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of March 10, 2017 No. 27

About classification of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep

(as amended of the Law of the Republic of Moldova of 26.10.2023 No. 303)

The parliament adopts this ordinary law.

Chapter I. General provisions

Article 1. Subject of regulation and scope of the law

(1) This law establishes legal and economic basis of the National classification system of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep, and also relations between the public institutions and business entities occupied with activities for cultivation and slaughter of animals.

(2) the Purpose of this law are ensuring transparency of activities of the part taken by cultivation and slaughter of farm animals, improvement of quality and value added of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep received in the authorized Items on production of meat of the Republic of Moldova and also fair remuneration of the cattle breeders delivering live animals for slaughter.

(3) Operation of this law does not extend to the hulks received in individual farms for private consumption provided that they are not held for sale, and on the slaughter Items which are not falling under Article 4 provisions.

Article 2. Basic concepts

For the purposes of this law the following basic concepts are used:

permission of the specialist in classification – the undated allowing document issued to the specialist in classification by supervision body and control in confirmation of the right to perform activities in the field of classification of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep;

hulk – body of the killed of animal without blood, reproductive organs, interiors and skin (except for pigs who can be processed also with skin);

half carcass – the hulk divided into two equal parts on the vertebral line;

classification of hulks – transaction on ink quality evaluation depending on ratio of three main components: meat, fat and bones;

the specialist in classification – the physical person or legal entity specializing in the field of classification of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep, having the certificate on specialization received upon termination of rate of classification of hulks;

National classification system of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep – set of procedures including activities for classification of hulks, tracking of their origin, registration, representation and receipt of the prices of carcasses of farm animals, and also for use of the equipment and technologies for classification of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep.

Chapter II. Organization of national classification system of hulks

Article 3. The national agency on safety of foodstuff

(1) the National agency on safety of foodstuff is appointed as supervision body and control (further – supervision body and control) which implements the National classification system of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep.

(2) the Supervision body and control has the following powers:

a) manages the National classification system of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep;

b) checks correctness of use of the equipment and technologies for classification of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep;

c) issues permission of the specialist in classification to persons who meet the conditions stated in part (2) Article 5;

d) constitutes and quarterly updates the list of persons having permission of the specialist in classification;

e) appoints persons who by selective check or check on demand check correctness of classification of carcasses of cattle, pigs and sheep;


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