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic of sample of 2017 (ID card) is property of the Kyrgyz Republic, and its owner is under protection of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The ID card is one of types of national passports of the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The ID card is used in the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic and beyond its limits based on come in the procedure established by the law into force of international treaties which participant is the Kyrgyz Republic.

The ID card, access to which is provided by the citizen of the Kyrgyz Republic in digital format by means of the Tunduk mobile application, has legal force and is equivalent to the document to nominal type of the ID card in physical format.

2. The ID card is issued to all citizens of the Kyrgyz Republic on reaching 16-year age in case of filing of application in the established form, effective period for ten years.

3. The ID card contains the following data:

- in text form:

surname, name;

middle name (in the presence);



birth date;

document number;

date of issue;

effective period;


personal identification number (personal number);

the body which issued the document;

signature of the owner;

black-and-white image of face of the owner;

ethnic origin (at the request of the applicant);

barcodes of personal identification number and document number;

electronic chip;

- in machine-readable type - machine-readable zone;

- on the electronic chip:

surname, name;

middle name (in the presence);



birth date;

document effective period;


personal identification number (personal number);

the body which issued the document, and its code;

color digital image of face of the owner, graphical structure of papillary patterns of fingers of both hands, sign manual of the owner;

ethnic origin (at the request of the applicant);

address (residence);

marital status;

the key of the electronic and digital signature realized based on cryptographic algorithms according to the state standard specifications standards, authorization key.

The ID card can also have the tactile text Braille's font for persons with sight violations (at the request of the owner).

2. Description of the ID card

4. The form of the ID card has rectangular shape with the rounded-off corners, 54 mm in size x 85,6 of mm (the size in the ID-1 format according to ISO 7810), is made of polycarbonate, has the front and turnover parties.

5. The directed text of the ID card is filled in in the Kyrgyz, Russian and English languages.

6. The entered data are printed:

- surname and name - in the Kyrgyz and English languages;

- floor - in the Kyrgyz and English languages;

- document number - with use of letters of the Latin alphabet and the Arab figures;

- middle name, nationality and the birthplace - in the Kyrgyz language;

- the body which issued the document - with use of letters of the Kyrgyz alphabet and the Arab figures;

- birth date, date of issue and effective period - with use of the Arab figures;

- personal identification number (personal number) - with use of the Arab figures.

7. Description of the face.

The ID card has the blue shade passing in flavovirent with visible elements of protection in the form of grid and other elements of protection.


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