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Ministry of Justice of Ukraine

March 13, 2017

No. 343/30211


of February 15, 2017 No. 119

About approval of the Procedure for the organization of work with deputy requests and deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine in National police of Ukraine

(as amended on 24-07-2023)

According to the Laws of Ukraine "About the status of the People's Deputy of Ukraine", "About National police", "About addresses of citizens", the Regulations on National police approved by the resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of October 28, 2015 No. 877, and for the purpose of enhancement of work with deputy requests and deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine in National police of Ukraine I order:

1. Approve the Procedure for the organization of work with deputy requests and deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine in National police of Ukraine which is applied.

2. Department on forming of policy concerning government authorities and monitoring bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs being under control of the Minister (Bodnar V. E.) provide submission of this order on state registration in the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine in accordance with the established procedure.

3. This order becomes effective from the date of its official publication.

4. To impose control of execution of this order on the Chairman of National police of Ukraine.


A. B. Avakov

Approved by the Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine of February 15, 2017, No. 119

Procedure for the organization of work with deputy requests and deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine in National police of Ukraine

I. General provisions

1. This Procedure establishes single requirements to procedure for acceptance, registration and consideration of deputy requests and deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine, departure of answers to them, and also control of their accomplishment in the central governing body of police, the interregional territorial authorities of National police of Ukraine, their separate divisions, territorial authorities of police and their separate divisions, the companies, organizations and institutions relating to the sphere of management of National police of Ukraine (Further - bodies and divisions of police).

2. The terms used in this Procedure are used in the values given in the Law of Ukraine "About the status of the People's Deputy of Ukraine".

3. This Procedure is applied by consideration of deputy requests and deputy addresses of the People's Deputies of Ukraine who arrived in paper or electronic form with observance of requirements of the Laws of Ukraine "About electronic documents and electronic document management" and "About electronic confidential services" or received directly by the official to whom they are addressed.

4. The address of the citizen which arrived together with the deputy address or deputy request of the People's Deputy of Ukraine, People's Deputies, committee of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine is not subject to consideration and permission in case:

if in it the residence of the applicant is not specified;

if it is not signed by the author (anonymous);

if this repeated address from the same citizen on the same question if the first is solved in essence;

if the address arrived from the face, recognized as court incapacitated.

About the made decision according to such deputy address or deputy request of the People's Deputy of Ukraine the motivated answer is provided within 10 days. In case of provision of the response to deputy request the motivated answer is provided to the People's Deputy of Ukraine, in case of provision of the response to deputy request of the People's Deputy of Ukraine the motivated answer is provided to the People's Deputy of Ukraine and the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

5. If the solution of the questions raised in deputy request or the deputy address of the People's Deputy of Ukraine is not within the competence of police agencies, within 5 days to the People's Deputy of Ukraine, in case of receipt of deputy request - to the People's Deputy of Ukraine, the motivated answer with the corresponding explanation and the offer to address to body which competence includes the solution of this question is provided to the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine.

II. Organization of preliminary consideration of deputy requests and deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine

1. Ensuring timely and high-quality consideration of deputy requests and deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine is assigned to the Chairman of National police of Ukraine (further - the Chairman), to the First Deputy Chairman of National police of Ukraine, vice-chairmen of National police of Ukraine, heads of bodies and divisions of police.

2. The deputy requests and deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine addressed to National police of Ukraine or the Chairman after registration by division of documentary providing and check of their repeated receipt are transferred to Department of ensuring activities of the Chairman on the same day.

3. The staff of Department of ensuring activities of the Chairman after preliminary consideration of deputy request or the deputy address of the People's Deputy of Ukraine the draft resolution by determination of the contractor (contractors), completion date, necessary actions for the solution of the brought-up questions which moves for the signature to the Chairman prepares.

4. After signing of resolutions by the Chairman deputy requests or deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine return employees of division of ensuring activities of the Chairman to division of documentary providing on the same day. Originals of deputy requests or deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine with resolutions to them are transferred by officials of division of documentary providing to the main contractor for their consideration.

Copies of deputy requests or deputy addresses of People's Deputies of Ukraine and resolutions to them are provided to collaborators.


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