of April 19, 2017 No. 275
About approval of the Regulations on the State ecological inspection of Ukraine
Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine decides:
Approve Regulations on the State ecological inspection of Ukraine which are applied.
Prime Minister of Ukraine
V. Groysman
Approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of April 19, 2017 No. 275
1. The state ecological inspection of Ukraine (State ecoinspection) is the central executive body which activities go and coordinated by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine through the Minister of Energy and environment protection and realizing state policy on implementation of the state supervision (control) in the sphere of protection of the surrounding environment, rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources.
2. State ecoinspection in the activities is guided by the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, presidential decrees of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted according to the Constitution and the laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, other acts of the legislation.
3. The main objectives of State ecoinspection are:
1) realization of state policy on implementation of the state supervision (control) in the sphere of protection of the surrounding environment, rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources;
2) implementation within the powers provided by the law, the state supervision (control) of observance of requirements of the legislation, in particular, relatively:
protection of lands, subsoil;
ecological and radiation safety;
protection and use of the territories and objects of natural and reserved fund;
protection, protection, use and reproduction of the woods;
preserving, reproduction and steady use of biological and landscape diversity;
rational use, reproduction and protection of objects of animal and flora;
maintaining hunting economy and implementation of hunting;
protection, rational use and reproduction of waters and reconstruction of water resources;
protection of atmospheric air;
forming, preserving and uses of ecological network;
conditions of the surrounding environment;
addresses with the waste dangerous by chemicals, pesticides and agrochemicals;
implementation of measures of biological and genetic safety of rather biological objects of the environment during creation, research and practical use of genetically modified organisms in open system;
3) submitting for examination of the Minister of Energy and environment protection of offers on ensuring forming of state policy in the sphere of protection of the surrounding environment, rational use, reproduction and protection of natural resources.
4. State ecoinspection according to the tasks assigned to it:
1) generalizes practice of application of the legislation on the questions which are within its competence develops suggestions for improvement of legal acts, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, regulatory legal acts of the ministries and in accordance with the established procedure represents them to the Minister of Energy and environment protection;
2) exercises the state supervision (control) of observance by the central executive bodies and their territorial authorities, local executive bodies, local government bodies regarding implementation of the powers of executive bodies delegated by it, the companies, organizations and the organizations, irrespective of pattern of ownership and managing, citizens of Ukraine, foreigners and stateless persons, and also legal nonresident persons of requirements of the legislation:
a) about ecological and radiation safety, in particular:
on accomplishment of conditions of the conclusions on environmental impact assessment of the conclusions of the state environmental assessment;
the paragraph third is excluded according to the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of 27.03.2019 No. 367;
when implementing transactions with scrap metal;
when implementing the types of activity constituting the increased ecological danger;
when implementing activities on the objects constituting the increased ecological danger;
b) about protection of lands, subsoil, namely:
preservation of the degraded and unproductive lands;
preserving wetlands;
accomplishment of ecological requirements by provision in property and use, including in lease, the parcels of land;
implementation of measures for prevention of pollution of lands chemical and radioactive materials, waste, sewage;
observance of the mode of use of lands of natural and reserved and other nature protection appointment, and also territories, subjects to special protection;
observance of ecological standard rates concerning use and protection of lands;
conducting construction, dredging works, production of sand and gravel, laying of cables, pipelines and other communications on lands of water fund;
establishments and uses of the water protection zones and coastal protective strips, and also observance of the mode of use of their territories;
use and protection of subsoil;
c) about protection, rational use of waters and reconstruction of water resources, namely:
accomplishment of the state target, interstate and regional programs of use and protection of waters, reproduction of water resources;
availability and observance of conditions of permissions, the established standard rates of maximum permissible dumping of pollutants, limits of fence and use of water and dumping of pollutants;
rights of state-owned property to waters;
conducting accounting of fence by water users and use of waters, control of quality and amount of the sewage and pollutants dumped in water objects and behind quality of water of water objects in control alignments, and also representation of reports to relevant organs;
observance of the set mode of economic activity in zones of sanitary protection of sources of drinking and economic and household water supply, the water protection zones, coastal protective strips, strips of branch and shores of waterways, treatment and other water management facilities and technical devices;
implementation by water users of measures for prevention of pollution of water objects waste (rain, snow) the waters which are taken away from their territory;
implementation of actions for economical use of water resources;
water use (water objects) according to the purposes and conditions of their provision to water users;
implementation of the technological, lesomeliorativny, hydrotechnical and other actions for protection of waters approved in accordance with the established procedure from depletion, improvement of their condition, and also the termination of dumping of the polluted sewage (waste, mine, career, drainage waters);
work, the accidents connected with mitigation of consequences which can lead to water quality degradation;
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