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The document ceased to be valid since December 14, 2018 according to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of December 12, 2018 No. 1231


of March 22, 2017 No. 172

About approval of the Regulations on procedure for financial encouragement of the stating subjects of the General inspectorate of police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

For the purpose of accomplishment of provisions of article 21-2 of the Law on wages system in the budget sphere No. 355-XVI of December 23, 2005 (The official monitor of the Republic of Moldova, 2006, Art. No. 35-38, 148), with subsequent changes and amendments, DECIDES: the Government

Approve Regulations on procedure for financial encouragement of the stating subjects of the General inspectorate of police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs it (is applied).

Prime Minister

Paweê Phillip


Minister of Internal Affairs


Aleksandra Zhizdan

Minister of Finance

Octavian to Armash



to the Order of the Government of the Republic of Moldova of March 22, 2017 No. 172

Regulations on procedure for financial encouragement of the stating subjects of the General inspectorate of police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs

I. General provisions

1. The regulations on procedure for financial encouragement of the stating subjects of the General inspectorate of police of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (further - the Provision) establish procedure and conditions of financial encouragement of the stating subjects which made the contribution to collection of receipts to the government budget, the bases and single procedure for management of financial resources of the General inspectorate of police in the amount of 25% of the amount of the penalties collected in the government budget as a result of documentation of offenses by the stating subjects of police, purpose of use, procedure for distribution, accounting and control of these means.

2. This Provision identifies rules for the stating subjects, persons signing the quarterly report on financial encouragement, activities of the Commission on quarterly financial encouragement, compensations of material damage in case of cancellation of protocols on offense and also procedure for compensation of unreasonably paid amounts.

3. The purpose of this provision is assistance to effective implementation of tasks, functions and police powers, and also to proper accomplishment by employees of police of service duties.

4. The stating subjects of police are encouraged financially quarterly in the amount of 25 percent from the amount of the penalties imposed by them and collected in the government budget.

5. Accounting of the financial resources allocated to the General inspectorate of police for quarterly financial encouragement of the stating subjects is performed according to the established requirements of the regulations regulating the sphere of financial accounting.

6. Requirements of this provision are applied to the stating subjects of police which according to the Code of Administrative Offences of the Republic of Moldova apply sanctions in the form of penalties.

II. Sources of financing and method of application

7. The financial resources allocated to the General inspectorate of police from the amount of the penalties collected in the government budget as a result of consideration of administrative offenses are used for quarterly financial encouragement of the stating subjects of police, in limits, the stipulated in Article 21-2 Laws on wages system in the budget sphere No. 355-XVI of December 23, 2005.

III. Accounting, the reporting and control of use of the means intended for quarterly financial encouragement

8. The general inspectorate of police quarterly on the basis of the order distributes allocated funds for quarterly financial encouragement to subordinated divisions in which the stating subjects work, and performs their proper monitoring.

9. The subsequent redistribution of the allocated money listed to subordinated divisions of the General inspectorate of police for the purpose of change of purpose of allocated funds is not allowed.

10. Information on use of financial resources of the General inspectorate of police is reflected in the performance report of the government budget. The general inspectorate of police represents to the Ministry of Finance through the Ministry of Internal Affairs quarterly and annually information concerning use of the money allocated for quarterly financial encouragement according to the established forms and terms.

11. Audit and control of effective use according to purpose of the funds allocated for quarterly financial encouragement are performed by bodies, the equipped functions of audit and financial control.

12. Inappropriate use of the financial resources allocated to the General inspectorate of police is the basis for compensation of damage caused to the government budget and involves attraction to civil, administrative or criminal liability of perpetrators.

IV. Powers and functioning of the commission on quarterly financial encouragement of the stating subjects

13. For the purpose of quarterly financial encouragement of the stating subjects of police according to the number of the constituted protocols on offenses performed by offenders by means of payment of the imposed penalties, the order of the chief of the General inspectorate of police the Commission on quarterly financial encouragement of the stating subjects (further - the Commission) consisting of 5 members, employees of police is established.

14. The position of the commission chairman is performed by the deputy chief of the General inspectorate of police who is also her competent member.

15. Activities of the Commission will be organized by the secretary of the Commission appointed by the order of the chief of the General inspectorate of police which performs activities according to this Provision, without voting power.

16. For the purpose of accomplishment of functional obligations of commission session are convoked at the end of every quarter, but no later than the 25th day of the last month of quarter. Meetings are competent if at them there are all members of the commission. If one of members of the commission is absent, he is replaced by other person according to the procedure, established by the chief of the General inspectorate of police.


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